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Which do you do more: Sex VS. Aneros?

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This is not a poll of which is better, but which you have more of: Sex or Aneros?

I've seen many posts stating that sex is infrequent or stopped for the most part, but still using the aneros.
Why do you Aneros still when sex has decreased or stopped? Curious to read your responses.

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@The_Bishop do you count masterbation and edging as sex or do you mean strictly intercourse?

Either way, Aneros sessions by far for me as sex (intercourse) is almost non-existent. A and Aless sessions along with edging gives me pleasures I've never known before and also fills the void.

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@The_Bishop do you count masterbation and edging as sex or do you mean strictly intercourse?

Either way, Aneros sessions by far for me as sex (intercourse) is almost non-existent. A and Aless sessions along with edging gives me pleasures I've never known before and also fills the void.

Thanks for your reply @GGringo . I mean sex with another person.

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What is this thing called “sex”? Lol!

My wife, bless her soul, is at the age where sex is too much pain for her (or she’s lost interest) and sex that way is not worth it and disappointing. So, other than a hand-job once in awhile - she appears to be done having traditional sex... so i’m nearly 100% Aneros (working on A-less). It’s been a life saver!

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A lot of MGTOW men are waiting for the sexbots in order to kick women to the curb. I say, why wait? Get an aneros and send her packing now!

For those that don't know, MGTOW is a men's rights movement that views marriage as an uncertain life choice with huge financial ramifactions. 60 percent of marriages end in divorce, 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women, 90 percent of alimony is paid by men. Men lose their kids, their home, everything! No wise businessman would ever engage in an agreement with this kind of risk and uncertainty, so why do men get married? Anyway that's the gist of it.

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As a divorced male who’s wife filed for divorce I understand handsfree59’s post! Lol! That has been several years ago. I now have a wonderful relationship with a very understanding woman. We do not live together but she stays at my place on weekends, so I usually get sex twice a week, sometimes 3 times a week if I’m not to worn out. (All on the weekend... did I mention she is 16 years younger than me?) Lol! BUT I use my Aneros at least 4 times a week..... I’m loving it so far but not much to report yet however I know it is on its way! So bottom line, the Aneros wins this poll.

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Hey @The_Bishop ,

I've seen many posts stating that sex is infrequent or stopped for the most part, but still using the aneros.

Seemingly a major sub-group of aneros users are (well) aged men who stumbled accross the aneros when they searched for a BPH-treatment. I'd say that correlates heavily with being in a marriage for a rather long time where sex often wears out.

Why do you Aneros still when sex has decreased or stopped? Curious to read your responses.

Your question implies a contradiction, but there is none. A decreased (partnered) sex life is involuntary in most cases or just not worth the effort sometimes (like @handsfree59 illustrated). So it's only natural to search for alternatives. Also: (any) masturbation is not a substitute for partnered sex - it's a need/desire of it's own. That's why most men don't bother to stop it, even when they get into a relationship. Just think of the plethora of corny jokes on husbands who have to hide their pornstash from their wifes.

Cheers, Unfug

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For me, aneros and other prostate stimulation, including other devices and including prostate targeted estim and sounding, is 99% of my conscious sexlife. Wet dreams for my non-conscious sexlife. I am married and I consider it a very happy marriage, but we very, very seldom have sex, well under the sexless marriage criteria of fewer than 10 times per year. My advice to any man considering getting married - do not assume a good sexlife. Some guys hit the jackpot and get a wife that enjoys regular sex and stays that way - great - but don't assume that will be the case. If you find a woman who you love and who loves you back, who is kind and makes a great friend and life partner, who is at least reasonably financially responsible and shares your approach to having kids or not having kids, the marriage stands a good chance of survival. Good sex is a nice bonus. If sex is infrequent, or not at all - the answer is DIY.

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@The_Bishop An hour of orgasmic bliss & no refractory period OR ten minutes of intense pleasure & down for the day? An easy decision for me. Seriously, my wife's low libido and "painful" intercourse directed me to Aneros. It also helps with my BPH. With Aneros and chastity play, I'm "sexed-up" all the time now! I haven't looked back! "Sex" for me now usually involves tantric cuddling ending with a great handjob!

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On those rare occasions [one to four times per year] that my wife and I have sex, the pleasure I get out of it is giving her pleasure and the closeness and bonding as I no longer orgasm or ejaculate when having sex. From the point of view of raw pleasure, its prostate play all the way.

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I can only speak for me. I use the aneros way more. Sex doesn’t really happen other than 3-4 times a year on special occasions. The aneros use is 3-4 times a week. My wife just has a low sex Drive, and We are close but just don’t have that intimacy with the sex. She’s told me sex isn’t that important to her. I use tha aneros a lot but have not had an orgasm off of it yet, but it does feel pretty good. I could imagine once I can obtain these Super o’s the aneros will probably become my sole source of sexual pleasure. intercourse with my wife will probably be pretty much over. I’ve come to grips with it. But from what everyone says it won’t matter to me as much. I’ll take hours of endless eyes-rolling into the back of my head pleasure over a quick handjob or a short 10 minute intercourse session with my wife 3 times a year. What would you prefer?

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I think your on too something,lol.

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Definitely Aneros! Relatively new user, a little over a year since I started and all I can say is wish I had learned about Aneros earlier as I am almost 73! No problems with Prostate as some have mentioned!

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I share @GGringo's fate. Same to me, nothing to add.

so why do men get married?

Because it's the mean society's trick to suppress freedom.
And even the gay people everywhere fight for the same "privilege" - to get married.

How ironic! As I see it, men aren't meant to be bound - by nature - ...


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I’ve been married twice now. In both cases the women just stopped having sex. I continue to win the bread, feed the family, fix stuff that breaks, listen like a counselor, participate in the wife’s hobbies and at the end of the day there is always some lame excuse as to why I can’t have 10 lousy minutes of sex (and I do mean lousy - the current wife is constantly asking “are you done?” - yeah I’d say i’m jaded. “Raw deal” - that’s what marriage feels like most days. Should I find myself single again i’m staying that way.

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Thanks for all the enlightening feedback!
it does make sense that when you get older sex would be less frequent.
I hit middle age and noticed. Thankful we have a great hobby to keep us amused.

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Well I guess I'm gonna be that guy and say I have more sex with my wife than Aneros sessions...after 15 years of marriage we still do it about 5+ times a week. The only reasons we don't do it because either her or I am out of town. Or she's on her period and sex is painful for her then, but even then she wants to give me blowjobs and I can get her off clitorally. She's 42 and wants it more now than ever before and we've been together for almost 20 years. Its the closeness and intimacy during sex that keeps us going and makes us want it so much. Sometimes I don't want to cum at all because coitus is just too intimate of an act. We talk about sex all the time at all times of the day; we credit conversations about sex as something that keeps us going too. Plus we (especially her) both really really like to get off!

I use Aneros quite a bit though, at least I think I do! Right now I'm at like 1 or 2 sessions a week, but last year I was doing 2 to 3 a week due to our schedules. I'd get a solo session in during the day and then we'd get it on later that night. Or sometimes I use Aneros while we're making love. Sex is much more of a "love" thing than just "pleasure" thing for us and it always has been, where Aneros use for me is more of a "self-love" thing than simply "pleasure" thing.

I feel like a dick for being the outlier in this thread now...

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@techpump your situation is most unique and quite envious. I'm happy for both of you. For my wife and I, we have a great relationship still after 42 years but it's without sex and I'm good with that. I made piece with that a long time ago. It allows me to enjoy my new passion for prostate play (with less guilt); something I didn't have 25 months ago.

Good vibes to you both!

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Well I guess I'm gonna be that guy and say I have more sex with my wife than Aneros sessions...after 15 years of marriage we still do it about 5+ times a week. [..] I feel like a dick for being the outlier in this thread now...

@techpump, don't worry too much about it, strange things happen. Btw, can you be really sure, she's no Alien? Just kidding. I'm happy for you!

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For those struggling with "no-or-low-sex" marriages: Here are a couple of websites that may help some of the marriages of members and visitors alike.



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We had sex 10 times last week. 3 times with helix and 1 with the smallest peridise. (I’m not an Alien, we are both in our late fourthies and have younger kids. My husband works a lot we dont even look at television anymore maybe once a week. We prior sex and intimacy. And we have been together for 20 soon 21 years.) This was a good week but we usually have sex almost daily, ( I like a quicky in the morning he mostly is too stressad to cum so he just has to wait till the evening.) I have 4 female friends all in their fourthies that have sex frequently and like it a lot and only one that says it is not anything she likes at all ( they have all been together for 15 years and love each other and have 2-3 kids.) The one who does'nt like it her husband just jokes about it and he just love her for other things i think. (We feel sorry for him).

The stubborn wife

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The one who does'nt like it her husband just jokes about it and he just love her for other things i think. (We feel sorry for him).

The stubborn wife

@Lovingwife I don't know your (sexless) friend's husband but I'm in a similar situation where sex with my wife happens only a handful of times a year. We have been married for over 40 years and although your situation is envious, I would not trade my situation with anyone's else. I have grown to accept the fact that she is not a sexual person and is very sensitive when doing it.

If I had a choice between getting more sex in exchange for other qualities of hers, status quo is the clear choice for me.

I learned to take care of my own needs over the years (without breaking my vows) and now that Aneros has entered my life, I really can't ask for more. I just wish I would've found it before my early sixties. We have no kids (problems on both sides) and we both adapted to that too.

I would not want anyone to feel sorry for me as I'm a happy camper and we both enjoy life to the fullest.

I​​​​​​ read and thoroughly enjoy your threads along with all others who enjoy a sex-filled life so keep writing ( @techpump too)!

Good vibes to you.

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Well I have been married 38 years like some of the other guys my wife's interest in sex is very low. Now don't get me wrong she is a loving mother and grandmother and we Love each other. So for the last 10+ years We make love maybe 3 times a year. So, I have been masterbating at least once a week. Four months ago I started using prostate stimulator and am on the Aneros journey. Just bought a Eupho Trident . Wish I knew about Aneros 10 years ago...

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The one who does'nt like it her husband just jokes about it and he just love her for other things i think. (We feel sorry for him).

Same to me, thank you for feeling sorry for us. From Aneros I derive some comfort, but I'm still envious of you.
May your luck stay on your side!

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Thank you @GGringo I agree with you, sex is not everything. It is so much moore too be important in a relationship. And all marriages is an up and down. I have had some surgeries my husbands been ill ( not the flu haha) and not to talk about than the kids were small .Respect and understanding and to be there fore eachother is more important at these times. But not to loose intimacy is important too.
I will thank Aneros for bringing some new heat to our sexlife.
And thank you @SOwithoutAneros.
As you know my husband dont use aneros when he is alone but last morning he did´nt feel well so he stayed in bed with me for some cuddling and after that he went to the bathroom and said to me the urine flowed slowly so he thought he wood need a prostate massage in the evening. ( He hasn´t had a problem with it before). I Think he starts to like it but he still doesn´t fully admit it.

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I would like to thank the ladies that have contributed to this topic and the use of the aneros. It is good to see that some ladies have an open mind toward sex even after being married for many years.

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I Think he starts to like it but he still doesn´t fully admit it.

Who am I to recommend anything to a @Lovingwife as you are? 😮

But still I hope I am allowed to share my thoughts - only to tell you, that me in your husband's role would need your encouragement to try the aneros stimulation for myself for developing a deeper rewiring and love to hear words from you like,

"Darling, reading about all those stunning experiences other guys are having with these tools, someone suggested, he might even increase his benefit by having some solo fun using them in a more focused way and not only while both having sex. Would you like that? Besides supporting your prostate's health I'm feeling that could be another push in our sex life, too. As soon as you allow I would love to watch you riding your Aneros. Later you could invite me to take part in your sessions and perhaps unite our bodies for a happy ending. In the end maybe we could even make solo G-spot stimulation next to each other as an awesome foreplay? What do you think? Isn't that an exciting idea?"

Only to get the clue, of course there will be more suitable and more empathic words to find, English isn't my mother language, sorry.

And of course, I don't know, however this might match any of your husband's and primarily your desires, but it's what came to my mind putting myself in his position.

Why I think that he might need some encouragement is the fact that you're sharing so much intimacy, that he may feel hindered to explore himself alone only to prevent you from feeling envious. Some women have revealed feeling jealous of their husband's own hand concluding their inadequacy from any masturbation he allows himself, especially when their sexlives already are most fulfilling.

Only my two cents here, so never mind.
Best vibes for you both, it's a pleasure to read about your lucky sexlife, thanks for (and please keep on) sharing. 🙂

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@SOwithoutAneros Thanks you for taking your time.

I haven't thought of my real purpose with it but I stumbled on Aneros when I was looking for help for one of our friends and I found it so facinating. I couldn't just drop the idea. Of course there is a health aspect so many I know have problems with the prostate and I care for my husband but I think it is the multiple orgasm thing and that prostate orgasms are so identic to me as a woman. I don't wan't him walk throught life without experience this.

My husband is not interested or have the time to use it solo. (Maybe later on in life.)He sometimes think I am a little to much. I get frustrated and irritable when we dont have sex regularly, I think like some males maybe I have high testosterone levels i dont know. It has almost always been me who comes with the idea and he never says now but thanks to Aneros he is on the train and always ready;). In the beginning I put him to bed and put it in (he still doesn't look at it or put it in or take it out his not very openminded) but he just fall a sleep in two minutes I tried it later on too but no it doesn't work he falls a sleep. He doesn't want to read about it and beside everthing is in english.
But you know I am a stubborn one so maybe one day!

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If I have learned anything in my 67 years it's that if you meet 10 people and you ask them a question you will get 10 different answers to the same question and all will be right. With that in mind I will offer my own story. My wife and I have been married for 46 years. We have been together for 48. The template for our sex life was laid out 48 years ago. Despite the fact we met and dated during the free love era of the early 70's we agreed to not engage in P - V sex (penis in vagina) until we knew we were serious. Don't ask me why but in our 20 year old minds that made sense then. However we were very sexually active and I slept with her after a week of dating without f---king for 6 months.

From the early weeks of our relationship until now sex for us has been predominantly very extended foreplay a lot of oral sex, erotic massage, mutual masturbation, anal massage, and use of toys. In the process we discovered what turns each other on; for her it was making me ejaculate and watching it and for me it was watching her masturbate and orgasm. We didn't have P - V sex until we got engaged 6 months into our relationship. In truth it wasn't great then because she is kind of tight and I am kind of big. Our pattern continued for years with P-V sex increasing to 2x per week after our kids were born until a year or two ago when P-V sex became uncomfortable for her because of my size and her vaginal chemistry which we are managing with hormonal cream which I apply .... mmmmmm. For the last two years we have sex once every week and sometimes less, I do a early early morning aless session almost every day. Fortunately we enjoy our mutual sex play that we began 48 years ago alot 3 x per week . I only do aneros once every two or three weeks. The short answer is that our sex life is very active but not in a traditional way.

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@gnawdol I have been using hormonal cream also sometimes and it works for sure. And lube like Pjur Women and Pjur also have some for extra sensitive women. Now at my age I don’t need it so much , strange but true and my husband always produce a lot of precum and that is absolutely the best lube. Love to hear your story.

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