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Wenn ich meine Helix einführe, habe ich nach einigen Minuten dieses ständig pulsierende Gefühl der Prostata. Ich kann das von 5 Minuten bis unendlich fortsetzen.

Aber es passiert nichts, damit ein großer Orgasmus beginnen würde. Mache ich etwas falsch? Was kann ich tun, um einen großartigen Orgasmus zu bekommen?

Ich habe schon einiges probiert, wie den PC-Muskel leicht anspannen und wieder lockern, aber was bleibt, sind die Zuckungen im Anus. Vielleicht hören diese nach einer Stunde auf und verwandeln sich dann in einen Superorgasmus.

Ich weiß nicht, was ich noch versuchen soll. Es ist auch ein tolles Gefühl, wenn der Aneros seinen Job macht, aber irgendwie fehlt mir etwas. Auch mit erotischer Phantasie und Entspannung komme ich nicht weiter.

 Über den ein oder anderen Ratschlag würde ich mich sehr freuen.













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Posted by: @meinhelixgmx-de

When I insert my Helix, after a few minutes I have this constantly pulsating sensation of the prostate. I can continue this from 5 minutes to infinity. But nothing happens for a great orgasm to begin. Am I doing something wrong?

You are probably not doing anything intrinsically "wrong" but I detect a level of frustration borne of expectations not being met in your post. The "...nothing happens..." refrain is often spoken by newbies trying to come to terms with these new sensations. I suggest you read archived post (#10) from member Trojan and the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress for some insight. Dropping expectations and learning to be more patient will also greatly help.

Posted by: @meinhelixgmx-de

What can I do to have a great orgasm?

Unfortunately there is no magic formula or established regime and/or technique to induce a Super-O. Each man has to find his own unique combination of conditions to have his Super-O find him. the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress may help lead you into finding some of those conditions.

Posted by: @meinhelixgmx-de

I've already tried a few things, such as slightly tensing the PC muscle and loosening it again, but what remains are the twitches in the anus. Maybe these stop after an hour and then turn into a super orgasm. I don't know what else to try.

Adventurous exploration of different techniques suggested throughout these Forum pages will lead you to orgasmic success. The basic 'rule of thumb' is to follow the path of pleasure, that is, make note of any sensations which feel pleasurable and remember what you were doing and the conditions under which you were doing them. These form the threads of the orgasmic carpet you are weaving.

Posted by: @meinhelixgmx-de

It's also a great feeling when the Aneros does its job, but somehow I'm missing something. Even with erotic fantasy and relaxation, I can't get any further. I would be very happy about one or the other piece of advice.

Most of us men have wired our brains to experience orgasm through the macro stimulation of our penis, prostate massage is a very different approach to orgasm and requires a paradigm shift in thinking to achieve orgasmic success. I think what you may be missing are many of the subtle sensations your body does generate. When you employ mental focus and caring intent on those sensations you begin feeding them with energy to grow. The rate of growth may seem interminably slow so patience is required and even then you may find your body just doesn't want to respond on any particular day in which case you just need to try again on another day. Be patient with yourself, you can not coerse your body into a prostate orgasm as you can with a penile orgasm. You need to seduce your body into responding with gentleness and attention.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thank you so much for your time to help me. 
