Why haven't 'we' be...
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Why haven't 'we' been told about the new models?

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I think by now most of us know that Aneros has redesigned all the classic models, and named them the Trident line. But my question is...why hasn't there been an announcement here? I mean, their core group of customers is here, so it would make sense, right? ..But maybe they figure we already know so there's no reason to make an official announcement here. BUT, as far as I'm concerned, that just means they don't really care. Just like the site itself. I abandoned this place when the forum (and store) design changed to the crap it is now. In fact I'd still be gone, but I'm all kinds of tingly for the Trident line. I can't help myself lol.

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I am just as anxious as anybody. But I'm sure all systems are "go" for the release in October. i would be patient and just wait it out the next few weeks!

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Noble Member Customer
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By "they" do you mean the forum moderators? Or the execs in charge of Aneros? If either entity are who you mean, have either entity every created a post on the forum before? I can't recall seeing either kind of post on this forum.

I think once the Trident line is out, the forum will become very, very active...

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