Tingling Sensation ...
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Tingling Sensation in Brain

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I have a couple questions.

When I'm deep into my sessions and I start to feel good, I sometimes get a very high pressure tingling pleasure sensation at 3-4 specific points in my head, around the top of my brain - or at least it feels like that. I have had a mini stroke in the past, and this pressure mimics the pressure i felt on my head during the attack. Should I be worried at all? I've been to a neurologist but they haven't really told me much, which I assume is a good thing.

Everytime I feel these sensations I feel like I'm close, but at the same time it scares me because of the aforementioned attack that I had experienced. Anyone have any kind of experience with this?

It also seems as though I can redirect the sensations elsewhere if I think hard enough, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it.

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Everytime I feel these sensations I feel like I'm close, but at the same time it scares me because of the aforementioned attack that I had experienced. Anyone have any kind of experience with this?

Yes, I have experienced a similar phenomenon on occasion. Numerous other users have also reported such effects over the years.

It also seems as though I can redirect the sensations elsewhere if I think hard enough, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it.

This tingling sounds like a Crown Chakra activation/orgasm and is probably a result of your having awakened your kundalini energy. When you notice this starting to happen, place your tongue to the roof of your mouth and begin some slow deep breathing. Visualize slowly moving this energy down the front of your body through the lower chakras back to your Root chakra where your Aneros resides. This will complete what is called the Microcosmic Orbit, repeating this cycle when it occurs should alleviate the feelings of pressure and dissipate the energy throughout your body. Good Vibes to You !

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Hey @_Retro,

I second @rumel. Actually you can learn to meditate your brain to orgasm. There was a very good thread about this topic: Head Orgasms. And this even better one: Automatic Tantra.

Cheers, Unfug

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Hey guys, thanks for the responses. I saw my neuro and he told me that I have 4-5 'uncertain' white spots come up on my MRI 🙁 I'm going to discuss this with my doctor.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I had another session last night with the Vice, and while i had it on a low constant buzz, i felt pulsing electric like pleasure in my prostate area. It would come and go, as I breathed into my abdomen it came back, and as i breathed out it slowly faded, but I never had pleasure like that last so long! It must have lasted around 10 minutes! I lost track of time though... so maybe it was 5 minutes, but it still felt nice - much nicer than I've felt so far, they honestly felt really good. My question is how can I help those grow?

I was breathing in deeply, while bearing down - and when i breathed out I would release the bearing down and try to kind of subtly use my internal muscles to massage my prostate. I found it hard to be able to keep my rhythm and focus when the pulsing started. Any tips for fostering and growing those awesome sensations?

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