Vibes irritates but...
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Vibes irritates butt nerves;pain

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Is there a way to stop aless vibes? 
I ask this because the vibes irritate
the nerves at the top of the sides
of both buttocks.

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If guess you're talking about muscle soreness from involuntary movements or shaking? Please correct me if I'm wrong. 

In my case these spasms, shake etc. almost always go away if I concentrate on them and try to move them to me abdomen or prostate.

Switching position could do the trick also, pushing lightly on something with your feet could work, put some pressure on the floor with different parts of your foot. Curling your toes inwards or outwards and really stretching will also work sometimes.

Being Aless gives more position freedom so some position that don't work with Aneros, like sitting on a hard chair, are worth trying to see if you get less shakes that way. Good luck! 

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It is like ache is caused by the vibes on lower nerves. Also muscle movents irritates the same nerves which have this ache.  How long does it take vibes to end,ä, weeka,months,years or never. The vibes dont stop if I sit but I am going to try what you suggested.


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@buttin ok so you're getting involuntaries in your butt and legs outside of session and they won't stop... my advice is more for during a session, I don't have much experience with what you described and don't really know how I would approach it. Maybe I'd start with stretching exercises, sorry I can't be more helpful. 


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@buttin are you talking about the buzzing or warm sensation radiating from your prostate when the toy is not inserted, sometimes all day every day? If so that is called butt buzz, and there are many posts on it.




@zentai understood one thing (involuntaties) and I understand another. Could you describe more clearly what you are talking about, buttin?

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Yes I think this is about involuntary spasming or twitching of the upper legs and buttocks, not the  pleasant involuntaries. I was not very clear and  you're right, I should have clarified with OP instead of guessing. Sorry @buttin, I wanted to give you a quick fix and didn't think this through.

The way I see it, butt buzz is pleasurable but can be distracting or just gets old after a while, while this sounds more like discomfort and a nuisance. At first I believed this was about unwanted movement during Aless sessions...

So butt buzz is session aftermath or session anticipation, while this other thing would be more like rewiring in progress causing some temporary inconvenience. Just brainstorming here, what go you guys think? 



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Posted by: @zentai


Yes I think this is about involuntary spasming or twitching of the upper legs and buttocks, not the  pleasant involuntaries. I was not very clear and  you're right, I should have clarified with OP instead of guessing. Sorry @buttin, I wanted to give you a quick fix and didn't think this through.

The way I see it, butt buzz is pleasurable but can be distracting or just gets old after a while, while this sounds more like discomfort and a nuisance. At first I believed this was about unwanted movement during Aless sessions...

So butt buzz is session aftermath or session anticipation, while this other thing would be more like rewiring in progress causing some temporary inconvenience. Just brainstorming here, what go you guys think? 



Yes, butt-Buzz describes well what I feel about it
is also related to the fact that both of my buttocks often have strong tension that may cause irritation elsewhere.
I feel like I have an engine running inside the butt just waiting for someone to press the gas. How do I turn off the engine?

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Posted by: @buttin

I feel like I have an engine running inside the butt just waiting for someone to press the gas. How do I turn off the engine?

It sounds to me like you have a severe case of 'butt buzz'. 'Butt Buzz' is often reported by newbie users going through the process of prostate awakening, though it is usually short lived, on the order of a few days. For some individuals this can be a pleasant sensation akin to a sexual 'afterglow' but for others it can be an irritating distraction as it is in your situation. You can try @Zentai's suggestions for relieving it or you may try shifting your mental focus away from it by pursuing other more engaging activities such as physical exercise. In any event it will probably dissipate in a few days only to recur following your next few sessions. Please don't be alarmed, you will grow past this phase of your rewiring as you learn to reinterpret these sensations as part of your sensual awakening toward pleasure. You can't really turn off that engine, nor should you try to suppress it, this is part of the sexual/sensual pleasure with which nature has endowed you, enjoy and revel the mystery as it unfolds for you.

Good Vibes to You!

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