Underwhelming "Supe...
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Underwhelming "Super-O"?

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Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

tl;dr: I think I had a super-o, but it was rather underwhelming; advice appreciated!

For some background, I've reached the point where I can feel spasms if I do a kegel at a certain level (maybe around 30-40%), some of which are large enough to call an "involuntary contraction." I also had a breakthrough with getting my first prostate orgasm sometime in early February, with some prostate buzzing after, so I knew I was making progress.

I was holding this partial kegel with the Eupho and looking at arousing images while lying on my stomach, which is usually a position that doesn't work well for me because it brings attention to my dick. I had been about 45 minutes into a session, so things were warmed up, but no real orgasms yet.

At some point I noticed that the spasms were consistently involuntary contractions; not large, but definitely contractions. I still had to hold the kegel at about 30% to keep in contact with my prostate but it was an unnoticeable effort. What I was noticing was that the involuntaries were way more consistent than normal. I later realized that this was the auto-f*** that people talk about.

A pressure started to build up in my prostate; I couldn't tell if it was internal or from me getting harder (I had been completely flaccid.) Then it felt like my prostate was actually burning, but without the pain; a very strange sensation indeed. Now I had experienced nothing like this before, so I tried split my focus on making myself more aroused and the sensations themselves while trying not to set up any goal.

Then the tingling started, which kind of felt like pinpricks from when a limb is waking up... except it was in my prostate. Then the tingling began to spread down into my legs, and then up into my upper body. All the energy still felt centered in my prostate.

There were no other body movements, voluntary or involuntary; just the light kegel and involuntary PC contractions. I had absolutely no desire or urge to moan or utter anything which I thought was strange because sometime's I'll moan during a dry-o. I also had minimal precum leakage, although I don't think I ever will have the large leakage some men describe here (to be honest, I am a little envious!) The whole thing lasted I think about a minute, though it's hard to tell looking back on it.

I'm pretty sure this was a Super-O, or at least was very close because it checks a lot of the boxes. I guess my conundrum is that it felt good... but not nearly as fantastic as I thought it would be. From reading on here, I knew that I was supposed to focus on the pleasure of the orgasm, but what was quite surprising, which I noticed in the moment and after, was that I really had to search through the sensations to find "pleasure". It was there, but it seemed buried in the other sensations that I described, hard to focus on, and not that strong. Prostate orgasms almost always feel better than what happened this session.

The whole thing left me quite confused... so I successfully brought about another two of these "orgasms" to see if anything would change. The 2nd and 3rd felt basically the same, although less strong in all the sensations and shorter. So my question to the community is: has anyone else experienced this? It just did not feel like a "cascade of endorphins" like the wiki and many other people here describe. I'm just confused about what, if anything, I should work on to continue moving forward.

I'm not at all disappointed on the progress I made tonight, and I'm proud of how far I've come in 8 months total. Perhaps I'm just still mentally coming to grips with this type of orgasm which is so different from anything else I've experienced. I will keep experimenting of course, but any advice would be appreciated.

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I can relate to what you are discribing exactly. That is what most of mine feel like, when i get that tingling going in the extremities it's just behind the next corner that the spasms on my pelvis and lower stomach may begin. Once those start my head begins to get light and 1 of 2 things happens. I either sink into a calm seas orgasm that sometimes lingers for what seems like hours or I get the feeling of ejaculating where sensations of tingling spike quickly for several seconds, i get rock hard than it fades away as i slowly go back soft. 

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Another thing you want to look for is "the calm before the storm".

Sometimes during a session it feels as if everything just fizzles out and all the good sensations have stopped.

This is deceptive. If you were to end the session there, you would have missed it.

About 30 seconds later, the sensations come back with a vengeance and build quickly. This is the point where I usually cross over the line into an O.

Others have reported the same happening to them too.

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Posted by: @charlesss

I think I had a super-o, but it was rather underwhelming; advice appreciated! ...

I later realized that this was the auto-f*** that people talk about.

... a very strange sensation indeed. Now I had experienced nothing like this before, so I tried split my focus on making myself more aroused and the sensations themselves while trying not to set up any goal.

The whole thing lasted I think about a minute, though it's hard to tell looking back on it.

I'm pretty sure this was a Super-O, or at least was very close because it checks a lot of the boxes. I guess my conundrum is that it felt good... but not nearly as fantastic as I thought it would be.

The whole thing left me quite confused...  So my question to the community is: has anyone else experienced this? It just did not feel like a "cascade of endorphins" like the wiki and many other people here describe. I'm just confused about what, if anything, I should work on to continue moving forward.

I'm not at all disappointed on the progress I made tonight, and I'm proud of how far I've come in 8 months total. Perhaps I'm just still mentally coming to grips with this type of orgasm which is so different from anything else I've experienced. I will keep experimenting of course, but any advice would be appreciated.

@charless, Congratulations on the progress you've made thus far. From your description of events it does indeed sound like you had a Super-O. First, I'd like you to go back and re-read the definition for a Super-O. It is important to remember that "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued. Generally the experience is one of a surging pleasure wave that leaves one in a blissful yet energized state. The Super-O is very personal and different for each individual."

This is a quite variable event/experience and yet what you have gone through is also a common phenomenon for men going through the rewiring process. New experiences/sensations may often seem confusing/disorienting until we integrate them into our sense of 'normal'. Super-O's exist along a wide continuum and yours will very likely vary along that continuum as well. My advice here is to just continue with your practice as you are, experimenting to fine tune your technique and always being open to the new sensations which will arise. Be aware that along your journey of learning you will experience some sensations only once, never to be experienced again, this too is part of the rewiring. Lamenting about recreating those special sensations is counterproductive and may even stifle further progress.

The biggest issue I noted in your post was your statement about the Super-O being "...not nearly as fantastic as I thought it would be.". This is a consequence of false or unrealistic expectations. Please see Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding a couple of other myths. Also please read @Neros thread The Myth of Super Orgasm. These might help dissolve some of your self created expectations/illusions regarding the Super-O.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @twlltin

Another thing you want to look for is "the calm before the storm".

Sometimes during a session it feels as if everything just fizzles out and all the good sensations have stopped.

This is deceptive. If you were to end the session there, you would have missed it.

About 30 seconds later, the sensations come back with a vengeance and build quickly. This is the point where I usually cross over the line into an O.

Others have reported the same happening to them too.

BULL. Ive waited a lot longer than 30 seconds and got nothing, or when it does return its less intense. Maybe once in a blue moon its more intense but i have to be REALLY turned on, which as I say, is rare. It's not the same for everyone this, remember that.


This post was modified 5 years ago by theeagleandwolf

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Posted by: @theeagleandwolf
Posted by: @twlltin

Others have reported the same happening to them too.

BULL... It's not the same for everyone this, remember that.

Did I say it was universal?

Incidentally, can we keep it civil please? I sense a lot of anger in your posts, both to the other people here and the Aneros management.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are getting the hang of things. I couldn’t help but notice that you mentioned that this wasn’t like your dry Os. What is a dry O to you? I am someone who doesn’t make a distinction between super Os and dry orgasms. For me they are all just non ejaculatory orgasms, and some are really strong. Some last 10 seconds and some minutes, with chains of them occurring, but they are all valid and fun.  Maybe your dry Os are super Os? Maybe the super O is a myth, and your own pleasure is key, regardless of labels? Maybe the whole nomenclature system provided here for prostate pleasure only makes sense for a select few, and the rest of us cherry pick those terms that make sense to us? For example, in addition to the distinction between dry and super O, I don’t have any clue what a p-wave is, and have very little idea of what calm seas orgasms are, even if I have some peaceful more meditative orgasms sometimes. And for all that ignorance on my part, I sure have a lot of fun.

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