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What kind of O was it?

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Not sure if i had Super-O or really intense O. But let me describe it best that i can.

Just like most sessions there was some tingling and some pleasure around the region of the prostate but what set this one apart from past sessions over the years was it started with warm tingling not like other tickles if that makes any sense.

It also kept building to the point the sensations were like typical ejac orgasm except the sensation of orgasm kept going for few minutes instead of seconds like ejac O. 

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Posted by: @fister81

Not sure if i had Super-O or really intense O.

This question does pop up from time to time. A few men will say that "...you will know a Super-O when you have it..." but I have a different opinion on that. There is often such a range of sensations associated with a Super-O that it is difficult to describe or categorize them so I think many men too often dismiss them as something other than the Super-O they actually are. I think you need to appraise your own experience in light of the definition for a Super-O given in the the Aneros WIKI. Remember "The duration of the Super-O may be several seconds to minutes longer than a traditional orgasm (particularly when multiples are involved). Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued." Why not give yourself the benefit of the doubt and credit yourself with a Super-O ?

Good Vibes to You!


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Come on,say it with me:  S-U-P-E-R-O. 🙂

Big ones,small ones,middle ones,calm ones,angry ones 🙂

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Posted by: @fister81

[...] the sensation of orgasm kept going for few minutes instead of seconds like ejac O. 

Super-O for sure. Congrats ! 

Posted by: @rumel

Why not give yourself the benefit of the doubt and credit yourself with a Super-O ?

This is worth repeating, having a "smaller" Super-O does not mean in any way that it's going to be the best you'll ever get. This was clearly a Super-O, maybe not a huge one, but a Super-O still. Now that you achieved this, you can work on bigger ones with the same technique you used for this one.  Don't second guess yourself because it was not as spectacular as you expected, that's a huge trap that could really set you back. Keep on keeping on and you'll soon get the ones that do not leave any room for doubt. 


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@zentai That is awesome to hear. It is worth the patience and i wish that so many that gave up could know how amazing it is. I have waited years for this feeling 🙂


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Posted by: @fister81

@zentai That is awesome to hear. It is worth the patience and i wish that so many that gave up could know how amazing it is. I have waited years for this feeling 🙂


Oh yes, it's worth whatever amount of effort necessary to get there, it's a pity we can only truly appreciate this once we succeed, but once you know, you know ! 


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It is easy to sorta brush off a mild one since everyone who mentions having a super O talks about the intensity of it. I've probably had several, but just didn't think to consider them one.


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That's why Rumel's advice above is so valuable, scratching that first O off the list is an important psychological step and milestone. It removes pressure to perform, and negative expectations. It creates realistic, positive expectations for the future and allows you to move forward.

Posted by: @bogusbro

I've probably had several, but just didn't think to consider them one.

If you're on board with this, I guess you know what to do with the next one you get ? Just acknowledge it and see what happens from that point on. 



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Whatever you call it, what I had last night was the single greatest physical pleasure of my life! It lasted for sometime and so overtook me that I was basically frozen in pleasure! That’s when I lost it, I just couldn’t move. I’m still feeling it this morning. 

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I have a different question how often is prostate simulation healthy? Everyday, 3-4 times a week?

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I would say to always wait 2-3 days between. You won't overdo it, and it will be more receptive towards stimulation. But given what you just experienced, I don't blame you for rushing back in too soon!


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Depends on the individual. Every other day should be fine,A-Less can be done twice a day on short sessions. If you’ve got the libido and arousal ability to go everyday,that’s fine. Gnawdol is 70 and he has daily sessions so it’s perfectly doable. If it’s too much everything will dilute down and you can scale back. You’ll figure it out as you go.


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Thank you! Right now I feel like I could do it a lot LOL. Never experienced anything like this. Too bad it took me this long and was out of desperation. My wife suffers from a physical ailment making most if not all sexual acts impossible. I was getting desperate and now feel like I have new life, get wait for my toys to arrive. 

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@deversole1 I do it 2-3 times a week with at least 2-3 days between sessions. I notice they are less intense when i do it daily or to often. I mean i can still get pleasure but super-o level requires few days regen.


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