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Which hump presses prostate?

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On the mindgasm discord, Nirwad posed a question I find interesting. 

Which hump of the eupho do you think presses the prostate, the upper hump or the lower hump?

And, whichever it is, what does the other hump press?

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I always thought that on paper, the prostate would fall between the two humps and would be squeezed between them. In practice I feel the lower bump does most of the work, the upper might hit the bladder a little or just not touch anything depending on position. You need some length to hit the whole prostate but it cannot be pointy or flat, so the top bulb is more or less for safety reasons I think. My best guess without sneaking in the hospital and bribing a radiologist hehe. 

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Posted by: @zentai

I always thought that on paper, the prostate would fall between the two humps and would be squeezed between them.

I'd advocate for this.

I collected quite a bunch of plugs over the years and compared them side by side to make sense of the relation between depth and sensation. I found that the shorter knob is long enough to hit the prostate from the underside. The top one is necessary if you want to touch the prostate from above, respectively for a "come hither" stroke.

If you take toys like the progasm, which are longer, the top knob is likely to hit other places like the seminal vesicles and the bladder. I also found, if you would insert the smaller Aneros variants not carefully enough, you could drive the top end forward and below the prostate. This is why I'm careful with the official advise to "let the aneros find it's place by itself". For me, that often resulted in a weird placment. I've made very good experiences with pointig the tip to the back/spine while inserting and letting go only when it was fully inserted. This way the tip/top knob would always make it's way beyond and above the prostate.

It's important to note though, that it's not the prostate itself responsible for all pleasurable sensations. It's the nerves and nerve-clusters inverating and lining the tissue. Imho, the prostate has a huge cluster nearby or right inside of it, but there are other places in the vicinity worth exploring too. I haven't looked into it in detail (yet), but there is a huge cluster at the backside right in front of the spine and one at the end of the rectum where it makes a sharp turn around the bladder to the sigmoid.

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@unfug I think you're right, the Aneros when correctly inserted really just hits the top of the prostate, but there's good feelings to be found under, down the sides and curling back from the top, as exploring with a finger will show. The top bulb of the Eupho will just barely hook on the front part when pulling back. I made a 1:1 model of my engorged prostate a while ago (hey I'm obsessed, don't judge me) that I think is pretty close, and I just put the Eupho on it to check, this would make sense. We need to remember that the prostate will change shape with arousal and that different positions will affect the "angle of attack". All in all a very interesting question. 


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Posted by: @zentai

I made a 1:1 model of my engorged prostate a while ago (hey I'm obsessed, don't judge me) that I think is pretty close, and I just put the Eupho on it to check, this would make sense.

How did you manage do build a model of your prostate? That sounds awesome!

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@unfug An honest question is worth an honest answer... Ahemm...

So first I just had this weird idea that this would be fun to do. All the anatomy charts don't show much and I was curious. I tried mapping it as best as I could with my finger but didn't know if what I felt was right. Then I started looking around and a Google search for "prostate exam simulator" got me what I wanted. Believe it or not, companies make fake butts with a bunch of different prostates that you can switch. When you think about it, it's not that crazy. Just never crossed my mind before that doctors would train that way. 

Anyway once I had a good visual, I knew that I wasn't that far off, I took some modeling clay and worked it until it was the same shape as what I feel with my finger, and presto. It might not be perfect but length and depth are pretty close. I bet it's even better than I think, but no way to check, eh?

Attached is a picture of the training butt. I ended up with something a lot like the rightmost prostate, without the weird nodule (good thing I think!), and the furrow is deeper and the sides higher, I guess it's from engorgement. There, you have all you need to make you own! 


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@Zentai This is fantastic! It only apears silly on first glance, but it's actually a great way for visualising and understanding ones anatomy. Not quite sure though, if I will be making my own as well. 😀

I find it super interesting that the shape is not perfectly round, but with a dent/notch in the middle.

Do you mind posting a picture of your model with an Aneros alongside respetively in the "right" position? You know... for science?


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@unfug Haha that meme might be the best compliment ever! I don't mind posting a picture, I just have to rig up something to hold the parts in place and actually think about how the Aneros is positioned in "neutral" position and how the pivot point comes in play. Honestly I never went that far in my reflexion. I'll work on this and post the picture a little later. 


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You can actually measure the distance with a curved dildo.

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Posted by: @unfug

I also found, if you would insert the smaller Aneros variants not carefully enough, you could drive the top end forward and below the prostate.

Did you do this? Is this painful or uncomfortable? 

I just pop it in, but maybe I should be more careful?!

I have no idea Of what goes on inside, and unfugs ideas that there are nerves everywhere sounds spot on. When I play with a dildo, i can’t really tell what is what, on the prostate wall. i massage the spine wall sometimes, and the feelings are pretty incredible, and make me feel connected to distant evolutionary creatures. But it feels like everything is pretty connected. I should take time to map out my anatomy, but when I have things in my butt I usually am feeling too sexy to care!

@zentai damn man, that’s pretty badass. Let’s get a pic!!!

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Posted by: @divine_o

Did you do this? Is this painful or uncomfortable? 

I guess. No not painful, but just not "right". Beginners sometimes rant, that their toy feels awkward and out of place. That's a pretty good description for that situation.

What I didn't mention last time was, that I found that my personal problem is a badly placed "Kohlrausch-Fold" which acts like a triping hazard for the tip of the aneros. So I guess, if other peoples rectal lining is a bit fingerprinty-like different, they may never encounter such problems.


Posted by: @divine_o

I just pop it in, but maybe I should be more careful?!

Nah, there is nothing to stress about. If it feels comfortable, you are good. If you probed your prostate with fingers once or twice, you should know the feeling of the "come hither" stroke. If the top knob of the Aneros sits above/behind the prostate and you slightly pull on it, it should feel the same.


Posted by: @divine_o

i massage the spine wall sometimes, and the feelings are pretty incredible, and make me feel connected to distant evolutionary creatures.

Couldn't have said it better!


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Well taking a good picture of everything is harder than I thought... I might have to make a little montage so everything is clear. 

Anyway as soon as I get something I like I'll add it here. Just wanted to share some observations, maybe this will help with visualisation. So my index finger is 3 inches long. In the right position and with good relaxation, I can hook my finger over the top of my prostate and pull on it. The Eupho is also 3 inches long from the tip to the thinnest part of the stem, about where I expect it to sit in "neutral". It's tail less so nothing is stopping it from reaching the maximum pivoting motion. So technically at maximum penetration, the top bulb will just bump over the top and jump over on the return stroke, just like my fingertip. 

Now that's where I'm not too sure. With a finger, I get maximum depth when relaxing and pushing everything down. With the Aneros, I'll get maximum depth by contracting. Now this must move my prostate upwards, but I have half an inch of available movement of the toy to compensate if I pull hard (thicker part of the stem). So that top bulb would end up in the same position as my fingertip, but from the opposite sphincter action. Now I'm really wondering about the exact position when I do nothing. This is more complicated than it appeared at the start. What do you guys think? 

Edit: picture shows maximum reach with index.

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now that's awesome.

if u were to replace your finger with the eupho, i'd expect the lower hump to hit square on the prostate?



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@darwin yes, right in the middle, but I don't know if both bumps will make contact or if the upper one is lifted from the prostate or just above the edge on top. There might be a pivoting action around the lower bump also. I'm not certain I'm sensitive enough to separate both feelings and the contact from the Eupho is not that intense. And my model could be off...

I'm pretty certain that the lower bump will not hit the bottom of the prostate in my case, but it would do so for someone with a prostate that's a little deeper. So you're trading contact at the top with contact at the bottom. I decided that my Eupho could use a polishing job before making a public appearance, once it's done I'll try to show the range of motion as best as I can. Should be interesting to discuss. 


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Ok I'm not too sure about this one but I'm open to discussion. This is about as far as I think the Eupho can get, but the angle could be wrong depending on what happens with the p-tab. I think my model is too long on the back but this would not affect things in that case, just thinking out loud, the front part is at the right spot as far as I can tell. 


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Posted by: @unfug

If you take toys like the progasm, which are longer, the top knob is likely to hit other places like the seminal vesicles and the bladder. I also found, if you would insert the smaller Aneros variants not carefully enough, you could drive the top end forward and below the prostate. This is why I'm careful with the official advise to "let the aneros find it's place by itself". For me, that often resulted in a weird placment. I've made very good experiences with pointig the tip to the back/spine while inserting and letting go only when it was fully inserted. This way the tip/top knob would always make it's way beyond and above the prostate.

Thanks for this tip. My only experience so far is with a Helix, and a Vice a few times, but this weekend I will be using a Progasm for the first time. The Progasm looks like it might be a more challenging, and slower, process to insert correctly.

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This is fantastic, thy for sharing your insight! I don't know why, but I never really thought about how big the prostate acutally is in comparison to the Aneros.

As the saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. 🙂


Posted by: @ca25

The Progasm looks like it might be a more challenging, and slower, process to insert correctly.

Oh yeah, esp. if you are not used to bigger toys. Pay attention to the fit of the K-Tab (the one pointing to the back). It should sit snug on your skin and not float in the air.




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Posted by: @unfug


This is fantastic, thy for sharing your insight! I don't know why, but I never really thought about how big the prostate acutally is in comparison to the Aneros.

As the saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. 🙂


Posted by: @ca25

The Progasm looks like it might be a more challenging, and slower, process to insert correctly.

Oh yeah, esp. if you are not used to bigger toys. Pay attention to the fit of the K-Tab (the one pointing to the back). It should sit snug on your skin and not float in the air.




OK, thanks!

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@unfug You always see the prostate described as a "walnut-sized gland", but even with that info, I never really stopped to think that a walnut is actually pretty big to be hiding "up there", building that simple model really put things in perspective for me. The exact shape might not be that important, but having a good size comparison certainly won't hurt the mind-prostate connection. 

Edit: for example I know why the Eupho feels that much "longer" than the Helix, seeing as how the concave and convex parts are reversed when each sits at neutral, the Eupho hits the top end of my prostate while the Helix does not. Well, in theory...


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Posted by: @zentai

for example I know why the Eupho feels that much "longer" than the Helix, seeing as how the concave and convex parts are reversed when each sits at neutral, the Eupho hits the top end of my prostate while the Helix does not.

This makes so much sense. I always wondered why the Eupho feels so much longer when it is in fact just by a tiny fraction.

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