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Which Aneros for a Newbie? I know this has been answered.

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What should I be doing to prepare myself for the toy? Kegels. Other exercises? I'm not sure.

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@jimboz333gmail-com welcome to the world of Aneros!  My suggestion, read, read, read and read the WIKI section.   You cannot get a better preparation. 


Good luck! 

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Posted by: @jimboz333gmail-com

What should I be doing to prepare myself for the toy?

I invite you to read my Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros.

Good Vibes to You!

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The catch is that unless you know exactly what you're looking for in an Aneros, it's hard to know what you should get, and you won't know until you try one. Since the Helix falls pretty much in the middle for size, mobility and intensity I think it's a great starter model that won't disappoint. From there you might be totally satisfied or you might decide after a while that you want more of "x" but less of "y" and you'll have the experience to decide on your next purchase, if any. 

And start reading the wiki, you can even try some practice sessions without the toy, just doing the breathing and contractions, this will not be wasted.

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Any one model will work. I might have some useful food for thought here though. The advice above is where it's at. 

I see no reason not to start with a Eupho. It's small and amazing. I got one after I understood a little about what I was feeling,  but it is crazy awesome. Does anyone else here get it to "gallop" when it's just right? It seems like that's the response I get. The trident design touts multi-axial movement and that's what I experience more with the eupho than any other model. It's like it gets to bumping around in a positive feedback loop as you contract and relax, and one tab contacts, then the other, and for me, when it gets really good, I'm just along for the ride. 

Size can be uncomfortable, which is why I tossed out a progasm years ago. I think that may just have been the wrong decision since I just hadn't learned how to relax and breathe and lube and pay attention to the sensations. I have a maximus trident now, and I understand a little better how the size actually gives your muscles more to grab and respond to stimulation. I wouldn't start with a progasm just due to size, but the maximus could be okay, and maybe even helpful for training your body to feel and strengthen those muscles. 

I took years to get along with the helix, even the better part of a year after I experienced a Super O, but when it clicked in my brain, it was awesome. Seemed to me to take more skill to use, but that's just my experience.  Mine is the old style, not a trident. I look forward to trying a trident model helix in the near future because I think the trident style makes it easier to find the wonderful feedback that triggers everything for me. 

The MGX gets some bad press from a lot of guys here because of the ripples at the bottom.  This is a very personal thing. I happen to like that feeling and think (have no idea for sure) that the device moving on those ripples is what tripped the switch on my first and most amazing Super O to date. The design is also easy for your muscles to get a hold of, so much so that the involuntary contractions rubbed a blister with the hard p-tab and tore the skin...actually drew blood. Again,  this was the old model, I also desire to try the trident or syn trident in the future. The abutment is a better rounded and more comfortable design now.

Trident v/s syn trident: here's my take. The hardness of the stem doesn't make much difference. It not like they squish down going in or flex inside just because they are wrapped in silicone.  They feel about the same to me inside(comparing the eupho trident and eupho syn trident), but it feels like the arms flex and spring a lot more with the syn model. I like that. I love that. But I also like the durability of the white plastic. I can wipe them down with plain old rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball and I can use silicone lube--i may not want to continue using it, but it does work remarkably well with non silicone toys. 

Any aneros device can to the trick. Remember that. You may enjoy different ones at times, they do all have different charms,  but learn to breathe and relax and pay close attention to subtle feelings and you will have fun with it.

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Posted by: @regal13

Does anyone else here get it to "gallop" when it's just right?

Yo, man! 🙂

I can tell, the Eupho Syn hasn't only been my first tool, it's still my favorite out of a whole bunch, although I compare its movements more with those of a freestyle dancer.

Funnily enough I just feel a slightly aching buzz at my perineum area getting stronger while once again singing my Eupho Syn's praise.

But after all and as already mentioned, those different tools are only the key to help you open up for a new mindset. This openness first and foremost is one of the basic premises to achieve the awareness that enables you to discover a fully new kind of umcomparable bliss.

This is to be mentioned only to stress that - "while learning to breathe and relax and paying close attention to subtle feelings" - it helps to look for NEW uncommon feelings, especially a sort of subtle humming buzz in your prostate area, to leave the old well-trodden path of combined ejaculation and orgasm in favor of becoming a multiorgasmic being who is capable of reaching new realms of ecstasy.

And to try to square the circle now it's also necessary to get rid of any expectations based on your old memories of all your former traditional orgasms. These expectations might be the biggest hurdle to get rid of.

Welcome to the forum, GoBucks (@jimboz333gmail-com), good vibes and best wishes,


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This is wisdom, my friend. I would have made up over ten years if I could have gone to my back then self, hands on my shoulders and eye to eye and tell old me what you just said. 

Hands free, mind full and open.


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