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Troubleshooting - What changes made a difference for you?

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I am sure just about everyone here has had varying degrees of difficult in reaching their goals with Aneros. There is a great collection of information available here in the wikis and other members to consult with, but some people(myself included) still have blocks that are difficult to get around. I do not think it is a lack of information, so much as a lack of focus on what particular aspect of the process you are having difficulty with. For me, my experience so far has been a very slow, gradual series of turned corners that still have not brought me beyond the P-wave level(which I am only beginning to experience regularly). It is the slow discovery of things you aren't doing or doing right, or the things that simply get in the way, that gradually opens up the experience.

What I would like to know is what techniques, ideas, methods, etc. helped you to turn a corner and what pushed you over the edge? I think it might be helpful to those who are struggling to point out what changes or revelations you found to be the most helpful.

For me(I will try to avoid going overboard with obvious ones):
-Breathing techniques. You cannot undervalue the importance of this in relaxing(I tend to be tensed and have to be conscious of breathing to relax).
-Secondary stimulation(which continues to develop in efficacy) really helps me focus and discover the non-ejaculatory pleasure
-Focusing on the Perineum. I had taken this for granted, not being mindful of whether or not the Aneros maintained contact until I read more carefully about it. Guiding and sometimes holding the tab to my Perineum has really made a difference and nearly pushed me over the edge a few times.
-PROPERLY doing PC exercises. I just started doing these the right way and wow. For those who are stuck, make damn sure you these and do them right(not while in session). Having just started with these in earnest, I really suspect this might be the thing that sends me over. Sometimes I damn near have P-waves just from contracting them Anero-less.

I would say those are the 4 most impactful changes I made in my 2+ years.

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One change I have very recently made is the use of pre-lube (coconut oil); I never thought it would make much difference but i was wrong. Another thing that makes a huge (positive) difference for me is daily meditation; not only for aneros but in pretty much every aspect of life.

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how do you apply the coconut oil into your sessions aneros_user66982? i use shea butter currently

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weed super charges a session.

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Rook's own Tao of Aneros Play

The four learning tasks or changes that @mkts described were also key to my progress. However, underlying the development of those skills was a "damping down" or "abandonment" of my tendency to control and perfect every small detail in my sessions.

Sage counsel from my Aneros Mentor said, "quit trying so much." And, "don't dissect this." And, "RELAX!"

That led me to examine the personality factors that have always driven my personal and professional lives. My competitive nature as a Carrier Pilot was killing my sessions.

Several Aneros friends suggested that I adopt some meditative practices to divert my controlling energies into more enjoyable and satisfying endeavors. One suggested I spend more solo time at a Museum or at the Zoo.

I had long neglected the Eastern disciplines that support the Tao of male sexuality.

So, I borrowed and bought several "Dummies" and "Idiots" books. Those titles contained the words: Spirit, Hindu, Buddha, Shinto, Mindfulness and Meditation. I wanted to identify those disciplines that were simple, straightforward and understandable within the context of my Western upbringing. I began to sense a connection with the disciplines addressed, years before in a military Hand-to-Hand combat course for aircrew.

Feeling too old to return to aggressive Martial Arts I joined a Senior Citizen's Tai Chi group. Our Master taught, "Moving Meditation Through Mindfulness."

A Month of readings pointed me toward three disciplines to compose "Rook's Own Tao of Aneros." Those were Consciousness of Spirit, Study of Shinto and observance of my Mindfulness -- living in the moment.

That led to an understanding of what mental and physical actions were needed to "RELAX."

Finally, I tested my skills by asking for 'no anesthesia' during a Dentist visit to fill a small cavity. I found I could Relax into sensations that just months earlier would have triggered a 'fight the pain' response.

As the sensations and energies of my mind and body began to emerge during my Aneros sessions, one small step built upon the steps which had preceded it.

Remembering back to times when I played Shogi Chess with a Japanese g/f who called me "Rook" (the schooled but unfinished warrior). I changed my handle in the Aneros Forum.

Truly, "The Journey begins with just a single step.

Tip: Since the brain is your most powerful sexual organ, nourish it with skills and activities that work within the moment and enhance your spirit.

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how do you apply the coconut oil into your sessions aneros_user66982?

I inject with a syringe. no needle of course

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do you have any suggestions for taoist reading, Rook?

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Since I don't live a monastic life and prefer a secular point of view, here's my "Populist" short list:

Mantak Chia:
Inner Smile
Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao
Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy
The Multi-orgasmic Man: The Sexual Secrets That Every Man Should Know
The Microcosmic Orbit

Off the Shelf:
Mindfulness for Dummies (or Idiots)
Spirituality for Dummies (or Idiots)

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