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What exactly is a Super O?

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Agreed I expect no super o at all, just see what happens in each session. But it is rather exciting!

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My point is simply this, orgasms exist as a continuum, they range in pleasure and intensity from miniscule to ethereally blissful and beyond, they don't fit neatly defined parameters and each individual will experience them differently. By trying to affix labels to your experiences and then denying their existence as orgasms is creating self imposed obstacles for you. I have no idea what would constitute a Super-O experience for you but I suspect you are forever going to have a tough time obtaining it with your present mind set, you've set the definitive threshold so high I doubt I could ever reach it. How about this? First step, you acknowledge to yourself that you have in fact been having orgasms (albeit small ones) but they just weren't what you were expecting. Step two, having gotten glimpses of higher level orgasms (your shards of pleasure) you know there is more awaiting you sometime in the future but you are practicing in the present so enjoy what you have now and stop pressing to jump into the future (unless you have a time machine). Step three, when in an Anerosession, focus your observational skills on the present moment to the exclusion of the past and the future, be in the eternal "now moment" of your session. That is everything you need in a nutshell, forget about what everybody else is doing, forget about watching prostate massage videos. All of that is just filling your head with mind noise fodder, you already have all the external information you need, it is time for you to get in touch with your internal information sources.
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel, so your saying its possible the dopamine release is more slowly drawn out for prostate orgasm compared to a quick rush like traditional? If this is what is happening then maybe thats why its harder to realize that its happening? I just know for me personally I have felt the dopamine rush from a prostate orgasm(dry O) and it was different feeling from a traditional O, but I havent had those in quite some time, no idea why, maybe finishing with super T's is the only thing I can think of. Dunno.

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Thanks for your reply rumel, I am pleased to say that I am practising most of what you say, as I said I was happy to be corrected. Yes I am a,so happy to say that I had a small continuous 2 hour orgasm, or lots of teeny ones for this time.

Amazing 🙂

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@ineverknew --- What does a dopamine rush feel like to you?


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@rumel ... I think there is a judgmental aspect to the orgasm too. And this would reinforce your advice to acknowledge them. I'll try to explain more when I can... My guess now would be there might even be some hormone release that would be part of the recipe and that would get released mostly due to the mental satisfaction of having an experience acknowledged as very positive. In other words two persons could have the same neuro-physical experience one having an orgasm and the other not, only because some missing recognition is not triggering the final ingredient. Which is why to me the best advice is "Enjoy".

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@Theme_Gasm, i did some more research. There is alot more going on in the brain then just the dopamine. Well maybe I'm more confused now, but i'm going to look into it more and start another thread.

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Thanks for the input Rumel, and great topic.Interesting disparity of sorts on what constitutes a Super-O. From my stance, I haven't had any orgasms that were more intense than a traditional ejaculation (Sans one time, maybe) - though as far as build up goes, they are definitely longer, though more faint. I also haven't had any proper releases either, aside from cool-down periods. Perhaps hormone does play a factor, which isn't involved with MMO?

I think the term Super-O does draw as much anxiety and misconception as it does excitement and intrigue. One part of my brain wants to admit that I have been getting Super-Os, while the other doesn't want to, in part because the experience doesn't seem anywhere near the level of traditional ejaculations.

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Wow...I'm learning a lot from this topic. For me, the "Super" part of this experience is NOT that my orgasms are like a traditional orgasm, only better! My orgasms are EVERYTHING my traditional orgasm is, except no ejaculation...AND, I get the added benefit of a deep deep level of stimulation occurring on my overly sensitized prostate, tingling and throbbing with only the smallest of input from me, if needed at all, and it can last for several hours if I like...it's repeatable...and my whole body is involved, not just my genitals! Now THAT is pretty damn super! And, I get hours and hours of after effects during the day! NO orgasm, prior to my Aneros journey, was EVER that fantastic! This is truly a different experience, albeit including some of my already familiar sensations, plus so many extras, that it stands apart as it's own collection as a Super Orgasm!

Orgasm On and Enjoy!


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Theme gasm, now,that is a orgasm! And what we should all expect to have one day, it's why I got into this in the first place to experience what you just wrote.

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I kinda snicker when I hear others ask what a Super-O is. It's more of a place than a singular event. You just know it when it happens. It will be distinctly different than anything you have every felt, and you will feel different (or better) than you have ever felt!

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I think @darwin describes a Super-O best as quoted below:

"Definition of Super-O

first, here is the super-O litmus test as i now understand it:

* if you could imagine a greater sexual pleasure, than you are not having a super-O.

* as has been said before, if you have any doubt, then you are not having one."

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Funny though everyone describes it differently. Watch warrengwonkas videos and tell me if his look 'super' or not

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@feelnmyway --- Totally accurate! That is the "Super" part of it all!!

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Darwin : exactly what you said, I've not had one but this is my expectation

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Your response including the step 1,2 & 3, was the best thing I have read here in a long time. Simple, to the point and should be part of the Wiki. It is a nice reminder of how information overload can muddy the waters. Living in the "now moment" and listening to what our bodies are trying to tell us, is all we really need.
Most of the questions on this forum are answered in this brief response to inhope. We should all read it from time to time and it should not be lost in this thread!

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Your response including the step 1,2 & 3, was the best thing I have read here in a long time. Simple, to the point and should be part of the Wiki. It is a nice reminder of how information overload can muddy the waters. Living in the "now moment" and listening to what our bodies are trying to tell us, is all we really need.
Most of the questions on this forum are answered in this brief response to inhope. We should all read it from time to time and it should not be lost in this thread!

I agree.

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I agree with @Darwin @feelnmyway and @Mostinteresting1 train of thought on the super-O litmus test. You'll know with 100% certainty if you've had one and if you don't know then you likely haven't had it.

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Stumbled upon this thread from before my time on this forum.

Hope no one objects to my bumping this thread back up so others might discover it and find value here as I did.




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Posted by: @p38


Stumbled upon this thread from before my time on this forum.

Hope no one objects to my bumping this thread back up so others might discover it and find value here as I did.




Thanks for the bump bringing this back to the fore. I've read all the posts and this has confirmed for me that I have truly arrived!

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Posted by: @p38

Hope no one objects to my bumping this thread back up so others might discover it and find value here as I did.

The interesting thing about this forum is how timeless these discussions are.
Everyone has their own individual roadblocks, and even different roadblocks at different times.
I've re-read the same discussions years apart and had different things resonate with me at different times. Some subtle detail about a description of something, that previously read as a "yeah maybe" can later read as an "oh my God, exactly!". It can be a bit uncanny.

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Hi everyone,

I've been absent a long time from this forum and decided to check back in.  The people here are wonderful and I honestly don't think I would have made it without them.  Due to several factors, my Aneros sessions took a backseat to life.  Through the years, I dabbled a bit with it and was always amazed what a truly phenomenal event you can have and am shocked that more people are not aware of what their bodies are capable of.

I decided it was time to devote some time again and last week, after a LONG absence, I had the most remarkable session!!  It was like I never left it.  No learning curve to get back into it.  I guess once you learn and understand it, it never leaves you.  I had a 45 minute session that blew my doors off!! I am still amazed that I can experience what I have and never have an erection.  For me, there is something very fulfilling about having a session like that without an ejaculation.  Learning to differentiate between ejaculation and orgasm is a very powerful thing, and a great place to explore the wonders that your body is capable of.

I reached out to my friend @rumel to say Hi and he recommended that I come back to this thread that I started to give an update.

Do I have Super O's?  Who honestly knows for sure, but what I have is pretty amazing and if there is more,  I hope I can handle it!

Have fun boys and just relax and enjoy the ride.


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@buster welcome back!! You are absolutely right that Aneros provides amazing time. No one can imagine that this small unassuming toy is capable of providing more fun than most of the other toys out in the market. Have a great time friend and keep us posted .

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Posted by: @buster
Do I have Super O's?  Who honestly knows for sure, but what I have is pretty amazing and if there is more,  I hope I can handle it! Have fun boys and just relax and enjoy the ride.

@Buster, Yes, welcome back ! This thread from 15 years ago is just as relevant today as it was back then. I think it is important for men, especially newbies, to understand how their expectations of this experience may be inhibiting their enjoyment. Your advice to "...just relax and enjoy the ride." is still true! I'm confident that you can handle more when it comes and that you will share any more insights you have with us. Thanks for the update.

Good Vibes to You!

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