Unrefined shea butt...
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Unrefined shea butter,how much?

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Just found and bought 8OZ of unrefined shea butter in an online shop in Holland and have a question.
How much do i need to use for a session,tried to search it but couldn't find much info on that.
I'm only gonna use this shea butter and nothing else.

To know exactly how much maybe someone could use an example like the Progasm round perinium tab ,the size of the round tab is then something i can work with for knowing the amount, how many do i put inside me,1-2 or more like the round tab?

I also own the complete peridise set if someone could say the tip of the little one or the big one.
I also have the helix but that's difficult to compare.

So i'm saying, give me an answer with a comparison with an aneros product wich i own so i know how much to use because if someone says teaspoon i still don't know.


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Alrighty then, since you’ve obviously made a fine choice in lube, I’ll tell you what I do with mine. This stuff is expensive and you won’t want to waste it.

This Shea Butter has the consistency of a good car wax but as soon as you touch it gets all tacky and doesn’t handle well. I scoop out about half of a regular everyday kitchenware spoonful, using an everyday kitchenware spoon. You scoop the stuff out with a spoon to prevent double dipping in the Shea Butter in the event you need more Butter after having already touched your butt. This should provide enough Shea Butter to make three round balls about the size of the balls on the Progasm P-Tab (or raisins as it were).

Before you make the balls, squirt a little lube on your fingers and pre-lube your fingertips on both hands as well as your anus. Just gently massage some lube into your anus to the second ring, you don’t have to use much. The lube on your fingers will allow you to make the three little balls without getting your fingers too tacky in the Shea Butter. The lube on your fingers and anus will allow you to stuff two little balls up your bum with them sliding right in. Pinch the ball off your finger with the second ring of your anus and repeat the process with inserting the second ball. If the little balls don’t push and slide right in then they are two big. Make a smaller one and try again.

The third little ball is to smear all over your Aneros of choice.

As you may know by now, the Shea Butter is little bit grainy or chunky when you first take it off the spoon. I used to crush it around a bit before making my little Butter balls but I lost too much Butter that way. Now I just make ‘em quick and stuff in – it still takes about 5 minutes before the stuff gets all squishy and mushy inside of you. I insert the Aneros right away and then lay down for my 15 minutes of relaxation. Then I’m ready to go! These three little round P-Tab sized balls easily accommodate a 3 hour Helix session. They have caused me absolutely no gastric distress and leaves my hinder feeling better after the session than it did before.

Hope this helps,


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Hi J4,

Thanks for the excellent advice on how to use this shea butter.
I'm hoping this will help also on my journey to achieve the involuntarie contractions and dry orgasms.
I'm making very small steps in the right direction,in my latest sessions i'm beginning to feel all sorts of muscle twitching in my legs,like little spasms.
Just hope this is a good sign that i get these,now i have to wait probably a week for the shea butter to arive so i'll let you know how it goes

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No problem Valliant. This stuff is way better than Maximus, IMHO. I see you’ve been around awhile. Good luck on the next phase of your journey!

Progasm note: Currently, I use a liquid lubricant and Shea Butter in combination when I use that model. I don’t mess around with Big Girl, she goes in as lubed up as I can get her.

All the best,


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what lube do you use for your fingers? water-based or oil-based?


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Both! Sliquid Silk Hybrid Formula. This stuff is great and I use small amounts for various coating applications and I use larger amounts in combination with Shea Butter for the Progasm. It also comes in quite handy when I need a quick application for the Helix or Peridise because Mrs. J4 is in the mood!


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Hey folks, 🙂

Been a while since I chipped in here at the Aneros forums. Here's the way I do it currently with shea butter.

I use ball shaped amounts of shea butter that are approximately half the size of the ball on the ends of the P and K tabs of the Progasm. There are no exacts in this, just try and you will figure it out. I do all of this fairly quickly as the shea butter melts if you take to long.

Using my fingers, the first dip into the shea butter goes onto the progasm to spread after I insert some in my anus. The second dip into the shea butter jar goes partially into my anus. The third dip into the shea butter jar, mind you, with a different CLEAN finger so as not to contaminate the jar goes into my anus and is pushed all the way into my rectum. Then I spread the shea butter all over the Progasm part that goes into me. Then I clean off the excess shea butter from my hand with a tissue, insert the progasm, then goto the bathroom and wash my hands before starting the session. I have absolutely no problems with this method and the amounts. Insertion is generally easy, and even after many hours of a session, I'm still very well lubed.


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Thank you, Love_is

Hope i get it home soon this shea butter so i can test it.
For now i'm using boy butter and am fairly content with it but maybe this shea butter is better.

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Hi valliant,

Your welcome. 🙂
I don't know how boy butter performs as I've never used it. But from looking at it's ingredients, I can tell you that unrefined 100% shea butter is a whole lot healthier for your body than the chemicals in boy butter.

It is my opinion that if it is not safe to eat it, then it is not safe to put in your rectum. As your rectum absorbs whatever you put up there. Also you might want to read this section in the Aneros WIKI via the following link.



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Before you make the balls, squirt a little lube on your fingers and pre-lube your fingertips on both hands as well as your anus. Just gently massage some lube into your anus to the second ring, you don’t have to use much. The lube on your fingers will allow you to make the three little balls without getting your fingers too tacky in the Shea Butter. The lube on your fingers and anus will allow you to stuff two little balls up your bum with them sliding right in. Pinch the ball off your finger with the second ring of your anus and repeat the process with inserting the second ball. If the little balls don’t push and slide right in then they are two big. Make a smaller one and try again.



i tried this. i used KY as the lube for my fingers and anus as you suggested


the lube worked so well to prevent the shea butter balls (about the size of a pea) from sticking where you don't want them. it was like my rectum sucked the little ball off my fingers.

and... i had a great session

this is a WINNER


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I just got some shea butter today and am about to use it. Why do you guys make balls out of it instead of just melting it, loading it into a syringe and shooting it in there?

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it is less of a process to make the balls than to do the syringe.


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Glad the process is proving successful for you. Its only by sharing actual experiences that we all get better results.

I have never tried free-basing my shea butter but the this current batch that I am using is more tacky/less waxy than the last making it more difficult to insert cleanly (was using Alaffia product, now trying AAA Shea Butter). I may have to try melting it and syringing it to see how that works. If it comes to that I'll post the process back in this thread.


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Got my order today of 2 cans unrefined shea butter,380 gram together.
Gonna have a go at it in the weekend and see just how good it is.
If good i'm gonna order alot more because it never turns bad,it says on the can it stays good forever.Just have to keep it in a cool place.

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Hello valiant, 🙂

That's interesting that you mention that it says it never turns bad. All the information I've read on the Internet about the shelf life of unrefined shea butter puts it somewhere between one and two years when stored in a cool and dark place. Are you sure you don't have refined shea butter? Unrefined shea butter should be anywhere from dark yellow to pale yellow in color. Verses white, or off white for refined shea butter.

Either way with the shelf life, as long as you don't have too much of it on hand, with regular usage, your more than likely to use up a single container in less than a year. I hope you enjoy the results as much I did when I first tried it.



The viscosity of your shea butter will depend on the ambient temperature of where you store it in your home. Over 80F/26.6C could very well make it too soft to get an easy application. You could try refrigerating, or storing it in a cooler area for your shea butter to harden it a bit more for better application. I haven't had a need to try it yet. So I have no idea how it works.


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Nice tip Love_is.

In the words of Darwin:


Now why didn't I think of that one myself?


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Yes its 100% natural unrefined african shea butter and is pale yellow.
On the box it says shea butter does not expire - store in cool place.
The brand is Mariposa import.If you do a google on it you find the info of what i bought.
Don't know if i can put the link on this forum from the website i bought from ?

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Hi valliant, 🙂

Well, I guess there must be a wide variety of opinions/ideas as to how long it lasts before it spoils. I wasn't expecting to to hear anything from a year to forever. So much for expectations... 😆

I believe it is alright to post the link of where you bought it from if you want to. It's relevant to the thread.


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Ok, so here is the link of what i bought.


There is more info if you change the language to dutch.

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In the never ending quest to add to the growing compendium of Aneros lore, here is the latest summary of my Shea Butter use.

Firstly, I am replying to a discussion from another thread. The information about Shea Butter is getting spread (pun intended) over a couple of different threads and blogs. I think this thread is better titled for future searchability.

Love_is writes in another thread:

I finally finished my jar of refined 100% shea butter, and purchased a jar of unrefined 100% shea butter. I ended up purchasing Skye Botanical African Gold Shea Butter.


It cost me about $14.00 USD for a 4 ounce jar. It was the least expensive of the three unrefined types they had at my local health food store. They had testers of this one and the Alaffia brand that other users here have used. So I was able to compare them. The Skye Botanicals shea butter is dark yellow in color, and stronger smelling than the Alaffia brand. The smell is hard to describe. Kind of musty plant like is the best I can do. Fortunately the smell is not so strong as to make it unpleasant to use. Once it was applied, and I washed my hands, I could hardly smell it.

Unfortunately, the consistency is a little disappointing. It's not as goopy/waxy as the Alaffia, or my prior Now Foods refined shea butter that I used. It's kind of dry and crumbly, and doesn't stay or stick together all that well. So it makes application a lot more challenging as it is difficult to make it stay rolled into a ball shape for insertion in the anus and rectum. And also when you apply it to the Aneros, you have to watch for pieces of shea butter falling off it as you are spreading it on.

At the end of my first Aneros session using this unrefined 100% shea butter, inspecting my Progasm after pulling it out, it was still lubed, but not as much as I would have been with my prior refined shea butter I was using. And the melted consistency is lighter. Which implies that I will have to use more per application/session.

Also the consistency is kind of grainy until it all melts. Which from what I understand, means I need to heat it up some and stir it to make it smooth again. I'm hoping this will make it not so dry and crumbly. But I will have to wait until I use up some more to try this, as they filled it right to the rim of the container.

In hind sight, I should have purchased the Alaffia brand unrefined 100% shea butter. As the consistency is more like the Now Foods refined shea butter I was previously using. Which besides the fact that is was refined, was a fantastic lube to use. Live and learn.

This post is in the thread:
Best lube- Probe Thick & Rich Best price- Walgreens.com

There are a lot of great lube posts in the forum. I’m just trying to keep some of these Shea Butter posts in one thread. There is nothing wrong with the water based lubes they talk about in there, it’s just that most of them contain glycerin and that’s a gastric distress causing agent for me.

I myself have tried three types of Shea Butter to date. Alaffia, AAA and some other brand I bought – and returned – to Whole Foods. The one brand I bought and returned was marketed as “Pure” Shea Butter. But it was white and gritty and odorless – all signs of refining. “Pure” means neither organic nor unrefined. I’m not sure what “Pure” means.

The Alaffia product I bought from Whole Foods was excellent. It was more waxy than gritty and held its shape long enough to be inserted cleanly. However, even though this is advertised as unscented 100% unrefined Shea Butter, you must carefully read each jar to find out if it has anything like tea or cocoa mixed in it. Alaffia markets some of their unscented Shea Butters as “100% natural” – and these are not all 100% Shea Butter!

The AAA Shea Butter I purchased is a fine product, (lab-tested for bacteria, mold and impurities), unscented 100% unrefined Shea Butter. But the Alaffia consistency is better. The AAA I must store in the refrigerator (thanks to a suggestion by Love_is) and inserts very well using the methods described in this thread. I’d just take the Alaffia over the AAA as my first choice.

Anyways, this is the continuance of the Shea Butter thread. That way if anybody wants to ask more about bacteria, it will all be in one place.

I’m surprised nobody has asked about allergies – it is a nut after all.

Good Sessions to All


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Nice post J4! 🙂
Thanks for adding to the continuing amount of information about shea butter.

Some additional insight into the Skye Botanical African Gold Shea Butter that I recently bought. It's definitely much lighter in viscosity than the Now Foods refined shea butter I was using, so I have been using more of it per session. Either it is more difficult to get enough into the rectum, or the lighter viscosity makes the rectum absorb it easier/quicker. Not sure what it is. But this last session when I removed my Progasm after about two hours, I found it to be still sufficiently lubricated. As opposed to the first time I used this shea butter, it was a little too close to being dry for my liking.

I suspect because the viscosity and consistency is not as waxy/slippery/goopy as my prior shea butter, that a lot of what is in the anus and on the Aneros gets wiped off on insertion, thus not making it into the rectum, and ending up surrounding your anus and getting onto whatever you are laying/sitting on. Which brings up another point... Because of the deep yellow color of this shea butter, I'll be curious to see how, or if, it comes out in the washing machine. I have several areas on the towel I lay across my bed where shea butter has splotched. I never had that much problem with the prior shea butter. I'd get a small spot here and there. So viscosity and consistency makes a difference.


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I get the tub of shea warm in a sink and then fill an entire syringe full of it. The syringe lasts for about 3 sessions, each time I just throw the syringe in the sink and in a few minutes it's ready to use. 🙂

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That's an interesting way of using it Buttmasterflex.
It never occurred to me to try that.
Not that I really want to add any more steps to the prep before having a session. But it might address some of the issues with this new shea butter I've been using. Thanks. 🙂


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ok, i have perfected my shea butter delivery system.

(1) use butter knife or equiv to break off a few small chunks. they will be irregularly shaped. in volume, about 1/4 inch cubed, or a little smaller. don't (yet) touch with fingers.

(2) apply ky to anus, to a depth past both sphincters (about 1/2 inch). apply ky to external anal area (so that any errant shea is easy to clean off).

(3) apply a little more ky to finger and thumb

(4) now, with lubed finger and thumb, pick up a chunk. it will be nice and solid, and won't break apart or stick to your lubed fingers. position outside anus with finger, and shove it home. it will slide in and be grabbed on the rectum side. repeat with other chunks.

the key here is to avoid attempting to shape the chunks in any way, which would involve busting up their structural integrity. keep the handling to just a quick pick up with lubed fingers, position and shove.

by the way, i discussed the matter of anal lube w/ my physician. he agreed that water soluble is suspect in the rectum, whose job is to absorb water. his opinion was that oil based, the more solid the better, would be best, ie, most likely to be expelled rather than absorbed.

so, it's shea for me: solid oil based and edible.


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I think your doctor would probably also condone the 'Natural Jelly' formulation as well. I assume when he said “oil based” that meant natural, organic plant based oils, not petroleum derivative oils.

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yes, your homemade brew would be great. i like shea because it is so hard, it is easy to apply.

no, my doc did not distinguish between petroleum products and natural.

i think the main thing is: oil based.

the distinctions between petroleum, organic, edible, etc, might be less operative in any measurable way.


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Hello Everyone,

Just following up on some prior posts of mine here. Darwin, that's a neat routine you've figured out for shea butter application. I find for myself, that the simpler and quicker the lube application method, the better for me. But it sounds like it works really well for you. That's great!

So some further insight on the Skye Botanical African Gold Shea Butter:

Yes, it does stain. 🙁 Thankfully it is only old shower towels placed over my bed sheets. So no big loss. But surprising since I pre-soaked the stains with stain remover detergent prior to laundering.

I never did get around to heating up and stirring this shea butter to attempt to smooth out the consistency.
I've found that as I got past the 3/4 mark of using it, that the consistency is less dry and crumbly and holds together better when shapped into a small ball for insertion. But still not as good as the "Now" brand shea butter. Particularly spreading it on the Aneros is troublesome as you have to watch for pieces falling off it, before it gets partially melted from your body temperature to allow it to adhere to the plastic.

I'm definitely not using this brand again. I'm sure it's great for a hand/skin moisturizer, although a bit pungent/smelly. But for this application it's not a great choice.


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good morning has you Love_is happy to take your news

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This discussion couldn’t have come at a more opportune time for me. See, every so often I have dud sessions, sessions in which I can’t feel the Aneros’ subtle movements. Gone is the heartbeat pulsing of the P tab on my perineum, gone is the wonderful “fluttering anus” feeling, and gone is any hope of achieving any type of “O.”

So why, sometimes, can I not feel the Aneros’ subtle movements? I think it’s mainly due to inadequate lubrication of the area between the internal and external anal sphincters. (Hope I got that terminology right)!

This morning I went for a short (one-hour) session so I could test out my inadequate lubrication theory. I prepared for the session as I normally do, but this time I made sure I liberally lubricated the area between the sphincters. (Using Maximus, shea butter is on order).

Guess what? Problem solved, my Aneros Eupho was floating like a feather inside of me. 😀 😀

So thanks to all who mentioned in detail their “lubing up” process… made “the light come on” for me.


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Hi SlipperyWhenWet, 🙂

That's a very good point you brought up. And I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I've never used Maximus lube. But I found going from Astroglide to shea butter, there was a HUGE difference in how well lubricated my anus became. It made insertion way easier. And there was a very noticeable difference in how easily the Aneros moved around inside me. Because of this, and that it is a natural product, and not getting the "urge to purge" feeling from the glycerin based Astroglide, has made me a happy and dedicated user of shea butter.


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