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Unexpected benefit from belonging to this forumn

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In addition to all the great info on this board, I feel I have recieved more than just help with my aneros journey.
I never paid much attention to my nipples until reading serveral posts on this board and links to the nipple orgasm fourmns. Much to my surprize I found my nipples to be quite sensitive and have become an importatnt part of my sessions. Often it is the one thing that seems to kick it up a notch.
I have brought this to my wifes attention, who has not in the past paid much attention to my nipples, and now that has become a big part of our lovemaking. I always enjoyed her nipples (and I know she enjoys it as well) but now I find I spend more time there and it really sends her to a new level. I just love it to have her tweak and suck my nipples and often it will give me an immediate orgasm when she does so.
I owe a big thank you to this board and all its members for this insight. This forumn is so much more than just about using the aneros

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I too discovered the incredible pleasure dormant in nipples on this site. Having been in this body for 46 years, I'm still amazed at all the new sensations and pleasures to be discovered.

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I couldn’t agree with you more. I recall the prophetic words ‘BF Mayfield’ said in response to an early post of mine, - “But know this, your journey is far from over. As time goes on you will gain a greater understanding of the Super O and more things will be revealed to you.” I think Brian may be clairvoyant at times with his prescient knowledge. What an understatement “… more things will be revealed…”, goodness, a whole new world view has emerged. IMHO the whole Aneros experience this Forum discusses is the opening into the 'Rabbit Hole'. How far into the 'Rabbit Hole' do you want to go?

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You're so right thhn on a lot of fronts. While my personal nipple enjoyment was an integral part of sex with my wife I had a different type of discovery. I enjoyed a bit more rough action with the nipples before and during intercourse. With the aneros and multi orgasm nipple action it needs to be a bit more subdued and less intense for it be the trigger. Learning the difference can be attributed to those here. Thanks as usual for being a helpful supportive group!

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Hi Guys, 🙂

Well if that's that case, I can't wait until my nipples "wake up"! 😆
Because nothing has happened yet.

Another unexpected benefit of participating in this forum that has occurred for me, has been letting go of some shame regarding talking about sexual topics. Over time it has dawned upon me that this is all normal human behavior to explore our bodies and talk about it. So, thank you. 😀


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