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Twitching and contracting after session is over

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I've been making some great strides lately with my new Eupho Syn. Haven't reached the 'O' stage yet, but i've finally reached the P-Wave milestone with consistent involuntary contractions. What i've noticed lately is that after the session is over and the Aneros is removed, my rectum and anus continue to twitch, clamp and contract. Its mildly pleasurable, but at the same time i'm just wondering if this is an indication of my rewiring taking full effect and that i'm on my way (and getting close) to achieving a real 'O' with the device.

Anybody have any relatable advice or feedback?

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I think I realised that I had become rewired when I began to feel "echo effects" the morning after an Aneros session and the Aneros tool had been removed several hours earlier.

Now, I find that I can receive strong P-waves, (bordering on dry Os), early in the morning, even some days after the last session.

To answer your question, I would say - YES!

Just keep going as you are and enjoy what comes your way.

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Well I would say sort of no! @musicmaker86 Yes it shows you are beginning to rewire but no your not rewired!Your boby is starting to rewire and will continue for the rest of your life. The feelings you ealk about after the aneros is removed are called ghosting and or You are having a anerosless session. AS you continue to rewire the feelings get more intence and easier to do and you can just start them by a single thought! You will even produce precum from a anerosless session!
Keep it up dude!

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Its been an entire day of mildly pleasurable sensations down there, all the while without wearing the device. Its like i'm craving another session. Its also like I'd mentioned in a previous thread, its like there's an itch down there that I can't quite reach to satisfy. Its getting close but not quite there.

This whole time i've just been doing nothing during the sessions and completely relaxing the muscles down there and letting the involuntary stuff take over. I assume that eventually, once the rewiring begins to apex and the muscles get stronger it will lead to better and more pleasurable sensations and ultimately to an 'O' of some kind. The early sessions were kinda boring and unsatisfying, but last night was the most enjoyable yet. The entire session was filled with extremely pleasurable sensations.

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The following list of Milestones suggests that you are coming along nicely!

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@musicmaker86 God I miss those days. Being in a constant state of pleasure was SO nice... I guess I'll have to wait until spring for the good days to return. Regular Aneros use does keep the winter blues away, though ^^

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I would say that your ass was maybe missing your Aneros. Like us all when we remove them its like a baby wanting his bottle. try leaving it in longer, what could it hurt?lol

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You said "i've finally reached the P-Wave milestone with consistent involuntary contractions" I would like to know if you did anything special to get consistent P-Waves. In my case, most of mine are like a rare lightning strike, however yesterday I got one without the Aneros and it lasted 2 or 3 seconds. Anybody else is welcome to chime in also.

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In my experience, the P-Waves started out as lightning strikes...but, over several months, have grown from 2-3 seconds to waves that last about 5 seconds, and then repeat over and over again...these are pure blissful waves of pleasure that I can ride for an hour or more...amazingly exquisite!

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You said "i've finally reached the P-Wave milestone with consistent involuntary contractions" I would like to know if you did anything special to get consistent P-Waves. In my case, most of mine are like a rare lightning strike, however yesterday I got one without the Aneros and it lasted 2 or 3 seconds. Anybody else is welcome to chime in also.

Quite honestly i've followed the "do nothing" approach from the start. And I mean literally do nothing. Just relax and wait until something starts to happen.
Its about recognizing the subtle sensations and enjoying them when they do happen. One of the best things i've found that works for me is that after a brief period of time I can feel myself tensing up, i consciously relax my muscles and allow the involuntary twitching and contracting to take over again. Its the repeated movement from a relaxed state to a tensed state via involuntary movements, then back again via conscious relaxation, then again tensed via involuntaries that I've found to be the most pleasurable and the most helpful in the way of progress.

Also, and I don' know how much this plays into the mental/physical aspect of a session - but the best session I ever had was when I thought to myself "meh, I guess i'll have a session". I wasn't thinking about achieving an 'O' or any sort of milestone. I just figured i'd relax and see what happened. When you think about it too much it can really mess with your experience. Don't focus to heavily on milestones, just enjoy each step as it happens

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Thanks Theme_Gasm and musicmaker86 for your insights. The do nothing.... that's a real tough one for me. its just so easy to add a little or even the slights nudge and things really start rattling. But, I will dedicate a session to try as much as I can not to add anything and see what happens.

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