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Hello to all
I am a long time listener first time caller. I'm not much at writing just ask my friends and family
I was introduced to this by a wonderfully open minded woman and wish to share what caused my
journey to leap forward. After begining my session I for some reason had a visual on a centerfold
that had caused my first orgasm and ejaculation as a youngster (found my older brothers stash).
An hour long dry O.
I hope this helps others and wish to thank everyone for the advice that is found right here

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Welcome to the forum long time listener! 🙂

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Thank you for taking the time to articulate and thus share this insight - I feel it is quite profound - if I'm reading this right - in re-visiting the initial visual imprint that accompanied first ejaculation orgasm experience, you've been able to re-imprint with a non-ejaculatory related intensified orgasmic response - the stimulus which originally coupled orgasmic feeling with ejaculation has in re-visiting magically de-coupled that relationship allowing you to grow the orgasmic feeling without it being interrupted by ejaculation. So in taking yourself back to where you wired for a particular experiential path, you've now re-wired for another experiential path, opening to the Aneros stimulus.

Conclusion - re-visiting all the stimulus factors involved with first conscious experience of ejaculation, but recalled whilst the Aneros is stimulating you might shift your orgasmic experience into a greater range of possibilities.

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Welcome gurlzboytoy!! 😀 😀

Thanks so much for your sharing your great experience and success. Hope you will post more and meet us in the chat room here!! It is great sharing there.

Thanks too hapticbear for your analysis and mapping of gbt's report!! Gbt, I look forward to your thoughts on hb's commentary!!

all the very best memory mapping within and from outside your aneros sessions and the energetic recall and re-energizing possibilities all


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Thank youThe Bishop,hapticbear and artform.
I feel the same as hb however it is difficult to repeat as we all know.
I posted this in hope of jump starting some of our fellow listeners and
callers on their own journeys. I've been on mine over a year now and
find it best to just enjoy the ride. Keep having those happy memories.
