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Your brain off porn!

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There is an inciteful book called the pilgrims regress and in that boOK our hero is pummeled by the philosophy of post modernistsome that works all things into a mass of matter. All things are just lumps o r matter while he is trying to describe the deliciousness of his breakfast where it is lumped into his eggs and milk are nothing more useful than a pile of cow dung from the animals it was derived from. In comes the voice of reason riding on its steed and tella the accuser that it is a liar. That it cannot tell what is meant for nutrition ad what is meant for refuse. Where one can look to the ceiling of the cistene chapel and look at the finger of David in sublime awe compared to a crucifix in a jar full of piss. One is meant to draw the emotions to the world sublime where one is meant to draw revulsion. Ask the artist he said I made them naked so that one could see men as God sees. The other where the pornagrapher means to tittolate man's lust. SublIme coreography vs the baser instincts. What then are we?!
I use my aneros in awe of the sublime. Grateful I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

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Hey guys,

think I`ll join this de-tox with you, cause I think it`s about bloody time.
Been hooked on porn since I was about 13, and now at 32, with two kids, having a computer stuffed with pr0n can`t be a good thing. Even when I let visitors borrow my laptop or main desktop I have a slight fear that they somehow end up on the X-harddrive. Almost feel paranoid.

So, that beeing said, time for some deleting. Oh, what am I supposed to do with all that free space on my computer now, then.. :laughing:

To be continued...

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