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Weird experience with feelings in my spine (energy talk)

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Feeling pleasure working its way up my spine is nothing new to me, but yesterday I had an experience that really surprised me.

It was still pleasure rising up my spine, but this time it's like it was traveling up the side of my spine that faces the inside of my body. I never had a distinction like this before... I never even conceived of my spine having two "sides". It had always been traveling along the only path I had ever been aware of, which was the side facing my back.

It's like I was using this whole other conduit that runs parallel to the channel I had been experiencing before... except now the energy was being routed distinctly along the front, through lower-body regions that felt much more cum-like.

I'm blown away by how I'm still experiencing the previously unthinkable after about a decade of doing this... but I'm still at a loss what to think about it.

Maybe I've been stuck with a bad habit of drawing the energy away... trying to pull the pleasure up to my brain, sucking it away from my lower body, forcing it into the "back" channel so there's none left to travel into the front channel. That's what it feels like in my mind at least... like I've been preventing the (famous) self-sustaining loop by directing energy away from the area that would sustain it... maybe because I've been afraid of it... because it did seem to run into areas that felt more involuntary.

I don't know what I'm asking... but I'm curious to know what you guys make of this in general. I'm in a place where, on some level, I don't know what to do with this information.

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Let it flow freely where it may and enjoy, that's what I do. almost every time I try to 'direct' the flow I loose everything so I've come to the realization that sometimes it wants to go where it wants to go and I let it roam free and it rewards me in return.

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Posted by: @somebody

Let it flow freely where it may and enjoy, that's what I do.

I thought I had been doing that... but this is like finding out I can cut off a piss mid-flow and have it come spraying out my ears instead. It's like... I didn't know that was an option.

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