If you're interested, I recently did an interview with Sex Nerd Sandra. Here's the link: Prostate Play: Take It Like a Man!
And another one I did with Ande Lyons on Bring Back Desire: The Male G-Spot and Satisfying Sex
I'd love to hear what you think! Feel free to comment below or through my website.
Hi Charlie,I have been following the Sex Nerd Sandra podcast for a while now and I was so happy to finally have a whole show dedicated to prostate play! I am a firm believer that more people need to know about prostate play. It truly is a magnificent addition to anyones sex-life.
Thank you so much for being an educator who is helping the world understand!
great interview!
Terrific interviews Charlie! Take it like a man....indeed! 😉
BF Mayfield
I'm surprised @CharlieGlickman didn't mention his previous interview with Sex Nerd Sandra titled Sexual Shame and Healing. Another good listen for those who are interested.
Bumping this because these were both so good and Charlie literally wrote the book on some of this stuff.
Thank you Charlie!