Toy Shape "Educated...
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Toy Shape "Educated Guess"

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I was looking at some toys online, and nothing seemed right. Too long, too short, wrong angle, bulge in the wrong spot, wrong texture, etc. 

On the other hand, there was a toy I wanted to buy for a long time, that seemed just right, and when I finally got it, it just did not hit the spot as good as I thought. 

Do you guys think it's possible to just have that connoisseur's eye and really know how a particular toy will feel, or it's always going to be trial and error? Did you ever try a toy that seemed *meh* at first and ended up being fantastic? 

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To be honest, I have avoided ones that very closely resemble a penis... I had visions of being found dead by wife or children with a stupid grin on my face and a guy's dick up my butt!

That said, perhaps the phallus is the de facto shape that pleasures the prostate most...

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 I am not sure exactly how many I have at least 20, I know I have to revisit some of them, since I bought most of them before my real rewiring. I had the same thing happen, some toys look like they'll do the job, but upon insertion they just miss the mark. 

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I would recommend Njoy toys. The Pure Wand or, much bigger, Njoy Eleven. 

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Posted by: @zentai

Do you guys think it's possible to just have that connoisseur's eye and really know how a particular toy will feel, or it's always going to be trial and error?

Just looking at both my original Progasm Ice and my newer version side by side,  the visible differences are negligible and yet, the sensations, when inserted are so very different.  To me, trial and error is the rule and you proved it by not having the sensations you expected with your new toy.

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Posted by: @tbob

I had the same thing happen, some toys look like they'll do the job, but upon insertion they just miss the mark. 

It's like I spend so much time visualizing what is happening inside me that I feel I should be able to have a better idea of how everything interacts. Of course, our "real" bodies are not anatomy charts, and everything moves around more than we would think, so it's much more different than just looking at a hammer handle and knowing if it will fit right in the hand or not... 


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I don’t know what I think of this. My first toy was a helix and it did Jack shit. Funny enough though,it can make me sing now. I’m a huge believer in belief. Through my A-Less mechanical training in the beginning with ‘this contraction with that contraction plus tension = pleasure’,I built me some cast iron belief in the prostate journey. If i look at any toy now,I see it’s benefits and most importantly,the pleasure it’ll bring because I know it will. Prostate massager,vibrating or not,dildos with veins,no veins,curves or straight,big bell ends or small bellends,cowgirl machines and A-Less,all roads lead to the promised land.

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  1. What's the newer version of Progasm and how does it compare with the original? 

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Once you get to Aless, it's reasonable to conclude that toy geometry has little impact. Some shapes just don't feel good or are actually uncomfortable, but outside of that, the range of what will work is quite large. 

My last purchase, a very conservatively sized one, looked like a real winner but the silicone is just too grabby, and does not retain lube very well, so it feels like I'm trying to work with something much girthier... Hey, what can you do. At least it looks good. 


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Posted by: @zentai

Do you guys think it's possible to just have that connoisseur's eye and really know how a particular toy will feel, or it's always going to be trial and error?

I agree with @Ggringo that it's a matter of trial and error, but ironically some men find that models which initially were not very exciting became quite good once they had more experience as @Helghast noted.

Posted by: @zentai

Did you ever try a toy that seemed *meh* at first and ended up being fantastic? 

Personally, No, I haven't experienced that but then perhaps I didn't give them enough tries to allow myself to be wowed by them.

Good Vibes to You!


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I hate to say it after all this money I've spent on these things, but a-less is far more encompassing, top to bottom, front to back. Unless I can get it in before the aless starts, which is very difficult. I'm finding that as soon as I insert, the focus of the sensations narrows. Seems these days I'm generally disapointed with myself, when I give in and insert, thinking its going to ramp things up, and it actually does the opposite. 

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@pablito1963 see the attached link giving much better description of the differences than I could ever write.


They both work great for me although the original version has more tendency to slip out.

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I definitely have the better one  - it's a Trident and my sessions inevitably finish with it.

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Posted by: @zentai

Did you ever try a toy that seemed *meh* at first and ended up being fantastic? 

Yes absolutely. Not an aneros toy, but an rotating anal vibrator. It's the cat's meow but takes time to acclimate to it, and I needed to get further in my journey to rewiring before I enjoyed it.

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What is that brand of massager?

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@pablito1963, to everyone who still have an original one laying in a drawer somewhere in your abode, don't get rid of it!  Give it another chance after an extended period of retirement; I'm sure you won't regret it. 

It does give very different but great sensations.  Just remember to clamp up your butt rigner to avoid it slipping out earlyin your session.

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Bill Bately
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I have both MGX and SGX. Funny thing is they’re similar in shape and size. But SGX hits the spot like no other. 

on the point of this topic. It’s ironic that after a good session one never knows, if it would have been different using another model. Because these are all hypothetical assumptions. One never actually knows. If you get my meaning. 

Pablito1963, Zentai, Ggringo and 6 people reacted