Worried by sudden d...
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Worried by sudden decrease in response.

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For weeks now, I have been having excellent Aneros experiences almost every time. I have been having a lot of constipation lately and took laxatives for a good clear-out. That worked but now, these past three days, the Aneros is not giving me very much pleasure and won’t even cause a slight erection. I’m very anxious about it in case my body is giving up on it. This morning, I inserted the Eupho and...nothing! I gave up and removed it. Has anyone else had this experience? Do let me know.. please.

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Yes, I had three months of fantastic progress- each session was better than the next.

Then a whole lotta nuttin' for three months.

Lately, it's been better but not where I was before. I gave up stressing about it.

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Has anyone else had this experience? Do let me know.. please.

Yes, I've been on this Aneros Journey for more than eleven years now and can attest to the occurrence of numerous lull periods over that time. Sometimes they last for only a few days and a few times it lasted for several weeks. There are numerous factors which influence our ability to react positively to prostate stimulation, obviously physical health is one of those factors. Since arousal (see Are you "aroused"?) is such an important component for obtaining prostate based orgasms, any conditions which diminish or restrict your ability to become aroused are going to negatively impact the success of any Anerosession. Our lives are in a constant state of flux reacting to our environment, sometimes the environment stresses us in significant ways undermining our ability to find the 'Goldilocks zone' for good sessions. This is a pretty common happenstance in modern life.

Our ego tends to believe it has more control over our lives than it actually does, this is an illusion we need to acknowledge and come to terms with. Once you are able to do that then the tendency to worry will start to abate and you can then start to sort out the potential obstacles to your progress (please see Identifying Obstacles to Progress). I suspect in your case you were simply a little spoiled by your early success and progress and came to expect such progress would continue uninterrupted. Alas, such is not the case with most of life and the Aneros Journey as well. The good news here is that this is probably just a temporary glitch in your journey and once your body has fully recovered from whatever caused your original distress you will be able to get back into that 'Goldilocks zone' of well being.

My advice is to give yourself a little break and maybe allow or some arousal buildup, perhaps trying a little semen retention (see Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence) or take the 21 day challenge. As you near the end of the 21 day challenge you might want to read the Identifying Facilitators to Progress thread to get you 'back in the groove'.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you Rumel. I think your advice is sound. All aspects of life are in a state of flux and nothing is really constant at the same level. Actually after about four days, it came back again. Perhaps worry and constant anxiety about it is part of my problem. Thank you again.

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@Auditom: Rumel, as in the past, has put it very well, Auditom. With only six years (this October) to my experience, I can vouch for what he said, and I bet that virtually every "veteran" Aneroser would agree. Those of you who have never had a "lull" or "dud session" are few (and, if I were a jealous sort of guy, I would be green with envy). Getting into the mood is sometimes not simply watching videos or chatting, either. And sometimes, even if we feel "primed" for a ride, it may not come through. Three weeks ago, I was facing my wife's being urgently hospitalized for a serious illness, and had spent a horrible and exhausting day while this happened. And then, on a whim, I inserted a device and had an amazing ride, very much to my surprise. The key here is to let things happen, accept that there is an element of uncertainty in all of it and enjoy. [Though I started to post this just to see if the Forums and Chat were operating again after their crash, I think that my thoughts might be encouraging to you 🙂 ]
