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What’s going on physiologically?

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so I’ve been enjoying the journey in the past month and have recently started to have intense sessions with super-os.

Im curious and I haven’t really found anything but what is going on physiologically during a super-o? Especially, what happens with the prostate? I’m finding myself fascinated by the scientific aspect of all this.

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Prostate orgasms have yet to be properly studied. The closest we've gotten to my knowledge is this paper: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ca.23006
According to the abstract, "Current medical literature does not describe precisely the activation and mechanisms of prostate orgasms."

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Im curious and I haven’t really found anything but what is going on physiologically during a super-o? Especially, what happens with the prostate? I’m finding myself fascinated by the scientific aspect of all this.

I'm curious too , a little over nine years ago I started a thread addressing this very issue -> see Support for scientific research. The study paper referenced by @buryniceusername above is certainly a small start but we really need to have some one, company or foundation to step up and fund a good study. Let's hope it happens sooner than later, in the meantime I'm going to keep enjoying my prostate orgasms and attempting to coach new users as best I can.
Good Vibes to You !

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If you are interested in the anatomy of the pelvic floor you might enjoy this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Mrytn9Cw0

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Here is another video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vni_VPeD0wo

This could be what we experience during an "Anerosless" dry orgasm.

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@OntheJourney, Thank you for finding and posting those links, I've gone ahead and added them to the Aneros WIKI in the -> Tantric training wheels paragraph & in the Pelvic Floor muscles section.

Good Vibes to You !

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Here is an old video I found.....the video is a hoot but he talks about MMO at 21 minutes............ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1yBWvROBY0

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Hi @all,

Im curious and I haven’t really found anything but what is going on physiologically during a super-o?

Hey @TK76, like @rumel elaborated already. It's funny, I just had a conversation at a party lately, how many scientific fields have a time of breakthrough (a golden age so to say) and then there is (at least a felt) stagnation for like 50-100 years. In physics that golden age was in the 1920s and 30s, in sex research it was in the 50s and 60s (Kinsey, Masters & Johnson). The closest ones to a future breakthrough are imho not sexologists but neurologists. A few years ago Barbara Carrellas, the world-wide poster-girl of energy-orgasm, was put in an fMRI and having her brain scanned while she was doing her breath-and-energy-orgasm routine. I've never heard from that researcher since then, so it's likely that his findings end up as a side note of history - if at all. The video on youtube where Barbara was in the fMRI (an episode of a show called "Strange Sex") was deleted as well. 🙁

The thing is, as long as so few people are actually able to pull this off, science won't catch interest in this thing. This is a vicious circle, since without scientific publications, popular science and mass media won't pick this up as well. That's why it's so important to spread the word. The more people know, the more people are gonna try. Female multiple orgasm went up significantly only after Kinsey reported on them. I'm too lazy to look the numbers up, but if I remember right, it went from 10% back then to 30-40%-ish today.

@buryniceusername , thx for the article - it's quite recent.

@rumel do you know who "The subject was a 63‐year‐old, medically qualified male in good physical health with a good libido and a normal prostate on digital examination." was? It sounds like he is one of "us".

@Wedgewood, I personally don't like Mantaks approach (read one of his books, did not convince me). It's classic Daoism and frankly, I don't have the feeling that he truly mastered energy orgasms himself, because he is clinging to the ancient teaching from xy-hundret-years-in-china ago. He argues that the old age of the teachings validates them, because they where perfect all along and the elders knew best... yeah, or maybe... maybe he is just not acknowledging new findings and facts (like scientist do).

He is quite popular though (and that's where I see the problem). See in the video he begins with a routine to numb down your penis. But that's not how you master energy orgasms. You don't want to feel less, you want to feel more. If you transfer this approach in my beloved electric-lighting metaphor (lightswitch = genitals, wiring = nervous system, lightbulb = brain, light = orgasm), he is basically saying: use the light-switch often and vigorously until it wears out and won't trigger the lightbulb reliably. Killer-strategy... NOT.

What you actually want to do is: open the walls and get your hands on those cables, so that you can connect a new and shinier switch (prostate, nipples, you name it) or maybe short-circut them directly (like Barbara does with her breathing or Neil Slade with his amygdala clicking or Jack Johnston with his KSMO).

@brucemarkland , that's amygdala clicking and was covered in the forums a few times already. It's very interesting stuff! The documentary is a bit weird at times though - like you are seing a brainwashed cult. Lingo was bit of an eccentric guy and tried to heal his trauma from war. As I understand it, the students in his "research lab" were moslty troubled teenagers and runaways. I guess, that's where this odd vibe comes from, but I still think Lingo was sincere. From what I found out, he did not exploit anyone and lived in as a hermit in poverty. Neil (who carries on the legacy from Lingo) seems to be an esoteric kind of guy and I don't buy all he says. BUT: his techniques on brain meditations work quite well!

Cheers, Unfug

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@Unfug I know what your saying about Mantak. I just finished reading "the multi orgasmic man" and I found a lot of helpful information in there. Especially the part about guiding your energy and feelings to the right areas, breathing and Kegel exercises. But I thought the same about "sharpening his sword", that's just weird?
I'll definitely check out Barbara's breathing or Neil Slade's amygdala clicking.

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Hey @Wedgewood ,

I just finished reading "the multi orgasmic man" and I found a lot of helpful information in there. Especially the part about guiding your energy and feelings to the right areas, breathing and Kegel exercises.

Daoists, Tantrists, Yogis and the like made good observations and developed effective exercises, BUT they were not so good in drawing the right conclusions. That's because the stuff they discovered had to fit in their believe system and philosophy. I like the approach of Tantrists the most, which is basically: learn from others, adopt what's good but leave the rest.

But I thought the same about "sharpening his sword", that's just weird?

It's super-weird, but I understand what the motivation is. Slowing down the direct link from the penis to the prostate gives you time to build arousal in the rest of your body and eventually orgasm from that full body energy before the direct link triggers the ejaculation reflex. But you can achieve that w/o numbing yourself down. Learning energy orgasms means to gain control over parts of your nervous system. In Aneros-sessions we use this ability to build arousal in other parts of the body than our penis. But you can use it quite as well to shut/slow down the penis-prostate link. I'm still in the process of mastering that, but slowing down (and not fucking like a rabbit) alone helps tons to give you the time needed to achieve multiple energy-orgasm during intercourse.

I'll definitely check out Barbara's breathing or Neil Slade's amygdala clicking.

Get your hands on Barbara's book "Urban Tantra". It's worth it's weight in gold! Just ask @SOwithoutAneros about it. 🙂

Cheers, Unfug

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Get your hands on Barbara's book "Urban Tantra". It's worth it's weight in gold! Just ask @SOwithoutAneros about it. 🙂

Affirmative! 🙂

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This was the single most helpful thread for me. Ive lost count of the super Os after 12. My prostate wont let me sleep.

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