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Using Aneros during sexual intercourse

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Hey fellas, I am a newbie (just got my aneros today) and I am wondering if anyone uses their aneros during sexual intercourse with their partner. Normally it takes me ages to cum during intercourse (like I can go for hours!). This can be very frustrating for my partner (and needless to say very sore). I am interested to know if any guys use the aneros during intercourse. The advertising says you definitely can. If so what positions do you find particularly satisfying. Looking forward to some responses.

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i did use it once while sex my wife, she is in doggystyle position and I came from behind
due the nature of sexual intercourse, the penile stimulation overwhelmed the subtle prostate sensation that came from aneros poking at my prostate
therefore, I did not feel anything from behind until my ejaculation and I think it is around 2x more intense than my usual one and that's it

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Thanks Veon, this is really useful and gives us some hope (Lol). I love having my prostate stimulated, but I am interested to know its effect on penile ejaculation. Thanks again

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I use it during sex and find it amazing. I have super O's while we are having sex and at the end a mind blowing traditional orgasm. It took me a bit of practice though because the aneros was overwhelming. I eventually got control of it and love sex with it in.

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I also agree it feels amazing with intercourse - however, as @veon stated, I missed the Pstim sensations and just had a bigger O.
I definitely subscribe to the hands-off aneros sessions and therefore no longer have sex with it... keep the two sensations separate- one just for me.

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Yes it is amazing! I have dry Os while she gives me head and touches me, and while I'm hard the Aneros is really engaged with my prostate and moves a LOT. My orgasm/ejaculation or TO is so extremely strong, regardless of having an Aneros in me or not, that I usually shoot the toy out of me extremely hard depending on the way my PC muscles flex and respond to the sex and the toy in me. So, if it shoots out I have just a so-so TO. I either have to be in missionary with my legs pretty close together and finish in my wife, or she's on top and finishes me like that. I have like one or three toys that will stay in me if I want to pull out and unload all over her (which we both prefer, her especially!!): my zini janus, both of the Peridise I have, and the PS-New due to it's quite bulbous shape. My dream is for the Maximus to stay in me during a TO but it has not given me the coveted TO+Maximus yet. I say this because I find the Maximus to be the very best prostate toy to use for a TO. I have tried LOTS of toys during a TO and the Max is #1.

@button is your partner fond of giving you blowjobs? Do they bring you to completion in their mouth and if so do they swallow? If yes to all, then by all means put a toy in and if they are okay with it, let them blow your mind!!!!! To me, this is the most ultimate TO I can have: a toy in me and a long, slow, loving blowjob from my wife. OMG what a sensation to TO in her mouth like this!!!!

Good luck!

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@JD05 , same here. I prefer to use aneros standalone too. I am afraid that using aneros while sex would slowly re-wiring me in the other direction which most of us here is trying to avoid, penile stim while playing with the prostate. which will lead to super T instead.

But @button
Do not let this discourage you if you like to have it on while sex. you should enjoy what matter to you the most. But if you like to experience 'raw' prostate orgasm, i may suggest you to try using it standalone. Anyway, welcome to the world of prostate play

wow! nice one. yeah, shooting out aneros while orgasm is anti-climax

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Thanks guys. This is all really useful. As a newbie I am not so worried about the whole rewiring thing and prostate versus penile orgasm. I have great penile orgasms, and I love arse play already. I just want to have a good decent orgasm inside my partner without leaving them raw and in pain. Your responses (particularly techpump's) give me great hope.
