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Trying out new models

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I have been having Super-Os with the MGX for about a year now and decided to try out some of the other models. I bought a Maximus and a Eupho, which are both advertised as models for advanced users. I really like both of them, especially the Maximus. I had no anal play experience prior to the Aneros, but the full feeling and direct contact with my prostate that I get from the Maximus is incredible. So far, I'm less excited about the Eupho, but I'm also experiencing sensations I had not felt with my original model.

My question is, have others experienced difficulties achieving Super-Os when they try new models? It took me a few weeks with the Maximus (totally worth it) but I have yet to achieve one with the Eupho. I still can't experience Super-Os lying face down while on the Maximus, but lying on my back and on my side works.

Also, has anyone had positive results switching between models within a single session? Or is it best to just stick to one model?

Just curious to hear about what others have experienced.

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@yomero : My experience is somewhat similar.

Helix continues to be an old friend and a provides a one-step path to intense dry-Os including an occasional Super-O. My brain and body seem to like familiarity and I have the muscle memory to manage a Helix session pretty much, "on automatic."

With Eupho I follow a more 'dreamy and meditative' approach. I've found that a brief 15-20 minute massage session with Maximus then a switch to Eupho loosen's me up and paves the way for Eupho to yield a greater variety of feelings. (from simple pleasure to a near madness from the 'tickling' feelings it can provide.)

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@rook: thank you for the advice. Here's an update.

After posting the previous message, I decided to give the Eupho another run. Amazingly, I was able to achieve my first Super-O using the Eupho. I don't think I'd ever made so many high-pitched moans in any of my previous Aneros session. I'd experienced the 'tickling' before, but never to the point of almost screaming. I lost count of the Super-Os (maybe some 10?), which I spasmed through while on my back and lying sideways. I then tried the facing down position, but instead of a dry orgasm, I had a mind blowing ejaculation (something that had never happened spontaneously with Aneros). That put an end to a very productive session.

The learning curve was well worth it.
