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What's With The Urge To Stretch?

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I get the craziest urges to stretch while the Aneros is in, and recently when I awoke aroused and started going aless. I'm talking bear just woke up from hibernation stretch out my legs as much as possible. No yawns or anything like that. 

I had read somewhere that stretching a leg at the right time can be enough to destabilize things and trigger the device to start its "magic dance," but this is just this side of involuntary. One time I fell asleep while using the Helix and woke up to feeling a tickle that felt different and pleasant, followed by the strong urge to stretch my body out and it triggered an orgasm when I wasn't expecting it to happen.

Am I missing something? Is this some bigger sign I am not recognizing? What are your thoughts?

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Hi @regal13,

I only can tell, that I‘ve always taken involuntaries as they come or go. I‘d believe they are triggered by our prostate mind to help it stimulate itself. Stretching helps your intestines to move and as your gut is the next neighbor to your gland that can have enormous effects. I wouldn‘t worry, instead I‘d focus on the good feelings they bring and welcome them and let go what ever happens. 

Cheers, Mart

P.S. One more thing. 😉 

If I am waiting anywhere in privacy, may it be in my kitchen for the coffee machine to get my coffee ready, I love to stand at attention with my arms loose at each side and to stretch my whole body from head to toe, as if an unknown power would lift my head and thus make me longer and longer. After a while I relax - still in an upright posture. Already during stretching I mostly feel growing arousal and horniness fueled by the muscle tension. Like in a feedback loop arousal and horniness are still increasing when I start to relax. After two to three repetitions I‘m horny as ... (you know), but then my coffee is brewed. Let me add, you must not drink any coffee to try this, it will even work without any caffeine-containing product. 😉 Enjoy!

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Thanks, SO, for the input. This feeling is just so prominent that I feel like I could tap into it more. It feels wonderful, but it doesn't take me anywhere.

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Hi @regal13,

I hardly can find words to explain how to embrace this wonderful feeling without the wish it may „take you anywhere“ else, because you‘re already there, in the perfect moment, you only have to learn to savor it.  It‘s nothing but a matter of perception. I indeed do envision to bodily embrace the feeling, to hold it and caress it, to welcome it until we somehow unite into blissful harmony.

Cheers, Mart

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I've had to give this some time to savor and think about and experience before replying. I still don't know what to make of it, but it is happening more often, with and without aneros. I do enjoy it.

I have been awakened by it without having any kind of session prior. Everything seems to feel different as I rewire or whatever it is I'm doing here. I am still trying to grasp how much different an erection feels because it isn't the same as it was, it feels like it involves more area or muscles or both. I am along for the ride.

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