Waking up in the mo...
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Waking up in the morning

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Anyone here waking up after a long sleep to an Aless O? I don't mean a P wave, random tingling reminder of a past session or anything like that. Rather a full-blown body shaking O? Not that I mind....because it is very enjoyable, but it has happened 3 days in a row now and until fully awake this morning I would have sworn I left the Eupho inserted. So amazing and I am curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this.

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I'm still a bit new at everything, but I've had a half dozen or so. I tend to get my weirdest O's early in the morning when I'm waking up and my brain isn't quite alert yet. I had one about a week ago when my brain was still in that dazed trippy zone and it felt like a tornado in a bizarre way. It was the most surreal thing I had ever experienced but I'll try to explain it as best as I can. To preface this, I have some crazyass dreams and thoughts when I'm asleep/near asleep, so I'm sure that contributed greatly.

The sensations started at my feet and slowly went up my body over the course of about 20 seconds. It felt like some physical force was putting pin-point pressure on my body, and every part of me it touched seemed to scatter into a billion pieces of bliss. Almost like my physical form was being decimated by a tornado, and once the pieces left my body and floated to the air they'd tingle violently and pleasurably. Any surrounding area not directly hit by the tornado felt like harsh wind was repeatedly rushing over every inch of my skin. When it finally reached my head, my ears were filled with the deafening sound of roaring wind and I had mild vertigo as if the room was spinning. Or was I spinning around the room? Eventually my brain was so overwhelmed by the sensations that the only thing I could process was the pleasure, and I ceased being a person and was just a billion chunks of orgasm being thrown around my bedroom. After who knows how long, it all ended and it almost felt like the pieces of me gently fell back down to the bed where I regained my senses. I woke my girlfriend up when I laughed loudly and said "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" I haven't had anything even remotely similar happen yet, but damned if I wouldn't love to go back to that place again.

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Mumbo.. I had a similar experience. You equated it to being scattered into a billion pieces of bliss. For me, I was in the middle of one of those earth shaking O's and just totally let go and in addition to being scattered about, the pieces of me just seemed to get absorbed by my surroundings. Then all physical senses just turned off. No longer was I aware of my breathing, heartbeat, no sense of the visual other than something that looked like massive gears working one another in total silence. No smells, sounds, and interestingly no sensations of a body touching anything. I don't know how long that lasted, but do remember feeling completely at peace. Funny thing is I was certain I was conscious at some level because as I drifted out of it, my first thought was that I wanted to stay in that place forever. My second thought was that I had just experienced something that went beyond orgasm and into the spiritual realm. Some people may think that sounds a bit korny, but that is how I recall it now.

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I’ll have what you guys are having....

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