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What’s your most memorable super o?

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What’s your best or most memorable super o or session if you’ve not gotten there yet? What happened? How many? What were you doing arousal wise and what did you learn? 

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Most memorable Super-O was a single fairly long lasting for me, (30 seconds?), thrashing and writhing, vocalizing,  moaning, brought on by fantasizing about being taken by the trans person that I work with. I learned that arousal is important and a component that I struggle with. Also learned that the Super-O can hit out of nowhere!

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I have two most memorable sessions.

The first was with the Eupho, entirely sober. I spent the whole session focusing on the p-tab and being highly committed to "doing nothing". I was deep into a really passive vibe, and pleasure was building slowly. At a certain point the pleasure needed to expand, as if to take over more territory. The area it needed to take over was my brain, it felt like my whole consciousness had to leave to make room for the orgasm... it was very strange, almost like I'd stop existing. Somehow I was able to relax into it (maybe the pleasure talked me into it). I was so empty-minded and committed to what I was feeling, it was like I became the orgasm. I don't think I've hit that depth of "surrender" before or since.
It was the most articulately formed orgasm I've ever had from the aneros. I don't usually hit sudden huge peaks, but this peaked just like a traditional orgasm, except harder. My head was fizzing, my abs were rhythmically tensing in a way that made my body curl into them. Then a few seconds after that ended, I had another orgasm just like it, both dry.

The other one was when I was stoned, riding slow waves, which rose to a peak that included a feeling of complete safety and comfort... the most total sense of everything being right with the world. I can only compare it to when I was a very young child, falling asleep in a parent's arms. A long-forgotten sensation of joyful peace and safety. I can vaguely remember wearing a goofy expression during it. It's a stand-out session for me, because my sessions otherwise never include emotional responses, and certainly none so intense.

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Posted by: @clenchy

The other one was when I was stoned, riding slow waves, which rose to a peak that included a feeling of complete safety and comfort... the most total sense of everything being right with the world. I can only compare it to when I was a very young child, falling asleep in a parent's arms. A long-forgotten sensation of joyful peace and safety. I can vaguely remember wearing a goofy expression during it. It's a stand-out session for me, because my sessions otherwise never include emotional responses, and certainly none so intense.

I've had one remarkably like this! Amazing feeling of euphoric tranquility, stupid grin, at peace with the world. What's really cool was the afterglow lasted for hours.

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The most incredible orgasm I ever had, woke me from a dead sleep. About 6 months into my journey.  I was woke up by what I can only describe as a electric shock that ran from my hole deep into my abdomin. A shock that was connected to a dimmer switch which was slowly turned up, then off then turned on again.when it turned back on, it started right where it left off. Each jolt lasted 20-30 secs., it kept going higher and higher. I kept thinking this cant go any higher, and it would, I'm not sure but this lasted for at least 20 revolutions.  I was literally electricuted once, this felt the same except pleasurable. I never exp. anything before or since. Although were told not to look back, This one event probably makes up 75% of my stick to it ness, on this journey. Most sexually tranformative moment of my life. Bar none.

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At first, I thought it would be hard to pick one, among the various rough-seas "jet-packing through space" and "ejaculating the universe" quasi-psychedelic nonsense, but in fact the very best Super-O was a calms-seas one. 

This was an experience where I touched perfection and true contentment briefly and I stopped wanting. I felt deep love and compassion for all humanity, wept a lot, and had some kind of revelation that if everyone could experience this, the world would be at peace. I also contemplated my own mortality for what seemed to be a very, very long time.   

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Posted by: @reddog152

fantasizing about being taken by the trans person that I work with. I learned that arousal is important and a component

Hmmm interesting. ;):)

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Posted by: @clenchy

it was very strange, almost like I'd stop existing. Somehow I was able to relax into it (maybe the pleasure talked me into it). I was so empty-minded and committed to what I was feeling, it was like I became the orgasm.

Ooooshhhh! The strange mind bending one’s are the best ones 😉

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Posted by: @tbob

Although were told not to look back

Who says not to look back? If we aren’t getting some cool memories,why do we bother? 🙂

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I find some calm seas like day dreams,maybe they happened and maybe they didn’t 🙂

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I love my calm seas. They happen for me when the K tab engages in a certain way. Everything stops, shaking stops, contractions stop,breathing slows down replaced by a warm feeling that starts 1" below my tailbone and radiates out, my brain goes into mothers hug mode. You wish you could stay there forever. 
