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What is meant by Never touch penis?

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They say to not touch the penis, but is that just during the session or in general over a longer period of time? I am cabable of doing both (both in a physical sense, but also in a no penis/ejaculation mental focus sense) so I am wondering which is best. On one hand I can see never touching/focusing on penis as being something that would be good for rewiring, on the other it can often reduce general arousal by a lot, which can be good for rewiring and pleasure as well?

Different things work for different people I always read, but what are your thoughts on this?

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They say to not touch the penis, but is that just during the session or in general over a longer period of time? ...what are your thoughts on this?

IMHO, the admonition for avoiding penile stimulation applies primarily to newbies trying to firmly establish their neural pathways (rewiring) to generate and appreciate prostate based orgasms. I sincerely recommend you read @Cockadoodle ’s classic thread Penis, NOT, I have additional thoughts regarding this topic in that thread.

Avoiding penile stimulation and masturbation outside of Anerosessions has proven helpful for many men in generating/boosting sexual arousal (please see Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention). I am not advocating a total prohibition against penile stimulation, just a judicious reduction to change deeply ingrained behavior patterns from years of masturbatory practices. Prostate based orgasms require a thought paradigm shift and changing one's physical behavior patterns (penile stimulation) can help accomplish this.
Good Vibes to You !

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I'm not exactly new to all of this, been going for a year or two at least, just wondering if my current approach of maximum retention is the "right" one, and also about the mental aspect. I can still be very penile in my focus and fantasies without ever laying a finger on the penis, which may cause more arousal, but less focus on the areas I am trying to rewire maybe? so it's like which do I put first, rewiring or pleasure? or a mix of both, hard to know. Ejaculation/traditional orgasm was never really a consideration. Be patient is said, but I thought maybe it would be good to get some input so I don't take an unnecessary many months/years long path figuring things out.

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... just wondering if my current approach of maximum retention is the "right" one, and also about the mental aspect.

I'm not understanding what you mean by "...maximum retention..." here, but remember this practice is not really about judging right or wrong but rather finding what works optimally for you. Yes the mental aspect is very important, please see and @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight. It might also help you to read @neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire".

I can still be very penile in my focus and fantasies without ever laying a finger on the penis, which may cause more arousal, but less focus on the areas I am trying to rewire maybe? so it's like which do I put first, rewiring or pleasure?

Yeah, thinking about penile sensations only reinforces those existing pathways in your brain, if you want to build an alternate freeway to prostate orgasms you need to change the focus of your thinking. You don't really need to think about the rewiring, it will happen automatically when you change your focus of thought on sensations other than your penis. You have a built-in bodily reward system in your brain which will help train you, that's the dopamine & serotonin hormone receptors. When you engage in activities which bring pleasure dopamine gets released and the pleasure is enhanced. If that pleasure is from a new activity (like prostate stimulation) then a new neural connection gets created, with repetition of that activity, the pathway is reinforced and made stronger and more accessible. This is the magic of rewiring (a.k.a. neuroplasticity) at work.

Focus on erogenous hot spots other than your penis. The basic rule of thumb is to 'follow the path of pleasure' !

Be patient is said, but I thought maybe it would be good to get some input so I don't take an unnecessary many months/years long path figuring things out.

Patience is necessary and there aren't many real shortcuts on the learning curve. If it's legal for you, low dose cannabis use could be a way forward to a breakthrough.
Good Vibes to You !

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