Trying a new approa...
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Trying a new approach

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I have had a few aneros models for a couple of years. Had some great fun with them, but somehow my sessions always ended up with a traditional orgasm (ejaculation). I developed the ability to 'masturbate' to ejaculation completely handsfree (with the aneros insider), which is nice, but my goal is to achieve dry o's, super o's and everything else i Read about on this forum :). Although i was fully aware that ejaculation should not be the goal when using the aneros, i think there has always been a little voice in the back of my head stimulating me to stimulate myself to ejaculation. And up to now i would (eventually) give in to this at the end of an aneros session, allowing myself to 'finish off' with a nice big splash of hot cum on my belly, induced by performing strong contractions and thereby stimulating my prostate to release my load. Recently i have been thinking about why i don't seem to make progress where it comes to dry o's/super o's. I came up with the idea that, by letting myself ejaculate at the end of an aneros session, my brain keeps linking the aneros to traditional sex and orgasm and won't let me expierence everything else the aneros is capable of letting you feel. I therefore decided that from now on, whenever using the aneros, i won't allow myself to ejaculate anymore. May be my brain will then stop associating aneros with ejaculation, thereby making way for other sensations. Tried it yesterday for the first time and repeated today. It takes some discipline to end the session without finishing off, as i'm still horny and my balls feel full, but the sessions were quite good and, although i didn't have a huge orgasm, i did have some orgasmic feelings with involuntary contractions (and quite some precum leakage). I also noticed that, even when i performed strong contractions and watching some erotic material, i did not feel ejaculation was imminent (where in the past this would induce ejaculation in no time). It seems that ruling out ejaculation prior to the session seems to help in this respect.

​​​​Do you guys think this approach makes sense? Or should i avoid 'ruling out' ejaculation to keep things spontaneous?

I wonder what the future holds for me with this new approach. Will keep you updated 🙂

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I used to do the same thing at the end of every session. Now I don't rule it out entirely, but now try to only ejaculate every week or two, depending on how I feel.

I think it's helped me in my re-wiring process. Sometimes it does indeed take some willpower, but it gets easier.

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I would do anything to ejaculate without manual masturbation. I'm working on it but it seems to be a slow process.

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For me, the handsfree ejaculation was something that happened almost instantly, i believe during my first or second session. I didn't aim at it, it just happened. After that, it didnt occur for a while, but eventually i worked out that if i performed very strong contractions, while being very aroused (eg after a long aneros session, watching porn), i could push my prostate over the edge (thats how it feels) and induce ejaculation. It is fun, but right now im looking for something else :).

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I had another nice session yesterday. My third in a week, with my last ejaculation dating back from one week ago. So my arousal level was quite high. At the beginning of the session i experienced a few series of pretty strong involuntary contractions, they felt pretty pleasurable (almost orgasmic). Interesting was that after one of those series i experienced (for a short period of time) a feeling similar to the feeling right after a traditional orgasm: a moment of deep relaxation and satisfaction. I have never had that before (except after ejaculation). May be a sign of rewiring? After that i played some.more and after a while things got so hot, i felt ejaculation sneaking up on me. I then decided to end the session while i could :).

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Cko23 ...I'm no expert but I do think you've made the right decision in removing the ejaculation from your aneros sessions. What goes on in there between your aneros and your prostate is very subtle and it can easily be overshadowed once you get your penis involved. Your body needs to learn how to get pleasure from your aneros and prostate working together and it can't do that when your big jack hammer is taking over...;)
Once you get to the point where you're getting great pleasure from your sessions, then you can start including your penis a bit at a time. After that it only gets better!
Have fun!

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Update on my journey 🙂
Today i had another session. It has now been 10 days since my last ejaculation, so i was very horny and eager to do a session.
Upon insertion of my helix classic, i had to be careful and concentrate on not ejaculating. For the first 10 minutes or so, i had the feeling that ejaculation was imminent. Through relaxing and breathing deeply, i managed to overcome this. Once things settled down, i removed the aneros, relubed and inserted it again.
Although still being very horny, i was able to relax more and enjoy my horny-ness and the feelings the aneros gave me without having the feeling that ejaculation was creeping on me. During this part of the session, i experienced a couple of episodes where i felt like the aneros was taking over and moving on its own. Not just in and out (with the aneros sometimes being very deep inside my ass), but also from side to side, almost as if it was making donuts on my prostate (if you know what i mean). This was accompanied by fairly strong involuntary contractions, sometimes up to a point where my dick was jumping up and down (similar to the movement it makes when performing strong voluntary contractions). These episodes, which lasted about 30 seconds each, were quite pleasurable (i would say, 4/10 with 0 being no feeling at all and 10 the feeling when having your strongest orgasm) and drove up my heartbeat. After each of these episodes, everything would calm down again and there wouldn't be involuntary contractions for a while. Do you guys recognise these 'episodes'? If yes, would you qualify them as (dry) orgasms? (I hope these will grow stronger in time)
After a while the 'episodes' stopped and things went quiet for a while. Then i became very excited again, but this time the feeling of imminent ejaculation suddenly came up again. Fortunately i was able to avert it by changing my position quickly. It was almost like my body tried to cheat and tried to catch me off guard. (anyone recognise this?) I had the feeling this was the signal to end the session and clean things up.
It was quite an interesting session and i'm glad i was able to prevent myself from ejaculating. Although my balls now seem fuller then ever before 😉 may be my prostate will surprise me with some a-less sensations later on.

Keep you guys updated!

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You sound like you are on your way!

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I therefore decided that from now on, whenever using the aneros, i won't allow myself to ejaculate anymore. ...Do you guys think this approach makes sense?

IMHO, YES, this is an excellent decision, by doing this you are proactively reprogramming your brain (rewiring) to an alternate orgasmic pathway. This is the needed paradigm shift in thinking to advance toward Super-O bliss.

Or should i avoid 'ruling out' ejaculation to keep things spontaneous?

While I don't believe in making exclusive 'rules' barring any particular activity during your Anerosessions, I do believe you should be applying your ego consciousness (your will) to reinforce and support your intent. Lapses into old programmed behavior patterns may occur but repetitive sessions following your intent will eventually prevail and you will succeed in rewiring yourself into the Super-O zone.

Through relaxing and breathing deeply... i was able to relax more and enjoy my horny-ness and the feelings the aneros gave me without having the feeling that ejaculation was creeping on me.

Excellent, relax, relax, RELAX, a lesson well learned!

It has now been 10 days since my last ejaculation, so i was very horny and eager to do a session.

Excellent again, Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence pays off!

...i experienced a couple of episodes where i felt like the aneros was taking over and moving on its own. This was accompanied by fairly strong involuntary contractions...These episodes, which lasted about 30 seconds each, were quite pleasurable... and drove up my heartbeat. After each of these episodes, everything would calm down again and there wouldn't be involuntary contractions for a while. Do you guys recognise these 'episodes'?If yes, would you qualify them as (dry) orgasms?

Yes, and your description of the cyclic nature of these orgasms demonstrates you've advanced to multiple orgasmic status.

Then i became very excited again, but this time the feeling of imminent ejaculation suddenly came up again. Fortunately i was able to avert it by changing my position quickly. It was almost like my body tried to cheat and tried to catch me off guard. (anyone recognise this?)

Yes, this is old programming creeping into your session, it happens to us all occasionally, just acknowledge the incident and 'forgetaboutit' 😉. Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks Rumel for your wise words ! Good to know i am on the right path. Hope my session keep getting better the way they have lately. It feels like i finally found the key to success.

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It has now been almost two weeks since my last ejaculation.. don't think i ever lasted that long! Have had a few sexual dreams and in one of them i blew a huge load, but when i woke up i discovered it was only a dream (fortunately :). At some moments during the last few days, i experienced a dull aching in my ass, almost as if my prostate was asking for attention. Unfortunately i dont know when my next session can take place. . Hopefully soon ! My balls still feel very full, but i haven't had blue balls.. which i find a bit strange (have had it in the past after masturbating without ejaculation).

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Wow you were right. I am in the same boat. I have basically learned to "masturbate" with the aneros and achieve a hands free orgasm. I try not to but this hfwo feels sooooo good and lasts a little longer than a normal one. I try not to focus on going over the edge but eventually my body gives in and pushes itself over and I ejaculate. I'm going to try your approach of avoiding ejaculations and ending sessions before it happens. Subscribing to your post to see how it goes for you and hopefully for me as well

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I see you already found my post :). Yeah it is remarkable how similar our expierences are. Hfwo is definitely nice, fun to 'edge' without using your hands and watching your cock twitch in pleasure from the stimulation within (end eventually blowing a nice load). It seemed hard for me at first to rule out ejaculation, but i found out that if i rule it out beforehand, it helps. Whenever you feel ejaculation is approaching (i guess you know the feeling, a sudden rush and tention building in your cock and balls, almost as if you can feel the fluids starting to move), just relax all your muscles as best as you can and breath deeply. When the feeling fades, focus on your prostate again and try channel the excitement (hornyness) on your prostate /anus. Good lucky!
i have now been in retention for more than 16 days! Pretty amazing.. still very horny and eager to do a session, but haven't been able to do so the last few days. My prostate is begging me 🙂

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