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What's on the Syllabus?

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Just what is it that we are trying to learn?


  • How to manipulate the aneros toy to give an orgasm or 2?
  • How to think differently about sexual arousal?
  • How to manipulate the prostate to achieve pleasure?
  • How to get into a relaxed trance like state to build sexual arousal?
  • How to become more aware physical sensations in body to achieve a sense of bliss?
  • I could go on.

    One thing I've noticed is I can't seem to develop some kind of technique as I stop noticing how good things feel.

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    I would say "all of the above", good list.

    Do you mean you get used to the good feelings and don't know what to do next or how to get back to that place or what?

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    I am quite convinced now prostate is totally secondary to this journey.

    From guys with damaged prostate (or even spine), guys without a prostate (due to operation) to even girls... we have plenty of examples of people reaching the same result as us, with same technique as us, ... and with prostate involvement.

    I already identified it in myself. The proof this people give is just icing on the cake.

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    who are these people Canacan? especially the girls, those i would love to hear about.

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    You can make your own research, they are not too hard to find.

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    @euphemistic I think it's a case of "not being able to fart and chew gum at the same time".

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    I am quite convinced now prostate is totally secondary to this journey.
    I wish I was a bit futher on my journey, even so I think you are correct. I am guessing that our prostate play somehow triggers a response in the base Chakra that releases energy into the hidden system that powers the body, this release can also be triggered in other 'magic' moments but it would seem that the prostate and the gspot seem to link into it. It may have to do with the benefits of 'self' pleasure - self appreciation.

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    I don't know any religion (from the monotheisms, buddhisms, taoism, various shamanisms to even witchcraft) that doesn't have some version of that and that doesn't consider it very highly.

    Religion fighting people's empowerment is a weird assumption, to say the least. And public promotion of sexuality isn't the most empowering thing to the people, in fact it is not that different from public repression of sexuality, in both case, you are told what to do and what to think about... And in most cases it's the doing of politicians not people of faith.

    Now, the chakra system sure is interesting (and is a very conveniant way to describe many otherwise complex phenomenons) but it doesn't own the final word on the subject of anerosing. There is not much difficulty in explaining it from the point of view of occidental science too (as with most other belief systems... In fact they all seem good at explains it). And the prostate, as much as the Gspot, are biologically entirely unimportant to this. They just happen to be at the center of some powerful areas. But it is how tension and relaxation are fighting in these areas when tickled that produces the neuro-hormonal funny effects that you can ride on to reach some rich contemplative state. It can be done tickling other areas, it can be done without tickling anything, it can be done riding different effects, and the state can also be reached solely by stopping and feeling alive.

    In many religions it is considered as a means to reach God.

    What some do indeed condemn is behaving like a horn-dog. In part because it's not good for the community but even more because it's the best way to get lost in that journey and end up on the frenetic and addict side.

    Let's move to fictitious religions for a moment (for even they agree on this all, and also they make funny images for any movie fan):

    - What worth is a jedi's light saber on its own? You need a master to teach you the way of the Force. The light saber is just a tool.
    - Is the hand (the contact point) the center of the Force? You need to feel outside of yourself.
    - Will buying many light sabers get you closer to mastering the Force? A real master wins without a saber, and influences destiny (which is no mean feat, for destiny by definition is not influencable) without even his body.
    - Now you can still become a powerful swordsman by embracing the dark side of the force and frenetically waving double swords with all the might of your resentment and other troubled feelings... But be no fool, the light saber is no magical tool, it's merely a training tool, the magic is elsewhere.

    Anyway, being too orgasmic isn't good. I posted a link to a great article on my journey thread. I think it says it all:
    (people have questions, here are answers)

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    I wonder if a light saber is metaphor for your cock. Wand of light, lingam?

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    @theplaything, of course it is LOL.

    As for your original question and the topic, I wish I could tell you the answer because then I would know it too. (I can fart and chew gum and sometimes do.) All I can say is that for me it's experiential and an ongoing exploration, like a Fantastic Voyage inside my erotic body to use @canacan's film metaphor. I'm training my mind which seems key but my history is my history and there's no getting around it. My body has blocks that remain from past traumas that I have to work through. I've got 2 men coming over this week who want coaching in aneros and I feel unworthy. Luckily they are both newbies so they should get something out of it. I have a lot of knowledge from discussions with other men like you in this forum about how to proceed, and have some experience with my energy system and how to work with it.

    Where are you at with your riding experience, are you dry orgasming, etc? Where exactly so you feel stuck?

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    That's the thing that really confuses me about this, what is it supposed to feel like?

    About 4 years ago I experienced the most powerful dry orgasm ever, took me well over an hour to get there. It felt like I was ejaculating whilst being plugged into the mains. It freaked me out but boy did it feel good! Back then it was all an experiment to what would happen next. After that I had everything from total dud sessions to a series of p-waves that made me moan and grown a lot. I have had some pleasurable a less moments too. Sessions never lasted longer than 45mins as I'd just get totally frustrated or way too horny to hold on any longer.

    Recently I took a few months off due to having pneumonia. I'm still recovering from that as I get tired in the afternoons. However, I've changed my lube, and perhaps my mind set, and back to having sessions of over an hour and am feeling close to having the powerful dry O again. Last session felt really good but after reaching the hour mark (not clock watching just noticed the time after it was all over) I knew I had reached the end of that day's play time.

    I change position during a session. Start off on my back and then alternate between being on my side, front (alla prone), back again and if the mood takes me on all fours.

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    I am quite convinced now prostate is totally secondary to this journey.
    I wish I was a bit futher on my journey, even so I think you are correct. I am guessing that our prostate play somehow triggers a response in the base Chakra that releases energy into the hidden system that powers the body, this release can also be triggered in other 'magic' moments but it would seem that the prostate and the gspot seem to link into it. It may have to do with the benefits of 'self' pleasure - self appreciation.

    Hi.i describe some similar to this on the thread «nipple play for orgasm».
    It was the way i guided my friend during our game and he learn to have great nipple orgasm.
    All was about focus on sensations and the flow/energy..(call as you want) moving it to his prostate.

    Latter we introduce a acupresure point (which was used according classic taoist books for semen retention and could have dry full body orgasm ),and found it made the orgasm mores powerfull.

    It had no relation with religions , acupu ture is still used and studied today with great succesfull .

    I know it is strange (i am occidental guy), but the fact it was the first (and better way to reach multipe orgasm)

    I recomend begin with mantak chia book : the multiorgasm men.
    (And if the 1M dolar point dont work for you,as it hapoen me,try the other point called ping-ai).

    I want put a pdf with the all info i found about ping-ai point (it is no so common found info as it happen with 1M),but it gave me error.
    If someone want read it i will send with no problem by mail (i upload three times to direct download webs but people told me has problem with them)

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    @theplaything, you say That's the thing that really confuses me about this, what is it supposed to feel like?

    About 4 years ago I experienced the most powerful dry orgasm ever, took me well over an hour to get there. It felt like I was ejaculating whilst being plugged into the mains. It freaked me out but boy did it feel good! Back then it was all an experiment to what would happen next.

    Maybe you can try to approach it again as an experiment not expecting the exact same experience of ejaculationing "whilst plugged into the mains", but something new? I've been surprised at my own experiences with and without aneros, orgasms that I never felt before, different from what other men have described here. Perhaps it's me giving up on following the rules in frustration and stumbling on the unexpected.

    @mmmniple, I can't find ping-ai with the google. Is your PDF file the Multiorgasmic Man book or something about ping-ai? I have the book but am interested in ping-ai. Nipples and their development are very important part of my aneros play, and also qi gong techniques like Chia's. Let me know what the PDF is about.

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    @euphemistic I guess that's what I'm trying to do, just enjoy the experience for what ever I get. Not so easy to do sometimes. Like having a positive attitude towards dud sessions. All part of the learning curve.

    I think I must of developed some bad habits over the years like wanting to have an orgasm far too quickly. Maybe "rewiring" is all about learning to throw that kind of thing off.

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    Could I be experiencing some kind of orgasm already?

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    This morning's session got awfully thrashy. Uncontrollable writhing, jerking and kicking of all of my body. It started of with my knees gently swaying towards each other then waves of dizzy tingling building up from somewhere through my torso to the top of my head. Like a pleasant shiver without the cold feeling. And at about 45 minutes in the thrashing stated and built up till it got so violent that I kicked the wall a few times and could not stop myself from crying out. My chest was pounding and my breathing quickened. This went on, with short moments of calm for about 20 minutes before I got totally freaked out. It felt like I was on the edge of a traditional orgasm but my whole *body full of some kind of energy. Different to the being plugged into the mains feeling.

    *have corrected a typo

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    Sounds as if you were experiencing a superO. I find that lying on my side rather than on my back helps to moderate the thrashing as well as intensifying the sensations

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    @wulff Thanks. I was under the impression that a superO came with full on dry orgasm which this experience did not. I stopped because I thought I was going to have a heart attack as my chest was beating so hard.

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    Agreed @wulff I experience this too. @theplaything I've had this increase heart rate and the feeling it's building to something incredible, but there is no orgasm on the other side, don't expect there to be.

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    Labels always get in the way of having fun, don't you think?

    What is a superO? I still am none the wiser. But it aint half enjoyable working it out.

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    What is a superO? I still am none the wiser.Please take some time to read the Aneros WIKI. A definition of the Super-O can be found there. I would also suggest you read Buster's thread What exactly is a Super-O to get a wider perspective of what a Super-O is in reality.
    Good Vibes to You !

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    @rumel because, as my Dr says, "we're all different" you just can't pin these things down. It's so subjective.

    For now - and god only knows how long now will last - I'm just going to enjoy what I get and what I feel with this piece of plastic shoved up me bum.

    Relaxation, bliss, pleasure, sexual excitement...all good..surely?

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    I'm also beginning to think that part of my problem was that I was too goal orientated and so having a big juicy carrot called a "superO" dangling in front of me is ultimately going to lead to disappointment.

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