I wish I had an Aneros back when I was a teenager. But I didn't have enough privacy and knowledge to use it.
When I was a teen, naturally, my libido was in stratosphere and erections were so hard I had to nearly lie on toilet just to take a pee. It was nearly impossible to bend my penis downwards. Waiting the erection out was very hard because a slight touch, not even an erotic thought, would make it jump up again.
Aneros is known to make men hornier.
So here's a question for you 18+ guys lucky enough to use Aneros. What does it do for your already high libido ? How horny do you feel before and after a session ?
What does it do for your already high libido ? How horny do you feel before and after a session ?
I started with aneros when I was 21. Even if I'm introspective, used to meditation and very sensible to what happen in my mind and in my body I'm still have difficult to reach orgasms after several years. I haven't give up because even without orgasm every sessions is very pleasurable.
I believe that too much arousal is counterproductive (I still have this problem). Younger male tend to have less patience about sex and want to "reach the goal" so I think that few teens can totally appreciate the full spectrum of sensation during sessions.
Just my two cents.
I'm curious what happens to a super-horny teen that uses aneros. Does a rock hard erection become diamond hard ?
Does a rock hard erection become diamond hard ?
That's for sure! Ahahah! I remember some erection with aneros when I was so hard that was almost painful.
Really depends on the individual, like mentioned before being TOO aroused can hinder a session.
I started when I just turned 17 and im nearly 19 now so.... Im not sure what to tell you besides I love aneros, and Ive learned great things from my journey.
@airbag ot does because a fucking diamond lol. I have an erection nearly the whole time of a session and my penis throbs everytime my device thrusts.
Haha, good for you ! Clearly, I'm a bit envious, but I'm planning to get there anyway. Worst case I will have something to fantasize about during sessions (I'm straight, or at best bi-curious).
This section from Aneros wiki seems to suggest older men may be getting more benefit from Aneros.
Let’s look at the anatomy. This prostate gland is surrounded by numerous nerves and vessels. The gland is connected to the autonomic nervous system through many inner organs and to the brain through blood hormones released by the testes and the pituitary gland. The Prostate gland is frequently referred to as "the second heart of man."
When the prostate gland is in a good shape, it sends a healthy message to the pituitary. In its turn the pituitary gland sends messages to other glands such as adrenal, testicles, thyroid etc. to help men to reproduce. As a result, men have plenty of sexual energy, stamina, and metal clarity. The testicles manufacture plenty of testosterone and good quality sperm.
Infection, inflammation, and prostate congestion block the passages and collect prostatic fluids inside these small sacks. These fluids are an easy target for many microbes, viruses and yeasts that cause inflammation-prostatitis. Collected toxic fluids enlarge the prostate; irritate the nervous branches to cause pain and tightness. When the prostate is filled with congested fluids, the message that is sent to the pituitary is to prevent the reproductive process. As the result, the libido and the testosterone levels go down; men become weak, start aging faster and gain weight.
Therapeutic prostate massage milks out the congested fluid (in the same way that a sponge is emptied when it is squeezed), opens passages, shrinks and cleanses the prostate gland. Decreasing the amounts of congested, inflamed and toxic fluids is the main factor in prevention and treatment of prostatitis, BPH, or even cancer. Even the chronic and persistent prostatitis can be improved with the therapeutic prostate massage.
In addition, prostatic massage eliminates adhesions and stimulates blood flow to improve microcirculation. In turn, the prostate receives more blood, oxygen, vital nutrients, and white blood cells to fight with infections.
There is a good reason why the Prostate gland is called "The seat of masculinity" or "Heart of the sexual organs" for. Healthy prostate is related to high levels of testosterone (high libido, better erection). To get strong orgasms, the prostate needs to have open passages, clear liquid prostatic fluid and good, forceful prostatic muscles contraction. Unhealthy prostate results in weak orgasms. Essential action of the prostate massage is to improve the sex lives and to increase libido.
Regular therapeutic prostate massage shrinks the enlarged prostate and decreases the pressure on the urethra thus restoring proper urinal bladder function and urine flow-rate control. In traditional Japanese families, wives often perform prostate massage to promote their partners' health. In general, Asian men tend to have lower rates of prostate enlargement and cancer than their American counterparts."
I'm in neither group, I'm currently in my early 30's.
Thinking of buying one for my teenage son, as I’ve got one and love the orgasm it helps produce.
If you do decide to get him one. Would love to know his response when you broach the subject.
About father son dynamics, I (at 33 years of age) recommended to my then 75 year old father to try aneros for his bph and for sexual pleasure, revealing to him that I partook. Prior to that our discussions about sexuality were limited to him telling me to wear a condom and to not have sex under his roof. He seemed to say thank you but no thank you with regards to aneros, and I left it at that.
This is probably just a rhetorical question, but I wonder what Super-O states can do to a still developing brain ? I started pretty early, and ended up being, well, me. I don't know if things would have been different otherwise.
As Super-Os can create drug-like highs, and we're told drug use before 25 can affect brain development, do we really know if it's about the drugs themselves or their actual effect ?
@zentai Drugs cause different kinds of changes, neuro-chemical and psychological (of course they are intertwined), depending on the drugs. However the drug use before 25 theory i think is a bit shaky. I have read arguments against, saying that the theory is based on a single poorly conceived study, though obviously I cannot access them right now when I want to.
Some people have had negative effects from the aneros, and prostate awakening. In all honesty I don't think anyone in their teens should use it. There are some mature adults on here who seem somewhat distraught by the effect. A younger person would probably be even less able to deal with it.
However the drug use before 25 theory i think is a bit shaky. I have read arguments against, saying that the theory is based on a single poorly conceived study, though obviously I cannot access them right now when I want to.
To be honest this would not surprise me. For example, everywhere in Canada, you must be 18 to buy THC products. Except in Quebec, where the legal age is 21 "because the brain still develops until 25." So I guess the logic is that 4 years of brain stunting is OK, but 7 is not, hehe. I feel science does not really now, nor cares enough to know. Maybe light use is ok, but just like tobacco and alcohol, my gut feeling is that zero use is probably best.
Of course we know even less about the psychological effects of deep Super-O states, would they have any effect on development ? I think they could, but I'm also quite sure it's impossible to find an expert who can weight on this. Are there any guidelines in traditional meditation practices covering this ?
Thinking of buying one for my teenage son,
Bro,don’t do that,it’s weird,buying sex toys for your kids is beyond the pail. What’s next? Do I buy my daughter a big dildo? Maybe a butt plug to go along with it? This is an open and somewhat liberal forum,but there is a line in the sand somewhere.
I think super o states when young could possibly damage neurotransmitters in the same way drugs do. Whether it’s permanent is another thing. However,young ppl definitely have the physicality to handle the power of the super o. I won’t spend to much brain power on it.
I have to say,I haven’t had an major issues on the journey. I have wondered do the ppl that do have undiagnosed (or maybe even diagnosed) nervous system or hormonal disorders. Maybe autism? Adhd? Just plain old unhealthy living? Or maybe mental health conditions that make them susceptible to getting fucked up in a super o state. Maybe something else is always at play beneath the surface in these troubled posts.
If I discovered super-o as a teen, I'm not sure I would have the family I have now! Who knows! Looks like all I would have wanted to do!
I won’t spend to much brain power on it.
Yeah, anyway its going to be individual, since you're not 18 anymore it hardly matters unless you have a Tardis to go back in time. You Brits all have Tardises, right ?
I have wondered do the ppl that do have undiagnosed (or maybe even diagnosed) nervous system or hormonal disorders. Maybe autism? Adhd? Just plain old unhealthy living? Or maybe mental health conditions that make them susceptible to getting fucked up in a super o state. Maybe something else is always at play beneath the surface in these troubled posts.
I'd say this is likely, might no be 100% of all events but most of them. If smoking a joint can trigger dormant psychosis, then strong Super-Os could very well do the same. This does not explain people having issues after 2-3 sessions or even their first, sometimes without even experiencing a Super-O. I don't know if we can say they were already just on the edge of neurological issues if they felt fine and dandy right before... I said in another post that something else would have likely triggered the same issue later down the road, now I'm not so sure. This is pure speculation at this point.
You do have a thing about whether or not there would be permanent damage, for example, let's say it triggers a bad depression and you end up on medication long-term, then there will be side effects. I did experience health issues from S-O abuse, and I feel a young guy with high libido and little responsibility, in a stage of life where some tend to isolate themselves, could go pretty deep and then not get proper sleep etc.
True that. Obviously,without some serious data and studies,we’ll always be guessing.
I see no problem with teenagers using aneros. A small percentage would have the persistent sensation problems some complain about here and they would stop. Otherwise, damage similar to drugs? No way. Addiction? Nah doubt it, not more than amongst adults, and better that than other things an addictive person can fall into (video games, drugs, cigarettes…).
As for giving teens sex toys, why not? We give them access to hardcore pornography that teaches them all the wrong ways to have sex. Why not give them tools to properly pleasure themselves if they are interested, or at least teach them about them and let them purchase them. My high school had a good sex Ed program, including free testing and counseling and prophylactics on campus. I think they could have taken things even a step further, at least in an optional class, teaching us about pleasure, even basics. It is good to know that today certain high schools have optional pornography classes where they deconstruct what they see, how it isn’t real, etc. I think sexual dialog between teens and responsible (and not creepy) adults can be a good thing, because without it teens are fumbling around in the dark, many continuing to do so their entire lives.
disclaimer: don’t have kids, won’t have kids, don’t work with them.
Thinking of buying one for my teenage son,
Bro,don’t do that,it’s weird,buying sex toys for your kids is beyond the pail. What’s next? Do I buy my daughter a big dildo? I concura butt plug to go along with it? This is an open and somewhat liberal forum,but there is a line in the sand somewhere.
I fully concurr. I was taken aback when I first read this. Thought I'd see where it went. But I have to weigh in. I have know kids, I have mentored kids most of my adult life, I couldn't imagine doing such a thing. I have never had the birds and the bees talk directly, with a kid. I am very interested to know how other parents feel about this, just out of curiousity. I am asking myself though, what would I do if a 17yr old asked me about aneros, would I give him the clinical answer, or the real details? Umm. this one has me thinking.
As for giving teens sex toys, why not? We give them access to hardcore pornography that teaches them all the wrong ways to have sex.
Who is "we"? It existing is not a parent giving it to them. Life is hard. The focus of a young person should be on getting ready for adulthood. A good education, working on building personal, and romantic relationships, managing money etc. Sex toys and self pleasure is low on the totem poll. As a matter of fact, it would probably me much healthier for a person to stay away from it until after they have either built a solid foundation in romantic relationships, and intimacy, or have decided they aren't interested in it.
Sexual intimacy, and love with a real person is a heck of a lot more important than sex toys.
@jja3 “we” is society. Anyone who has access to internet has access to porn. Even if your kids don’t have access to internet, their friends do, and they will likely have seen unrealistic hardcore pornography well before they have had sex. To believe otherwise is to be in denial.
As for the rest, nope I don’t agree. How many people on this forum and elsewhere waited to get married to discover their bodies, their desires, their needs, only to find themselves bound by family and social pressure to stay with a partner who doesn’t surf on the same sexual wavelength as they. The idea that sexual discovery should magically come hand in hand (or hand in ass, if you like) with romantic relationships is antiquated.
Also I disagree that “managing money” and “education” are more important than sexuality. As far as I understand, money buys comfort, not happiness. On the other hand, sexual pleasure, mystic eroticism, deep connection with oneself and with others…
And why is a teenager who is already juggling 5+ school subjects, extra curricular activities and family life, suddenly overburdened by sexual education. Is that really the straw that broke the camels back? I think teens that want to can easily take on another subject.
As for the importance of sex toys, they are about sexual discovery. Many women don’t discover orgasms until their 20s and beyond, and when they do, it is often with the help of a vibrating toy. Men are often sexually stunted by their point-and-shoot two dimensional sexuality, and we all know on this forum that prostate stimulation is a remedy for that. Because individuals don’t understand their own bodies, heterosexual couples in their 20s and early 30s—at a time that many are making lifelong partner decisions like marrying, buying a house and having kids—are often clueless sexually. Knowing one’s own sexuality is essential to understanding one’s own needs as well as understanding the person you’re in bed with. Thus sex toys and knowledge of self pleasure are important tools for creating and maintaining sexual and romantic relationships.
again, I don’t support forcing sexual pleasure education on anyone. Rather, I think the ressources should be available for enquiring individuals, because the alternative is pornhub, tiktok, and their peers.
we” is society. Anyone who has access to internet has access to porn. Even if your kids don’t have access to internet, their friends do, and they will likely have seen unrealistic hardcore pornography well before they have had sex. To believe otherwise is to be in denial.
I’m not in denial at all. I have taken reasonable steps as a parent to shield my kids from the destructive properties of porn. Smartphones and WiFi have password protection safe search on them. I’m aware some slipping through the net will still occur,but I’ve done what’s reasonably possible to ensure they aren’t watching hours of porn everyday. That’s the basics. The tough stuff are the talks. The birds and bees isn’t necessary anymore,kids can figure foreplay and intercourse out,we all did after all. The talks now are the warnings not to send dic pics and nudes to others. If received or they’ve taken video of sex,sharing and posting on the net can earn them a knock on the door from the police,land them in court and even prison not to mention the damage to their reputation and mine. Trying to teach the boys that despite the teachings of porn,all women aren’t filthy cum sluts that need hit from the back while you choke the bitch out. Encouraging them to build normal healthy sexual relationships with real girls,not step-relatives,baby’s sitters and girls passed out at parties. Trying to explain that watching some dude railing his girl on the net while you Jack off is simp behaviour that destroys confidence. Parenting this stuff is a minefield now.
As for the rest, nope I don’t agree. How many people on this forum and elsewhere waited to get married to discover their bodies, their desires, their needs, only to find themselves bound by family and social pressure to stay with a partner who doesn’t surf on the same sexual wavelength as they. The idea that sexual discovery should magically come hand in hand (or hand in ass, if you like) with romantic relationships is antiquated.
Well,in all honesty,if they weren’t happy or weren’t compatible,they should have left the relationship instead of plodding on. There is a ramping up of experience when young ppl become active. Relationships with girls is the right way to learn and explore,nothing magical or antiquated about that,it’s a natural progression.
Also I disagree that “managing money” and “education” are more important than sexuality. As far as I understand, money buys comfort, not happiness. On the other hand, sexual pleasure, mystic eroticism, deep connection with oneself and with others…
It’s not that they’re more important,but the are major slices of life’s pie. This is where talking about the importance of contraception comes in,explaining that they can have sex and fun without it destroying their future with unplanned kids.
And why is a teenager who is already juggling 5+ school subjects, extra curricular activities and family life, suddenly overburdened by sexual education. Is that really the straw that broke the camels back? I think teens that want to can easily take on another subject.
Agree with this,I think I’m todays interent era,sex Ed is more important than ever. After all,I wonder where a recent stat on the news came from that said sexual assault in 16-24 year olds has rocketed since the dawn of the internet.
As for the importance of sex toys, they are about sexual discovery. Many women don’t discover orgasms until their 20s and beyond, and when they do, it is often with the help of a vibrating toy. Men are often sexually stunted by their point-and-shoot two dimensional sexuality, and we all know on this forum that prostate stimulation is a remedy for that. Because individuals don’t understand their own bodies, heterosexual couples in their 20s and early 30s—at a time that many are making lifelong partner decisions like marrying, buying a house and having kids—are often clueless sexually. Knowing one’s own sexuality is essential to understanding one’s own needs as well as understanding the person you’re in bed with. Thus sex toys and knowledge of self pleasure are important tools for creating and maintaining sexual and romantic relationships.
again, I don’t support forcing sexual pleasure education on anyone. Rather, I think the ressources should be available for enquiring individuals, because the alternative is pornhub, tiktok, and their peers.
Yes sex toys have a place of course. But buying Aneros or any sex toys for your kids is weird and borderline grooming. In the interest of equality,what does a parent do with a daughter? “Hey listen princess,your bf probably has an average size dick,so I thought I’d buy you king Tyrone feom love honey so you can really stretch yourself out for extra pleasure” ? Nah,that’s crossed the line. Young people are not clueless when it comes to sex,they explore,learn and grow in their sexuality together,that’s the point.They buy their own sex toys,fleshlights and vibes etc. They don’t need help from parents in that respect. If they do,then can ask. If my boys find the journey later on,and I hope they do,good for them. But I’d like them to have a stable sexual foundation with real women built first.
But I’d like them to have a stable sexual foundation with real women built first.
Yep, this would be one thing to watch for, I'd be more worried about social development issues than anything else. Unrealistic expectations about sex just like porn does. While addiction is probably not a big issue in the Aneros community in general, I would see it hitting worse in younger men with higher libido. Add porn and other influences... Younger guys should be chasing girls (or other guys) and not Os.
Yes sex toys have a place of course. But buying Aneros or any sex toys for your kids is weird and borderline grooming. In the interest of equality,what does a parent do with a daughter? “Hey listen princess,your bf probably has an average size dick,so I thought I’d buy you king Tyrone feom love honey so you can really stretch yourself out for extra pleasure” ? Nah,that’s crossed the line. Young people are not clueless when it comes to sex,they explore,learn and grow in their sexuality together,that’s the point.They buy their own sex toys,fleshlights and vibes etc. They don’t need help from parents in that respect. If they do,then can ask. If my boys find the journey later on,and I hope they do,good for them. But I’d like them to have a stable sexual foundation with real women built first
Yeah but I’m not saying to buy them out of the blue, that seems weird. I’m saying to help educate and guide if kids ask. My parents and I never talked much about sex when I was a teenager. However I had a couple my parents age next door growing up, we talked about all things sex and they knew all about my wild teenage sex life. I imagine if I were a girl we would have talked vibrators, shower heads, and the likes, but as a boy there were no popular sex toys (circa 2002). Actually I was the one that introduced them to aneros after I discovered it! Also I don’t see the difference between buying a boy or a girl à sextoy. If anything, young women need them more, seeing as female pleasure is more mysterious. Of course if you present it the way you jokingly did above, it is super creepy. But in the right circumstances it can be liberating for certain young women.
@zentai I disagree with the idea that young guys should be chasing girls (semantically I don’t like the sentence either, as it implies the classic prey predator gender roles, but I’ll not be a stickler today). People can and do explore their bodies AND explore their sexuality with others. And it is arguably better at times to have sex with oneself. We are not always ready for a relationship, and a good solo sex can be an alternative to mediocre relationships while waiting for true love, or periods of non dating in general.
And it is arguably better at times to have sex with oneself. We are not always ready for a relationship, and a good solo sex can be an alternative to mediocre relationships while waiting for true love, or periods of non dating in general.
What I was thinking is that you could well be satisfied enough with solo sex to the point where you stop seeking it with others and/or miss opportunities to find partners or get intimate with other humans instead of only working on pleasuring yourself. (Also I won't be stickling either, I just wanted to make a parallel with the idea of "chasing" Super-Os...)
I turned 18 in 2000. This allowed me to go into sex shops, as we call them here, and also get a credit card to order things online I could not get locally. I remember buying my first prostate toys from a gay-and-lesbian cooperative in another province because the local stores only carried big butt-plugs and anal beads, I also got my first silicone toy from them when most toys were cheap imports full of BPA or old-school latex. I like to think I was pretty progressive with my toy buying.
I guess if the possibly had been there, maybe I would have bought these things sooner. And also, there is no way I would have wanted adults to be involved in the transaction and/or try to educate me on which model would hit my prostate in the best way and which pussy sleeve would be the best, because that would have been freakin' weird and messed up. Minors should have easy access to birth control, lube and condoms, beyond that it just gets creepy real quick.
What I was thinking is that you could well be satisfied enough with solo sex to the point where you stop seeking it with others and/or miss opportunities to find partners or get intimate with other humans instead of only working on pleasuring yourself.
Very true,remember freakans post here? His wife was going crazy because he refused to give her dick so it wouldn’t interfere with his super o’s. I’m sure it’s not an isolated incident. There’s long been advice here that you need sr to be successful.I think that’s why things like this happen,but it’s inaccurate.
I turned 18 in 2000. This allowed me to go into sex shops, as we call them here, and also get a credit card to order things online I could not get locally. I remember buying my first prostate toys from a gay-and-lesbian cooperative in another province because the local stores only carried big butt-plugs and anal beads, I also got my first silicone toy from them when most toys were cheap imports full of BPA or old-school latex. I like to think I was pretty progressive with my toy buying.
Of course!!! Young ppl find the their way with the internet era and doorstep delivery. No help is needed. Sure,if my kids ask for sex advice,they’ll get it. They wont though. Anytime I’ve had talks with the guys,they roll their eyes and say “get a life dad” lol The wife sorts daughter. She says get a life too lol