Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

Tryed something a l...
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Tryed something a little different (for me) today

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I have both a Eupho and Helix. Both work well and produce totally different orgasms. During a session, I usually use one or the other. But today, I prepped them both and decided to alternate them during the session. Started out with the Helix and 3-4 really good orgasms. Then moved over to the Eupho. The difference was such that it felt like I was starting a completely new session, only jumping in at the height of arousal. The first Eupho orgasm started almost immediately with maximum intensity. . Whew - 20 minutes went so fast with orgasms coming immediately on top of one another with no letup in intensity whatsoever. Dang - it almost exhausted me, so I popped the Helix back in planning to just let things taper off. That was the way it started. Things got mellow and I really did not have any intention of ramping back up. But once again, the switch produced such drastically different sensations that I ended up in an even more intense situation than the initial switch in devices. Been at it for a while, but this was one of the few times I ended up completely wrung out at the end of a session that lasted less than an hour. In the future, instead of deciding which device to use, I am going to adopt the use both strategy as long as there is nothing pressing that needs done later in the day. Anyone else routinely go this route with the decision to use a specific mix of devices?

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I'm a 3 month newbie. I get some good results starting with the Helix, but if I start with the Eupho I have only some mild sensations. I will try it your way. Sounds like a great idea. See what happens.

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I use multiple devices almost every session and always have. I found that I generally get my strongest sensations shorty after insertion and then they would fade away. When they fade away I switch models. Not sure if this is a good practice or not but that is my typical session. Each session might involve 6 or 7 models. I almost always start with the mgx and work my way up in size

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