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Where am I in my Journey?

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Hey there, I'm new to these forums but am curious as to how far I really am. I've had my aneros for like, I dunno a few months. Maybe 5 or 6 months. I own the progasm, mgx and the eupho.

For the longest time I didn't seem to get many results. It would feel great, but no convulsions or worries of me moaning. Two days ago when I was using the mgx it felt different. It almost felt like the aneros was hammering in me. It kinda hurt at first but felt like a very strong milking effect and it felt like my anus was more full than I had ever imagined it could be. Almost like there was a giant suction effect on my whole anal area. At first I thought this was a super orgasm, but I didnt ride waves or anything like that.

It took me 3 hours to get to that point 2 days ago. Tonight when I tried that deep penetration suction feeling started within 10 to 15 minutes of use.

Is this a normal part of how the aneros works? And is this just the beggining? Cause it felt extremely intense, but it didnt last long at all. The aneros seems to start moving on its own occasionally.

Also, today when I contracted my muscles without anything in, I started to go into a haze and it felt great! Its amazing to me that this could happen without the aneros! I had no dry orgasm or anything but it was still fantastic.

Any ideas on how far along I am? And has anyone else experienced these things? I'm worried that Ive perhaps run into a wall.

Thanks for reading! Keep it real.

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Hi chronos86,

Welcome to the Forum.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a Global Positioning Service to triangulate our exact location in relation to Super-O land? Unfortunately we don’t, we do, however, have a set of Milestones to help us get oriented, you may wish to check those out.

It doesn't really matter where in your journey you think you are, everyone's sensual journey is unique for them. The fact you are getting pleasurable sensations is what is important, you may have a Super-O in your next session or you may go a year or more before you experience one. It is too unpredictable an experience to even think about trying to chart a time line for progress because the truth is, it is not a linear progression, growth will occur in spurts and there may be periods when the learning seems to regress. The journey is along a meandering path where the Super-O may be lurking just around the next bend or just on the other side of that little rise, or just…? The best advice is to just enjoy each session for what it is, not lament what it isn't.

P.S. I sent you a PM with some tips and hints to help you along your journey.

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Thank you very much Rumel! I appreciate your swift reply. It is a darn shame that these things can't be pinpointed, but I suppose thats part of the fun of the journey!

I thought I was getting close, but I've realized I probably still have a long ways to go. Here's to hoping for the best.

Best wishes,

