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What are your typical sessions?

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Would like to hear experiences from intermediate and advanced Aneros people as to how do you prepare, what and how do you lube, position preferred, activity during session, length of session, results/pleasure felt, how do you end your session. Sharing always helps everyone on their journey to achieve better results. Also include your toy of preference and why you like it. Thanks for sharing!

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I've been at this since the beginning of the year, and I'd say I've had pretty good success. I can tell things can and will get a lot better in time but if it never does I'm still very satisfied and happy with where I'm at. I'll preface this by saying that I'm prone to getting a lot of calms seas orgasms, and I'd say 98% of mine are the calm seas variety. Whether or not that's common for the average guy who knows, but it's definitely common for me.

I have two types of sessions: ones I plan in advance so the anticipation is something I look forward to all day, or ones where my prostate starts speaking to me and I have a spontaneous session. It's super rare that I have a dud session and it seems I only get one if I start a session too late in the evening and my body is too sleepy to react. Even then sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of an orgasm.

My prep work is usually consistent; I'll do a rectal douche to clean things out, apply a thin layer of Vaseline to my toy of choice followed by a layer of water based lube, inject some lube anally, then insert and lie down on my bed. I'm always naked as a little self-foreplay is nice. Sometimes this is all preceded by a shower, sometimes not. My body position is usually dependent on the toy I'm using as different toys produce different reactions. Eupho works best on my side in the fetal position, helix syn and progasm on my back, and njoy pure wand on my stomach. For Aless sessions, for some reason I can only trigger orgasms lying on my left side in the fetal position. I'm looking forward to the time I can get them sitting down so car rides become more fun!

To start a session I'll calm my mind and try to empty my thoughts and put my consciousness on my prostate. Any little tingle or vibration needs to be focused on with all my attention or they can sometimes be too subtle and fizzle out. To start that tingle, sometimes it happens as soon as the toy is inserted but usually I'll need to help guide it along with some erotic mental imagery. Porn can help at the start of a session but I'm finding it can be too much too fast, as my prostate prefers a slow burn. A gradual turn-on yields more lasting results, whereas porn can give me too much stimulation which feels great for a few minutes but then dies a death. If I relax into the tingle and let it take me where it wants to go it will start to increase in intensity and engulf my body. Aless sessions take around 5 minutes to hit this point, whereas Aneros will take upwards of 20 minutes ()isn't that weird?). Though I use THC in my sessions about once a month and when I do it takes around 5 seconds before I get to the calm seas. A little nipple play can assist. I used to have nipples as dull and useless as the skin on the back of the elbows, but prostate play has really woken them up. When they REALLY get going, some slight caressing feels even better than getting my dick sucked.

Once I'm in the calm seas usually I'm there for the duration of the session unless there are any distractions. It seems I can stay here as long as I'd like, and my record is 2 straight hours and I probably would've stayed there longer if not for the amazon guy ringing the doorbell. For me, these experiences only have minor peaks and valleys, but a consistent really nice full body warmth and overall great feeling. It's like someone cranked the pleasure dial up to 10 and decided to leave it there. Usually my brain gets a little foggy and in the more intense variants will take me out of body. I don't get body shakes or hard contractions but it's like I've been submerged in a big pool of pure happiness and bliss. During this time my prostate will feel really good. Sometimes I'll have some auto-fuck going with the toy, sometimes some little twitches, but what keeps me in the orgasm the longest is just constant direct unmoving pressure on the prostate. My breathing will move the toy around juuuust enough to keep my prostate from getting bored and keeps it very happy. The orgasms can greatly vary in intensity with the more crazy ones literally breaking my mind with the pleasure so I forget how to breathe because I'm so overwhelmed. In these moments I cease being a person and become only an orgasm. The smallest ones feel like... the best way to describe it, is that feeling you get the moment before you kissed your girlfriend/wife for the first time. Only instead of being a fleeting feeling that fades, it sticks with me.

To be honest, my sessions usually end before I've had enough. I lead a somewhat busy life so there's always an obligation or something I need to do that prevents me from doing what I REALLY want, which would be to stay in the middle of an orgasm all day. My sessions are usually around 2 hours in length, and up to 6 hours when I've taken THC. I used to only do nighttime sessions, but I realized that my sexual peak hits sometime around the early afternoon and those sessions tend to be the more intense ones. It's just difficult to find the time for them. My toy of choice seems to change every few weeks. My body will crave a certain type of toy and when it does ONLY that toy will suffice. I got an njoy pure wand last week and my body is definitely on an njoy kick. The amount of pure prostate pleasure it's giving me is tremendous. I'm not typically a moaner, but that thing has me waking the neighbors. A lot of other posters say it's not a hands-free device, but I found a position that makes it one. I lie on my stomach or mostly on my stomach with the big end inserted (it takes a LOT of warm up to get that thing in) and rest the small end on the back of my thigh. Then I use it as if it were an Aneros, maybe adding a few small contractions to move it around. I also started doing a technique I call "charging the ogasm" where when I feel one approaching, I start to thrust my hips which staves off the orgasms BUT only as long as I'm thrusting. As soon as I stop thrusting the orgasm hits, and it hits harder the longer I've been thrusting. It's almost like building a static charge.

I've not used aneros with my girlfriend yet, though it has influenced our sex lives. Ever since my prostate has awakened, I get orgasms every time I eat her out. Usually two to three times. She's given me prostate orgasms just by sucking on my nipples. Hell, I get orgasms just spooning with her. When I'm lying next to her, the thought of knowing at any time I can grab her tits and caress them is enough to get some strong tingles going. Hmm, maybe this is why I can only have aless orgasms on my side? We haven't tried pegging or anything like that yet, but I've been thinking about attempting it at some point in the future. The njoy has taught me that my prostate likes to get pounded so I've been considering it more lately.

How do I end my sessions? I rarely traditionally masturbate at the end of a session. When I do it feels FANTASTIC but I also know doing so will rob me of aless orgasms all day the next day. Though sometimes I get them anyway. However, maybe to my own detriment I've been ending all my njoy sessions by traditionally masturbating. Even if I tell myself at the start of a session "okay, this time don't jerk off at the end!" sometimes I just can't help it. Penis play with that thing inserted is incredible and when I cum it feels like what women must feel when they get a blended orgasm (g-spot and clitoral).

One other thing to add, not only did I get calm seas orgasms the very first time I used aneros but I was getting them around a year before I used one even though I had never done prostate play before. I never tried pot until my 30's, but when I did I was incredibly open to the experience. When the good feelings began, I welcomed them with every fiber of my being. I invited the feelings into my body in almost a sexual way with no expectations or refrain. I became absolutely content with anything that may or may not happen to me. Apparently that was the EXACT frame of mind required to get the calm seas going. I ended up having rolling orgasms for about 5 straight hours, though at the time I didn't realize they were orgasms. I remember thinking "holy shit! No WONDER people do pot!" Now when I need help getting to the correct frame of mind I just remember that first experience.

Anyhow, enough rambling 🙂 Hope that gives a little insight.

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@fred27, I have posted recent blog entries on my typical Aneros sessions which came into being last April. (1). I have sessions once or twice a week now. Just about every night now, I enjoy diddling my nipples some. Diddling makes me sexually hot. Wearing a jock and an athletic cup accentuate the delicious sexual feelings arising from my diddling. All this activity primes my pump for Aneros sessions. (2) I am attentive to feelings if I need a BM. If so, that will cause me to postpone for a day. These days, I have sessions after I shower and shave, and have a light breakfast. I use extra virgin olive lube as my preferred lube. Before I begin using my Aneros devices, I apply lub to my anal canal using my middle finger. (3) Since last April, I have used the standing position which delivers direct massage to my anal canal and prostate. That approach enables me to have shorter and more effective sessions usually thirty minutes. First I use Classic MGX and then Classic Helix Syn. While using those models, I use some Kegels which are indeed effective and sweet. During my sessions, I savor the feelings MGX and Helix Syn having on my anal canal and prostate. Post session, I clean my anus and genitals with water and detergent, drying myself, before dressing for the day. Now my Aneros practice which I have described has really revved up my Aless which I savor for the rest of the day.

@fred27, you will notice that you can now purchase Trident MGX Syn now from I hope someday soon I can purchase this model.

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@Mumbo thats one for the records! Nice one.


I ride at night. Day would be better but I can’t justify it time and energy wise:

I clean with a douche. I make sure my phone is off. Then, without the recommended waiting period, I inject a glycerin free water based lube. Then I insert a toy (helix or Eupho, I don’t care which really) and see where it takes me.

I spend time on my sides and on all fours. I tend to get into a trance pretty quickly. I moan. I talk to imaginary partners. I touch myself all over. I tie up and pull my balls. I scream. I squeal. I fuck my pillow. I pant. I cry. I clench. I release. I shudder. I find tiny movements that feel wonderful. I roll my eyes. I attach clothespins to various parts of my body. I pinch my ass...

Aside from the clear physical acts, it is hard to say what I am doing actively and what my body does on its own. I let myself be led along, as if someone were showing me a light and I (blindly) run after it. Once I am in the groove I just let myself be guided by muscle movement. I rarely have calm seas orgasms. Rather cascades of ever stronger “active” orgasms. They often come in several minute cycles of multiple orgasms followed by several minutes of downtime. Usually when I think I’m finished I go for another round and it is stronger than the last. I often stop when it gets uncomfortable, so after an hour or so. Then I might continue with traditional masturbation to a series of dry orgasms and then sleep. Sometimes I ejaculate but rarely. Sometimes I fuck myself with a dildo too.

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Yesterday, 10:08 PM
I've been at this since the beginning of the year, and I'd say I've had pretty good success. I can tell things can and will get a lot better in time but if it never does I'm still very satisfied and happy with where I'm at. I'll preface this by saying that I'm prone to getting a lot of calms seas orgasms, and I'd say 98% of mine are the calm seas variety. Whether or not that's common for the average guy who knows, but it's definitely common for me.

I have two types of sessions: ones I plan in advance so the anticipation is something I look forward to all day, or ones where my prostate starts speaking to me and I have a spontaneous session. It's super rare that I have a dud session and it seems I only get one if I start a session too late in the evening and my body is too sleepy to react. Even then sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of an orgasm.

My prep work is usually consistent; I'll do a rectal douche to clean things out, apply a thin layer of Vaseline to my toy of choice followed by a layer of water based lube, inject some lube anally, then insert and lie down on my bed. I'm always naked as a little self-foreplay is nice. Sometimes this is all preceded by a shower, sometimes not. My body position is usually dependent on the toy I'm using as different toys produce different reactions. Eupho works best on my side in the fetal position, helix syn and progasm on my back, and njoy pure wand on my stomach. For Aless sessions, for some reason I can only trigger orgasms lying on my left side in the fetal position. I'm looking forward to the time I can get them sitting down so car rides become more fun!

To start a session I'll calm my mind and try to empty my thoughts and put my consciousness on my prostate. Any little tingle or vibration needs to be focused on with all my attention or they can sometimes be too subtle and fizzle out. To start that tingle, sometimes it happens as soon as the toy is inserted but usually I'll need to help guide it along with some erotic mental imagery. Porn can help at the start of a session but I'm finding it can be too much too fast, as my prostate prefers a slow burn. A gradual turn-on yields more lasting results, whereas porn can give me too much stimulation which feels great for a few minutes but then dies a death. If I relax into the tingle and let it take me where it wants to go it will start to increase in intensity and engulf my body. Aless sessions take around 5 minutes to hit this point, whereas Aneros will take upwards of 20 minutes ()isn't that weird?). Though I use THC in my sessions about once a month and when I do it takes around 5 seconds before I get to the calm seas. A little nipple play can assist. I used to have nipples as dull and useless as the skin on the back of the elbows, but prostate play has really woken them up. When they REALLY get going, some slight caressing feels even better than getting my dick sucked.

Once I'm in the calm seas usually I'm there for the duration of the session unless there are any distractions. It seems I can stay here as long as I'd like, and my record is 2 straight hours and I probably would've stayed there longer if not for the amazon guy ringing the doorbell. For me, these experiences only have minor peaks and valleys, but a consistent really nice full body warmth and overall great feeling. It's like someone cranked the pleasure dial up to 10 and decided to leave it there. Usually my brain gets a little foggy and in the more intense variants will take me out of body. I don't get body shakes or hard contractions but it's like I've been submerged in a big pool of pure happiness and bliss. During this time my prostate will feel really good. Sometimes I'll have some auto-fuck going with the toy, sometimes some little twitches, but what keeps me in the orgasm the longest is just constant direct unmoving pressure on the prostate. My breathing will move the toy around juuuust enough to keep my prostate from getting bored and keeps it very happy. The orgasms can greatly vary in intensity with the more crazy ones literally breaking my mind with the pleasure so I forget how to breathe because I'm so overwhelmed. In these moments I cease being a person and become only an orgasm. The smallest ones feel like... the best way to describe it, is that feeling you get the moment before you kissed your girlfriend/wife for the first time. Only instead of being a fleeting feeling that fades, it sticks with me.

To be honest, my sessions usually end before I've had enough. I lead a somewhat busy life so there's always an obligation or something I need to do that prevents me from doing what I REALLY want, which would be to stay in the middle of an orgasm all day. My sessions are usually around 2 hours in length, and up to 6 hours when I've taken THC. I used to only do nighttime sessions, but I realized that my sexual peak hits sometime around the early afternoon and those sessions tend to be the more intense ones. It's just difficult to find the time for them. My toy of choice seems to change every few weeks. My body will crave a certain type of toy and when it does ONLY that toy will suffice. I got an njoy pure wand last week and my body is definitely on an njoy kick. The amount of pure prostate pleasure it's giving me is tremendous. I'm not typically a moaner, but that thing has me waking the neighbors. A lot of other posters say it's not a hands-free device, but I found a position that makes it one. I lie on my stomach or mostly on my stomach with the big end inserted (it takes a LOT of warm up to get that thing in) and rest the small end on the back of my thigh. Then I use it as if it were an Aneros, maybe adding a few small contractions to move it around. I also started doing a technique I call "charging the ogasm" where when I feel one approaching, I start to thrust my hips which staves off the orgasms BUT only as long as I'm thrusting. As soon as I stop thrusting the orgasm hits, and it hits harder the longer I've been thrusting. It's almost like building a static charge.

I've not used aneros with my girlfriend yet, though it has influenced our sex lives. Ever since my prostate has awakened, I get orgasms every time I eat her out. Usually two to three times. She's given me prostate orgasms just by sucking on my nipples. Hell, I get orgasms just spooning with her. When I'm lying next to her, the thought of knowing at any time I can grab her tits and caress them is enough to get some strong tingles going. Hmm, maybe this is why I can only have aless orgasms on my side? We haven't tried pegging or anything like that yet, but I've been thinking about attempting it at some point in the future. The njoy has taught me that my prostate likes to get pounded so I've been considering it more lately.

How do I end my sessions? I rarely traditionally masturbate at the end of a session. When I do it feels FANTASTIC but I also know doing so will rob me of aless orgasms all day the next day. Though sometimes I get them anyway. However, maybe to my own detriment I've been ending all my njoy sessions by traditionally masturbating. Even if I tell myself at the start of a session "okay, this time don't jerk off at the end!" sometimes I just can't help it. Penis play with that thing inserted is incredible and when I cum it feels like what women must feel when they get a blended orgasm (g-spot and clitoral).

One other thing to add, not only did I get calm seas orgasms the very first time I used aneros but I was getting them around a year before I used one even though I had never done prostate play before. I never tried pot until my 30's, but when I did I was incredibly open to the experience. When the good feelings began, I welcomed them with every fiber of my being. I invited the feelings into my body in almost a sexual way with no expectations or refrain. I became absolutely content with anything that may or may not happen to me. Apparently that was the EXACT frame of mind required to get the calm seas going. I ended up having rolling orgasms for about 5 straight hours, though at the time I didn't realize they were orgasms. I remember thinking "holy shit! No WONDER people do pot!" Now when I need help getting to the correct frame of mind I just remember that first experience.

Anyhow, enough rambling 🙂 Hope that gives a little insight.

Excellent & informative post. I'm a 3 month newbie. I've had pretty good luck so far. I say that humbley. I do have a Njoy wand. On my back using my right hand I don't get a whole lot of results. So I will try your method. Thx for sharing that and your story.

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Good luck!

The pure wand has really helped me realize just which positions do nothing for me and which are awesome. For me, the pleasure is so unmistakable because it's so blunt and immediate whereas the aneros is subtle before it really starts to grow. Because of this I've become shocked at how some body positions yield nothing and sliiiight changes in the same position will be a game changer. You ever seen one of those weird action figures from the 80's where part of the toy only reveals itself once you move the left arm slightly? I think my prostate is kinda like that.

I've only had the wand a week so I'm still experimenting but I too don't get much stimulation from manual movement. Once I found where the great feelings were hiding I haven't tried anything else, though maybe next time I'll deviate and see if there's an even better technique. Time will tell. I also don't think the wand would do much for me if I hadn't learned how to use the Aneros first so there's also the chance you'll need to ride a bit longer before your body is ready. I admit I wish I had purchased one sooner but hell, maybe I got one at the exact right time to give my body time to sort things out. If anyone has some wand techniques to share I'd love to hear them.

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I find a relaxed position, in a place where I have enjoyed aneros before. That alone is enough to get waves of pulsating pleasure started, with no tool at all. Aless. Like right now, reclining as I type, my ass is pulsing and my lips are twitching in sync.

When I want to add a tool, I insert some lube and coat the tool. I might start with my silicone butt plug. It is not large, as they go, but as large as the progasm and a great "opening" setup for smaller sizes. It doesn't elicit much auto-fuck action, but has it's own special charm.

Interestingly, if my mind wanders off topic, even to thoughts about work, this seems to enable even more involuntary action. Frequently, I experience vivid dream-like images appear in my mind, from past memorable experiences.

I might go for an hour or more before switching tools. Each one has a distinct character, with the diminutive Eupho surprisingly most active. It has become my favorite. For a long time, the Progasm brought no satisfaction - it seemed far too large. Now, I am less of a tight ass, and enjoy relaxing around it, opening even more. Off it goes. I might switch tools three or four times, and spend four hours roaming about.

Sometimes quickly, other times after an hour, I'll bring the nipples into play. This does nothing without a warmup, but if that has been done, they instantly bring whole new spasms of pleasure to my groin and dick. It seems infinitely pleasureable, but then taking a short break and coming back to each nipple, arms crossed, it's seems like a new higher level of pleasure each time.

Earphones with binaural beats adds another dimension of enabling stimulation, as do videos of glans edging.

My early exploration of Aneros, starting with the Helix, left me wondering what the Super O was all about, while finding myself able to trigger intense auto-fuck to HFO. Later, I discovered the body-consuming Super O and lost my auto-fuck to HFO skill. The other day, I got it back.

What could be better?

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You inspired me. Yesterday I ordered the njoy wand (and 100 lube free condoms for silicon dildo use, and 3 bottles of good clean love lube-- that's gonna be a party to receive in the mail).

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Mumbo, I tried your & technique using my Njoy wand. Some spectacular sensations were felt. First time on my belly I had some pretty intense sensations. Usually I'm on my back or occasionally on my side. If you have anymore effective techniques please share them. Thank you very much !!!

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Just reading your posts, I have a golf ball resting on my taint whilst sitting here and doing some slow kegels.... After reading about the wand, I'm ready to head for the bed (I warm up with the medium njoy plug, then ride the wand, and finish with the extra large plug, which is real intense. I can't wait to be on my belly.

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I enjoy my Pure Wand as well! Ride it while on my back or stomach with a pillow under me. Insert the big end and let the small end rest on the towel as I can apply a small amount of pressure to move it back and forth and enjoy the pleasure and orgasms created!

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Mumbo, I tried your & technique using my Njoy wand. Some spectacular sensations were felt. First time on my belly I had some pretty intense sensations. Usually I'm on my back or occasionally on my side. If you have anymore effective techniques please share them. Thank you very much !!!

I'll let you know when I discover them! I've not had the wand long so I've only used it 4 times but I'm really enjoying it. I used it again last night and my prostate reacted very interestingly to it. For a period of about 15 min my prostate was vibrating incredibly rapidly. About as quickly as a dildo and nearly as strong. I wasn't sure at first if it was actually making physical movements or just a false perception of movement, but then I placed a fingernail on the side of the wand and I could hear a chattering sound as it bounced off it repeatedly. Then I noticed it was making my cock vibrate too. Man I tell ya, if I can find a way to replicate that on demand my girlfriend will be very happy.

So at the moment, my favorite position with it is completely on my stomach, legs together (with my cock in front of my legs so I don't squish it) and the small end of the wand rested firmly on the back of my thighs where they meet each other. The small end kinda works as an anchor point for me so any kind of hip movement will draw the big end in and out. Most of the time it feels best when lying (mostly) still but sometimes my body craves more. If I rotate my hips around in a circle it can produce some interesting feelings. If I thrust I draw it in and out of myself. If I want to take it one step further and really mess with my mind, I can wrap my hand around my cock so when I thrust, not only am I fucking my hand but also getting fucked in the ass. Both events happen simultaneously so it almost feels like my cock is going in and out of my own ass. Definitely a mindtrip! I might try that when high one time and see what happens.

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Good luck!

The pure wand has really helped me realize just which positions do nothing for me and which are awesome. .

What is the process behind discovering which positions are better? Do you just insert the Pure Wand and then shift to a position to see if it feels good?

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What is the process behind discovering which positions are better? Do you just insert the Pure Wand and then shift to a position to see if it feels good?

Pretty much. I'll try a position for around 10 min to give it some time, let it set there for a while and if I'm feeling nothing I might wiggle it around or start flexing some muscles. My body responds quickly to the Pure Wand so 10 min is probably more than enough time, but there could be a hidden "slow burn" factor that I'd want to give consideration. The positions I try are the typical ones that work for me in an Aneros session though I attempted some that normally don't yield results such as doggie style or sitting with my back against the wall, etc. For each position I try to make sure to approach very delicately as the big end could probably do some damage if I'm not careful. I guess I could always remove it, get into position first and THEN insert, but that big ball is such a bitch to get in! So far there's a perfect overlap of positions that work for Aneros and positions that work for the pure wand.

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