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Unprecedented Success This Week

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I don't really know how to articulate the sheer amount of bliss and ecstasy I have experienced this past week, but here's a summary. I have been an Aneros user for about 5 years now and I have had 3 or 4 Super Os during my journey, though it's been at least a year since my last one. That is, until this past Friday. I have managed to level up my play and achieve Super Os during 6 of the past 9 days.

Friday: I decided to end my week with an Aneros session. I inserted my Progasm Ice and relaxed into the pleasurable feelings it was providing. After about 30 minutes, it was giving me some light to moderate P waves that felt really good, but I didn't think things were going to go much further than that. I ended up drifting off to sleep with the device still inside me. Fast forward about another half hour. I awoke to strong P waves and had an erection that was pulsing along with the waves. I brought a hand up to rub my right nipple and as soon as I touch it I felt a surge of energy light up my prostate. Within seconds my whole body was writhing and contracting in the release of the most intense Super O I had ever experienced. On a scale of 0-10 where 10 is the most pleasure you think you are capable of experiencing, this was about a 16 or 17. It has caused me to throw out my notion of what heights of pleasure are even possible. After I removed the Progasm, I had 2 or 3 Aless dry Os over the course of the next hour or so as I drifted off to sleep.

Saturday: I had to try again to see if I could replicate the last night's success. This time I used my Eupho trident though, and things played out much the same. I was blessed with a Super O on consecutive days for the first time. The peak intensity for this one was about 12/10 on the scale I described above, but I stayed in the zone for what seemed like an hour as one wave of orgasmic energy chained to the next in a cascading Super O. After my session, I continued to experience Aless dry Os for the next 3 hours before I finally collapsed.

Sunday: I tried for the trifecta with my HI 950. Things felt good, but they just never really got going. I went to sleep grateful for the amazing pleasure of the past couple nights and figured I'd try again next weekend.

Monday: As I showered to start the day, the warm water flowing over my nipples sent flutters of pleasure to my prostate. I experienced a couple mini-Os in the shower as I explored this sensation further. Arousal stayed just underneath the surface all day and I had to try another session with my Progasm. Boom - Super O again! This one was not as intense as Friday (maybe a 14/10?), but I had multiple Aless Super Os after the session as I drifted off to sleep.

Tuesday: I had a strong butt buzz all day. I have not experienced this since the early days of my Aneros play as my body was going through the initial rewiring phase. I ended the day with another Progasm session and within 20 minutes of insertion I already felt significant P waves building. Recent success led to expectation, which led to chasing the feeling instead of letting it take hold on its own. We all know what that means...

Wednesday: As with Monday, my shower led to unintentional nipple pleasure and mini-Os. My nipples maintained heightened sensitivity all day; the mere contact from my shirt was enough to send tingles building in my prostate. The day could not go by quickly enough. I went back to the Eupho and was rewarded with a set of the strongest Super Os I have experienced with that Aneros. It was on par with the intensity of the Progasm Super O I had on Monday. The Aless Super Os that followed were about as strong as the Super O I had with the device inserted on Saturday.

Thursday: I went back to the Eupho, but ended up chasing again and could not get any further than a dry O.

Friday: Back to the Progasm. Perhaps the best session I've ever had. My pleasure came in wave after wave crashing upon me in the longest, sustained Super O to date. It was not a feeling of "having" a Super O but rather in "being" in a state of perpetual, euphoric bliss. I also had an Aless Super O so strong that I had to double check the fact that I removed the Progasm. It's now getting hard to distinguish what the "best ever" even is anymore, but I think this was probably it.

Saturday: I couldn't help myself and decided to try for another super session. My Eupho only yielded 2 Super Os that I would rate at around 10/10 on this arbitrary scale I've been using for this post. I had an equivalent Aless Super O as I drifted off to sleep. I woke up about 330 am with the feeling of building P waves that were telling me I was about to be rewarded with another Super O. This time, the tingle of my blanket brushing against my nipples was what was driving my pleasure. I launched into a Super O that was radiating from my chest instead of my prostate. At the same time, the nipple stimulation was sending pleasure signals to my prostate. I exploded again with a combo Super that seemed to be originating all throughout my body instead of being centered around my P spot.

Sunday: I woke up having a dry O that was triggered by mere contact of the blanket against my nipples. I spent the day anticipating my next session.  I went back to the Progasm and was amazed at how quickly it began working.  It always feels good pretty much immediately, but I had P waves within 5 minutes.  I ended up getting close but just couldn't quite get over the edge.

Monday:  I've decided to take a couple days off to rest and rebuild anticipation.  It's been an incredible run, but my core is telling me I need a break.  I am definitely going to try again in a few days and see if this trend continues!

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Wowee Wowser

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Two questions if i may? @arkyandy

Firstly I find the larger devices such as the Progasm ICE to restrict movement of the muscles as well as pulsing muscles that lead to orgasms. Are you a larger guy and the smaller devices are too small perhaps and that this larger one fills you better? I wonder if when you orgasm you feel this pulsing muscle contractions or if you feel something else...

My other question is would you consider filming these at all? so we can maybe see what you feel and how your sessions go? Would be amazing and very informative!


This post was modified 2 years ago by theeagleandwolf

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Welcome to the next level! You have experienced the rewiring of your nipples to your prostate and perenium! Prepare yourself for even more intense pleasure and bliss including Aless encounters as you relax and explore new heights! For the record it took me about the same amount of time to reach that area so if you’re a beginner don’t give up just enjoy where you’re at and the journey will take you there and beyond !

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@arkyandy - thanks for posting this from the Reddit group!  Much appreciated!


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Posted by: @arkyandy

On a scale of 0-10 where 10 is the most pleasure you think you are capable of experiencing, this was about a 16 or 17.

This made me chuckle 🙂


Congratulations,your walking a higher path now. Grow into it at a steady pace,don’t get obsessed. What the prostate giveth,the prostate can taketh away 😉



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Congrats!  Gangbusters first post!  As you may have read, I would love to increase my success rate of Super-O (very rare to feel beyond 10 out of 10) vs dry orgasms, pretty “super” in their own right.  Somehow you’ve had more in 9 days than I have had in 365.


Have you any idea what precipitated this breakthrough?  Bottle it up and sell it!

Ghusa reacted
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Congrats!! Good job!!

I had no orgasm with or without Aneros but it has been very enjoyable journey so far . Thanks for posting this as it gives me an inspiration to keep going and enjoy whatever pleasures I encounter.

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Fantastic ! Like a kid in a candy store with ten thousand bucks to spend, right ?  Thanks for sharing ! 

Posted by: @helghast

Grow into it at a steady pace,don’t get obsessed. What the prostate giveth,the prostate can taketh away

Do keep this in mind, the "hedonistic treadmill" can make it so whatever you were doing outside of Super-O sessions that was anywhere on the pleasure scale starts to creep towards 0. I don't think everyone is sensitive to this phenomenon, but it exists. Don't let this happen to you. 
