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trying to classify my recent session.

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Been exploring the Trident models for some time now (l currently prefer the Helix over the MGX Trident), while l have experienced some interesting feelings lve not yet experienced Super-O.

The current milestone lm at going by the wiki is the pre-cum stage, which is something that happens pretty much every session (originally that wasnt the case), however while lve experienced tonights feelings before, l dont really think lve thought about it before, l never really paid attention before and stifled them when they happened before, but this time l just let them happen.

Basically instead of the dribbling of pre-cum it felt like my penis was pumping like it would having a normal orgasm but not something l would classify as one in the sense that l feel more from masturbation if that makes sense (there may or may not have been pre-cum but if felt like something was coming out), lm wondering if this would be considered a mini-o as l wouldnt call the feeling of it unpleasant, it just wasnt mind-blowing, had to cut my session short after that as l thought l was focusing too hard on trying to get back to that point rather than letting it happen again.

The main reason l ask is that lve been at this for years (lol) in the hopes of eventually experiencing a Super-O (dont worry l dont go in expecting one, lm pretty sure everyone here had some form of expectations before they experienced one) its just nice to find out if lm heading in the right general direction.

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@Timelesspa I've experienced the "pumping" feeling you describe during several sessions. I am not sure, but IMHO I believe it is your prostate releasing some fluid. I read where prostate fluid can be released into your system but you may not see it yet at the tip of your penis. I think this "pumping" feels good, no? I had a recent session where I definitely saw prostate fluid come out (about 3 drops). It definitely was not precum. Enjoy your sessions!

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Timelesspa, Hello! I agree with goldenboy. That pumping has been something that I have only recently experienced (5 years out) and yet I haven't had those with many of my best sessions, with 30 min of waves of wonderful pleasure (I still don't know if that's a super O and I frankly don't care!) . I really likey y that pumping, it almost feels like "peeing", but the slick stuff that comes out is certainly not urine...:) I would just encourage you to be persistent, and R-E-L-A-X...that's the best way yself at thto have a good time. BTW: I have tried to imagine myself "on site" at my prostate as the device is working it, and also virtually moving the device. thinking about moving it, but not actually. sometimes I get quite a bit of effect from that. Happy riding!

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