Hello, first time post here.
I've been reading some of the topics previously but to shy to he part of it all... until now.
I feel comfortable sharing this here, I can see everyone is helping and supportive, so thank you.
I'm fairly new to this type of stuff, have been doing for maybe 2-3 months.
Occasionally I will feel the rare wave or start of what it feels like pleasure, but today's session has me baffled.
I had the toy on low setting vibrate, and relaxing for about half hour just enjoying anything I was to potentially feel. I could tell things were getting a little heated because I could feel the toy moving a little by itself and vibrations were feeling good.
Before the session I made sure I went to the toilet to wee, however into the 40ish minute mark I could feel I I needed to wee or it was kinda building. At the same time I could feel what it felt like a penile orgasm coming on. I didn't get too worried and squeezed my pc to simulate the stop of wanting to urinate. I wasn't sure if it was this, but when the feeling came back I just let my body go and it felt I was about to or having the start of an orgasm. But I swear it was urine that was coming out. Once I realised I stopped. Luckily I had a towel at the ready.
I know this wasn't the big O and I wasn't expecting to have one. But was this a mini o feeling or just me needing to wee? I just couldn't hold that feeling away.
Any personal experience or light on this would be amazing if any.
Thank you
Ps. It was fairly watered and wasn't pre cum
But was this a mini o feeling or just me needing to wee?
Probably a combination of things. If you were experimenting with the muscles in that area and paying attention to the sensations there, you can for sure dry-o that way. Maybe the buildup of urine was a catalyst in shifting your attention there.
(I wrote a much longer post, but the forum ate it)
@clenchy thanks so much for your reply. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to be able to have any input to this. I was hoping the forum Un eats your detailed response lol.
I guess I'm not deterred by this. I will take this feeling as a win because it was hands free and the experience felt good (besides the fact urine coming out)
I was hoping the forum Un eats your detailed response lol.
Nah, that post is totally gone. I should have copied it before hitting post, but oh well.
I guess I'm not deterred by this.
Yeah, there's no reason to be.
I consistently experience an increase in bladder-filling during prostate stimulation, and like you, it leads to some interesting sensations, but ultimately letting out urine. I don't usually bother playing with these sensations, I just go for a wizz then get back to it. There are some sensations people report that feel similar to "needing to pee", but I don't get that, for me the sensation of bladder fullness is unmistakable every time it happens.
It might be interesting to incorporate some play with these same muscles into your session, when you don't have to pee... see if you can recreate anything familiar.
@clenchy thank you I will keep in mind. I know there will be another session, so if I do feel the urge to wee I think I will just go to the toilet and jump back in. Just worried if I would lose my rhythm and will need to start all over again
Super appreciated your response and view
I have a lot of experience with this sensation. There have been a lot of sessions for me where, like you, at about the half-hour mark, it is a nice feeling, I relax into it, and I expel a lot of urine. It is why I have all my sessions on a hard floor now. It feels very pleasurable, and I have gone back and forth on this, but I don’t think it is a mini O. I think it might be a combination of the Aneros stimulating your bladder and your PC muscles tiring out after a while.
As I have progressed the last few months, I have had less of the urine leaking, which may be because my PC muscles have gotten stronger. The other thing that has really helped me I that I started putting something (folded up gauze or toilet paper) underneath the p-tab for my sessions. I think I have discovered that the Aneros is overshooting my prostate and probably stimulating closer to the bladder. The gauze brings the head of the Aneros a little more shallow and I think it focuses better on my prostate. I would suggest you try this and see if it helps you.
Anyway, no reason to feel embarrassed…it happens to me too. Hopefully, as you progress, you will move past the urine stage and start leaking more precum, which is so much more arousing!
@7sdoor thank you kindly. It's kinda reassuring to know it's not just me. I still take it as a mini win either way. It's all part of the exploration and experience. I'm very new to this, my pc muscles would not be overly strong. I am trying to work on this to help strengthen down there. It won't discourage me if it happens again
I have the same problem from time to time. I have decided to lean into it. So as soon as the urge to pee hits, I wrap my cock in a double folded towel,and let the urge build, until I can feel the urine rise, I then start manipulating my nipples, this seems to automatically turn on the shut off valve and only a small amount of pee pulses out. Then I let it build again, this time sensations are even more intense, repeat nipple manipulations. After about 3-5 of these, I my cock starts pumping out like an orgasm till my bladders empty, wrap wet towel, place in plastic bag, and carry on withh my session. I the sensations one gets when you have to pee bad stay at a 9 through the whole process. I rarely continue after as its kinda overwhelming. Some times I skip the towel, its such a turn on to feel lquid being pumped onto your stomach and chest. I have had an actual orgasm during one of these, I dont know what youd call it orgasm. It was clear fluid with white 1in. streaks of cum, evrey time my cock pumped. The feeling was an incredible combination of sensations, of peeing and cumming.
I bought 1 of the hospital waterproof pads used for moving patients, blue 1 side white top absorbent side. 40X40in.