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Where do people like to Aneros

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Where do people like to have their Aneros sessions?
Mine are usually on my bed laying on my back.
I'd like to vary it and perhaps adapt a chair that I could recline or kneel on so that the Aneros device wouldn't be inhibited and would be able to move properly
I like to hear peoples experiences.

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I generally do so in bed on either side with legs pulled up into a seating type position, don't get much on my back knees up or down. I also have a computer chair that has that suspension mesh for the seat. Got some good mini o feelings sitting there, no grinding, just breathing. The mesh has enough give to allow the tool to push out some and is automatically eased back in once released. The only other place is on the couch. so place your left but cheek on the cushion about 15" away from the arm of the couch, lean over to the left arm rest leaving a gap between the arm rest and your body than place your head into your left head for support. bring both legs up onto the cushion behind your but and tuck in loosely. I've found this to allow the tool free movement in/out. have gotten some good mini o's like this. Same as on the computer chair, no grinding, just breathing.

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Most often I'm in bed. I sleep in my own room, and I wait until I think people are asleep. I love taking off my clothes and crawling between the sheets, tenting underneath and taking in the whole experience in my own little world. I have been using several positions - side, back with feet on bed and knees up, back with legs bent and off the bed (holding my feet with my hands), and on my knees and elbows. They all have their own appeal for me.

I also use it in the shower. I use oil based lube and just have it in while showering. It's gratifying and it encourages little sexual moments throughout my day.

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I think many guys who use the Aneros value privacy which facilitates the quiet for having good Aneros sessions. I certainly value the quiet and privacy of my apartment which enable me to focus on my sessions and also my times of Aless. However I met a guy in Aneros chat who lives in San Francisco and has Aneros sessions with some of his Aneros buddies. That must be awesome!

When I have an Aneros session, first lay a towel on a bed with two minor seat cushions to improve the angle of penetration of my Aneros models. I use extra virgin olive oil as a lubricant.

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My better half usually retires to bed at 9:30 and I stay downstairs in the TV room. I lay an old bed covering on the floor and enjoy my session lying on my back with knees up. Like @BigGlansDC I use mostly extra virgin oil injected with a seringe and coat my unit with water-based help lube.

I scaled back my sessions frequency to 2to3 per week however I have not had one for several weeks due to medical reasons.

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@bigglansdc where do you place the pillows?

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I always have my sessions laying in bed. My bed is where I am most comfortable

This post was modified 1 month ago by taran

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Yeah, in bed, lights off, no distractions.

If something really good starts happening, I know the bed has got my back and I don't have to worry about falling out of a chair. 😁

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I do them in bed in the middle of the night.  However, somewhere around year 12 my Aless sessions began to outnumber my A sessions.  When I retired 5 years ago my A sessions became an occasional activity.  Now I do an A session once every month or two if that.  However, my Alesses are almost every night, usually 5 times per week. 

As to where I do them 75% of them I do in bed with my wife.  She sleeps bottomless so I have access to her derriere.  When I spoon her and lodge my cock head against her anus savoring its heat and the softness between her ass cheeks, I go from zero to 100 MPH in one minute; my P orgasms start immediately.  After 30 - 60 minutes of continuous orgasms I sometimes go to sleep and sometimes I roll onto my back and nipple myself through another hour or so.  She has participated in my sessions in the past.  Now sometimes wakes up and sometimes she just pats my hand and goes back to sleep as  I MMO.   Now that I don't have to go to work it doesn't matter if I sleep in afterwards. 

The most important thing for me is the time.  Ideal time for me is 2 AM - 5 AM. 

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I generally do Aneros in bed with my hips on a pillow slightly elevated or sitting on my rocking recliner. By rocking back and forth slowly the head moves back and forth which stimulates the prostate and leads to a tremendous orgasm! Sometimes sitting on the edge of the bed produces the same effect. Throw in a little nipple stimulation and you’ll have some super Os in no time!
