Voluntary vs. Invol...
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Voluntary vs. Involuntary

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So, I think I made a pretty good breakthrough the past two days. For the entirety of my journey, I have always struggled with the question of “How much do I actually participate in this process?” I have heard a number of people have success with the “do nothing” method...ok, do I just lay here and some magic will happen? Maybe that works for some guys. There is a lot of talk about letting the pleasure come to you and don’t force it. But I have to do something to get the pleasure flowing, right? 

I think I may have found a balance that will lead to success...only time will tell. For the past two days, I started my sessions by doing 20 x 8-second keel contractions with my Helix to get things warmed up, or fatigue my pelvic floor, or whatever needs to happen to reach the next level. As I hold for 8 seconds, I am belly breathing two inhales and two exhales during this time. After that I continue with more voluntary, intentional kegel squeezes and maybe some stroking of the nipples, but not too much. Sometimes, at the end of my kegel hold, I will feel some involuntary shaking and after some more time, my body quieted down and I could feel somewhat involuntary movement of the toy, in an out, smoothly massaging my prostate back and forth. I feel like these are the involuntary movements that may lead to pleasure.

And now, I can break down my session into trying to get these involuntaries to happen. You can’t go into a prostate session with the goal of “having a Super O” when you are at my level because that is like trying to eat the elephant in one bite. By having a smaller goal of just getting and keeping the involuntaries, I can make this attainable and feel some success with my session. 

I came up with an analogy that my session is like tending to a fire. I need to take some intentional, voluntary actions (kegels) to keep the fire stoked and keep the involuntary movement going. Once my body starts to work, then I can let go and let the pleasure find me. If I lose the involuntaries, then go back to a direct action to stoke that fire and get my body going again. At some point, my body will be like a raging fire of pleasure and it won’t need stoking and that’s when I can let go and enjoy the ride.

I have no idea yet if I am thinking about this correctly, but I have had a couple of enjoyable sessions already and I am looking forward to that bonfire!

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Posted by: @7sdoor

I have no idea yet if I am thinking about this correctly, but I have had a couple of enjoyable sessions already and I am looking forward to that bonfire!

I believe you ARE thinking about this correctly. It is obvious you have done some of the reading, tried some of the suggested methods and are now doing the essential work of experimenting on your own, following your own intuitive path forward with the embers of pleasure guiding you. Awakening your prostate is akin to lighting your metaphorical fire. Aneros may have been the ignition source but your mind is the fuel to support the flame, each erotic thought and tender caress helps build that bonfire. Given time you'll see that bonfire create the erotic fire storm of a Super-O.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks @rumel!

I definitely have felt the shift from reading the suggested techniques to moving toward my own experimentation and it is quite freeing to break off and follow where my body and mind want to take me, rather than simply following an instruction book. I really appreciate your reassurances and it makes me that much more excited to continue this journey!

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Posted by: @rumel

. Awakening your prostate is akin to lighting your metaphorical fire. Aneros may have been the ignition source but your mind is the fuel to support the flame, each erotic thought and tender caress helps build that bonfire. Given time you'll see that bonfire create the erotic fire storm of a Super-O.

Lovely metaphor!

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I agree with @rumel here, adding in the arousal as fuel. I understand what you are talking about @7sdoor , in terms of a bonfire. For me there is a certain amount of heating up that goes on physically through clenching when I have a toy in. But once I am really hot, so to speak, it is arousal that really blows things up. It’s as if the physical aspect gets the fire going as a smoldering glow of coals, and arousal blows oxygen into the whole mess.

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@7sdoor it’s perfectly doable to manually orgasm without invols. I’ve done it many times. Sometimes I just run a sequence of contractions that I know will work,and they do. I still do them to this day. Whatever works,use it mate. I believe once you really get that belief inside your head,whatever method will work.


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Posted by: @helghast

...it’s perfectly doable to manually orgasm... 

I concur, if you can produce an orgasmic pattern with voluntary contractions, it works as good as if it was "involuntary". I believe it's the reason some audio guided sessions work well, when the author has a good grasp of what's happening during the contractions and can explain it clearly, and you manage to follow the instructions the right way, then it should work even if you're doing all or most of the contractions yourself without going into auto-pilot. A contraction is a contraction is a contraction, but then I believe your body knows exactly what you need, which is why you should let go at some point and let it work its magic on you. Getting all the right moves and tiny nuances consciously is a lot of work, while letting your body works its own programming lets you focus on the pleasure and keeps you guessing.   

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As such tips aren’t widely known in the wild @zentai and @helghast are educating me.

@7sDoor ‘s gonna break through before we know it- what he last wrote is in general what recently bought me to what I might term a chain-reaction state “a.k.a” orgasm.

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@helghast @zentai

Thanks for the input on the contractions! I have always wondered if I need to get to a point where my body goes into auto mode. It sounds like that is how a lot of the good stuff happens, but it is definitely good to know that there are different paths to success and that voluntary contractions can lead to orgasmic bliss as well.

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Posted by: @helical

@7sDoor ‘s gonna break through before we know it- what he last wrote is in general what recently bought me to what I might term a chain-reaction state “a.k.a” orgasm.

@helical, I hope you are right about that! I do feel like I have been getting closer lately and I’m trying to get excited about it without putting too much expectation on myself...haha!

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Posted by: @7sdoor

I’m trying to get excited about it without putting too much expectation on myself...haha!

Nah,rejoice in your progress mate! It’s coming (pun intended) 🙂


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I echo that, relax/no expectations and enjoy/rejoice.  I am happy for you that you’re the contest winner for this week!  Mine arrived very quickly.  It may be a catalyst for you.  As others and I note, you’ll enjoy the firmer arms even if it’s off.   And setting 2/low & 1/low for starters.  Mmm.  Know that vibration is an enhancement for and not a prerequisite for the journey.  Meanwhile, whet your appetite by reading the great review thread(s), like [Sticky] NEW HELIX SYN V REVIEWS

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