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Will Aneros massage help your hemorrhoids to heal.

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Will using a Aneros massager help get rid of hemorrhoids?

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I think that’s what the peridise was originally intended for and was marketed under the name peristal

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Will using a Aneros massager help get rid of hemorrhoids?

The truthful answer is it might help but it is not a cure all. The Aneros massagers lineup are spin-off variants of High Island Health L.L.C.'s (Aneros' parent company) patented Pro-State prostate massagers. It is my understanding the Pro-State lineup were designed for symptomatic relief of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and BPH. By contrast, the Aneros lineup was designed to exploit the pleasure rendering effects of gentle prostate massage. While these massagers may have a side effect of reducing hemorrhoidal flareups, it is not what they were designed to do. If you have an active hemorrhoidal flareup Aneros use might also irritate and inflame them making the situation worse.

The Aneros Peridise is identical to Aneros' parent company's Peristal line. This model was specifically designed as a hemorrhoid massager. If you have an active hemorrhoidal flareup it is probably wisest to refrain from active prostate massager use until the flareup resolves. After resolution, I think you should consider purchasing a set of Peridise. While the Peridise/Peristal model is too short to function as an effective prostate massager using it in conjunction with Kegel exercises will strengthen and tone your anal sphincter muscles and help shrink any pesky hemorrhoids.The Peridise/Peristal model is another therapeutic tool for your home medicine chest. You might start looking forward to each treatment session with a smile on your face.

For some other threads regarding hemorrhoids please see -> Is it ok to have aneros sessions with mild hemorrhoids? , Hemorrhoids and aneros and other toys? & Hemorrhoids .
Good Vibes to You !

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Using the Peridise in conjunction with Prep-H (as a lube, even) really helps with the one I've got.

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Posted by: @kaygo

Using the Peridise in conjunction with Prep-H (as a lube, even) really helps with the one I've got.

Thats good to hear.  I just received my Peridise set and today using for the first time.  I used both the combination on a Preparation H suppository for internal lube and the ointment for living the Peridise.  It slide right in and enjoying the initial sensations now.  What I really like about this (I had used the original Aneros years ago) is I can sit of do work and wear around under clothes.  I’ll let you know how I progress with my hemorrhoids, because they been pretty irritated lately.  

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I have found that my hemorrhoids have gotten better with Aneros use. I think the combination of the strengthening of the muscles and the lubrication used has a positive impact. Love my toned butt hole!

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Yes I would say that it helps!  I never went to the doctor for it and assume it was only a very mild case but I think the massage (from my Helix, as the model most commonly used) combined with the increased relaxation and awareness has caused my entire pathway to feel much improved.  I have also started taking fiber supplements which I hope will help promote digestive health as well as making session prep easier. 

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