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Things I'm Learning At The Outset

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I've had my Helix Syn for over a week now, and after using it numerous times, I'm already starting to learn things. After the first session or two, I wasn't sure what "experience" meant in this regard. Some Aneros models are marked for "experienced" users. What did this mean? I think I'm starting to get it.

1. During last night's session, I suddenly had the feeling that I could move the Helix directly on the prostate. It was almost as if I could will it to move just where I wanted it. I am not sure if I am imagining this, but I'm wondering if I suddenly learned how to maneuver the muscles directly around the Helix in a way that I couldn't before. Or perhaps I was just feeling movement and associating it with my subtle thoughts? It definitely felt like I was controlling it, a little. I'm hopeful to gain more fine-motor control and discover new sensations. It's definitely fun.

2. Paradoxical relation is key. It is so hard to relax against tension to allow it to build. I keep trying this, but when the tension builds, it's like my body finds a way to let off the steam and ramp things back down. A shiver here, leg jerk there, itch on those nose, you name it, it seems like just when things are going to climb over the top of the hill, my body says "no, not yet, you have more re-wiring to do". I definitely have to practice this skill better.

QUESTION: How much of the rewiring process is the simple building of pelvic floor strength? I feel like my body might climb over the top, but can't quite get there because the muscles aren't strong enough around the prostate yet. I know there are plenty of new neural connections to be made (I'm hoping for the onset of nipple sensitivity because mine feel nothing while my wife's are so sensitive and she would really like mine to be). But I think increased muscle strength might help with the continual letting-go of tension that my body keeps doing to me. If anything, I feel like this is my biggest roadblock.

3. HEADACHES. Boy, when I have an Aneros session, I can get the worst headaches! I concentrate so hard during sessions. I focus hard enough to decode the human genome and write a half-dozen screenplays. I don't think I've ever thought so hard at night time. I need to learn to keep the tension away from my neck and head, or my brain is going to explode! This is all part of the relaxing against the tension skill that I need to learn. I need to let it come to me, and not the other way around.

4. Aneros-less sessions. I am surprised at how intense things can get just thinking about a prostate. It's not a surprise because I had read about it, but I'm a little taken aback. It's quite a fun little skill to have acquired after just a handful of sessions.

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You are making good progress and seem to have a good mindset. I think you could benefit from just relaxing. Try a few sessions where you quit trying. Just see where the Aneros takes you. If you fall asleep, you are on the right track.

While you are not trying, try gently stimulating your nipples. Some of us have found that they can really kick things into gear, almost too much. They may get more sensitive over time as your rewiring progresses. My wife has endless fun now she has discovered this new sensitivity in me. I'm not complaining!

A-less sessions are another good indicator that you are progressing. You may find that as you rewire, you will be introduced to all kinds of new sensations outside of your sessions. It can be quite distracting at times and can start up even when you are not thinking about it.

Enjoy not trying!


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I think creating muscle tone in the pelvic area is a big part of success. It takes time and these aren't muscles we men normally use, outside of ejaculating and squeezing when you pee.

It takes a while (at least for me it did) for nipple sensitivity to develop and become a sexual turn on but when it happens it will be awesome and it's a constant source of pleasure and erections for me, wether solo or with my wife. I never knew my nipples were an erogenous area until I started using the Aneros. Now, when my nipples are rubbed, I feel it in my prostate.

Headaches: Ya, I sometimes get these, especially if my session is more of a workout than a calm meditation. It comes from the pushing out feeling and I think that probably raises blood pressure. Take a couple of ibuprofen before a session if it's a consistent issue.

Sounds like you're making good progress in very short time. For most of us, it took months and in some cases years. You're a lucky guy.

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> I think creating muscle tone in the pelvic area is a big part of success. It takes time and these aren't muscles we men normally use, outside of ejaculating and squeezing when you pee.
I definitely think muscle tone is an issue. I think muscle tone is partly responsible for my CPPS over the years. Chronic tension and lack of proper blood flow has created weak, painful, trigger-point-laden muscles. Hopefully, the strength I need will develop quickly!

> It takes a while (at least for me it did) for nipple sensitivity to develop
This is one of the things I am hoping for the most. As I said above, my wife always tries to play with my nipples, and doesn't get how they do absolutely nothing for me. To be honest, I get more of a kick out of watching her try to play with my nipples than I get out of the feeling itself. I think I just need to consciously associate nipple stimulation with my prostate stimulation, and hopefully my brain will do the rest.

> Headaches: Ya, I sometimes get these, especially if my session is more of a workout than a calm meditation.

I will use the headaches as a gauge as to how well I am relaxing. Perhaps I need to keep my sessions shorter, too. It's hard to stop them though when I constantly feel on the edge of a breakthrough. There are so many stages to the re-wiring that I'm literally excited to see what new thing will happen next!

> Sounds like you're making good progress in very short time. For most of us, it took months and in some cases years. You're a lucky guy.

I hope it continues!

Actually, after I wrote this, I laid down on my bed for a few minutes, and had another Anero-less session that was quite scintillating. All I can say is, WOW, it felt like the Aneros was physically in me. I actually drifted off for a minute or two, but was awoken with the feeling of my prostate starting to "do something". I wasn't sure what the feeling was, so I backed off. I wish I hadn't let it go! I don't know what was going to happen, but I think my prostate was about to have an orgasm. Oh well. I'll have to catch that train another time. 🙂

I did notice that my muscles are more fatigued after an Anero-less session, however. I'll have to watch carefully so as not to overdo it there.

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Regarding muscle tone in the pelvic area, do you workout at all? I've found that working my legs with squats (and proper form is the most important thing, deep squats with butt going slightly lower than thighs), deadlifts, leg curls and even hip aductions and abductions can really strengthen this area. Also, core exercises targeting your abs. I lift weights five days a week and have for most of my adult life so I'm in pretty good shape but your pelvic floor doesn't get much attention unless you specifically target exercises for the area.

On the nipples, they've become a big part of my wife and my sex life. At first, nipple stim generated an almost too intense inner tickling sensation but over a couple months, it became very erotic. I recommend using an oil-based lube like Alboline or Coconut Oil as you rub them and back off the rubbing every one in a while because they can get over-sensitized. My wife sucks mine while she fingers me and she loves how it really gets me hard and horny. But, if you're like a lot of guys, once you nipples wake up, you'll feel a direct line to your prostate and you'll get a feeling like your prostate is being stroked on the inside. If you massage you nipples for 10 to 15-minutes before inserting the Aneros, it will ramp that up, bringing you to the point where you have to have it inside you. Your brain will kick in here because the nerves that run through your nipples also run through both male and female genitals. For guys, they go to our prostates. For women, my wife has always said when I suck her nipples she can feel it in her clitorus.


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we need to talk. i have suffered from CPPS for years, and, luckily, am mostly past it. it does complicate aneros use. drop me a private message or email.

i too yearned for nipple sensitivity and now i can report: boy are they sensitive.

you also remind me of myself, trying to intellectualize. you have had a great bunch of thoughts. but i wonder if they are gonna get in your way.

simple rule: stay relaxed, but don't over-think that. sure its nice to try to relax through jerks, but it's not critical. you can't rush it

another simple rule: if you notice good feelings, even subtle ones, say "oh, hey, that was a good feeling."

another simple rule: get aroused. allow yourself full sexual naughtiness.


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> Regarding muscle tone in the pelvic area, do you workout at all?

I don't really work out other than daily walks and the occasional jog, and when my back is feeling well enough, soccer, and when my chronic arm tendinitis feels better, tennis. I can't do weights because they exacerbate my tendinitis to Nth degrees, and I use my hands for work (software dev), so I don't risk making them irritated. As far as groin exercise (squats and such), I'm always careful there because of my CPPS, and I focus more on stretching the area than strengthening it with weights. Hopefully the Aneros strengthens the area subtly, over time.

> On the nipples, they've become a big part of my wife and my sex life

At the rate things are progressing, I have no doubt my nipples will awaken. I can't wait!

> you also remind me of myself, trying to intellectualize. you have had a great bunch of thoughts. but i wonder if they are gonna get in your way.

> simple rule: stay relaxed, but don't over-think that. sure its nice to try to relax through jerks, but it's not critical. you can't rush it

> another simple rule: if you notice good feelings, even subtle ones, say "oh, hey, that was a good feeling."
> another simple rule: get aroused. allow yourself full sexual naughtiness.

Yes, my thoughts get in the way. I realized this, too. For what it's worth, last night, after reading some more, I let myself have an Aneros-less session again. I wasn't planning on doing this because I think I walk a fine line between pain and pleasure with CPPS in the way, but I let it happen anyway. My muscles were a little sore, but I let it go. And it was the best thing I could have ever done.

I concentrated extra hard on doing nothing and just relaxing (that sounds like an oxymoron), and keeping my thoughts out of the way as much as possible. At one point, the session was alternating between intensifying on my penis and then to my prostate, but not getting any further. Again, this was pleasurable, but frustrating, too, because I felt like I wanted it to stay there or get more intense, but it wouldn't. This was what happened the previous few days. But I kept up the relaxation, breathed, much like I had the previous week, but "caring" less. And then it happened. Weakened muscles and all, suddenly the sensations in my penis went for intense to near painfully intense, and I noticed that I wasn't actually focusing to get it there. I rolled onto my back, and I realized that my body had taken over. Waves of intensity kept rushing up to my penis, and I was doing nothing! Dry orgasms, with no Aneros! I was actually able to relax even further now, because my body was doing all the work. I let my mind drift. And suddenly, I had the amazing sensation that I was 10 years old. I know it sounds strange, but that was the last age I probably had dry orgasms before they became messy, and I had forgotten what it felt like, and it was like the experience I had last night brought it all back. I remembered masturbating in bed at 10, and I honestly felt like a kid again.

The orgasms were different than I'm used to, so it took a little while to recognize them as such. I realized just how linked ejaculation and orgasm are. It was SO weird not to have contractions with the orgasms. The waves of intensity just kept coming to the surface, and my penis would tense, but that was it, no contractions. It is definitely a strange sensation that I have to get used to. In fact, for most of the 30 minutes of orgasms, the intensity was so high it almost hurt. The best way to describe it would be to put a vibrator of some sort on the tip of your penis at too high a level; it felt like that. Pleasure, a little bit of pain, and it just hung there forever. Perhaps the pain was from the tired muscles from the previous day? Then it would back off, and start again 1 minute later. I probably had 20-30 of these 1+ minute orgasms. OMG, I sound like the stories I've read about female orgasms! That's awesome! Except, in those stories, the women always respond "they lost count". I guess that's why I'm still a guy. Yeah, I counted. 20-30! And I loved every minute of it. I can't believe it lasted that long. When my wife tells me how her clitoris just hangs at peak intensity between orgasms, I honestly couldn't quite imagine it. I tried, but I really wanted to know what this was like. And I think I answered my question last night. I'm floored.

But it gets better! As the penile orgasms were continuing, I was wondering if a prostate orgasm felt the same. I almost had one earlier in the day when I closed my eyes for a few minutes, so I was hoping to experience that, too. And then almost on command, the penile orgasms slowed, and suddenly my prostate started tingling and doing the exact same thing. For another 30 minutes after the penile orgasms stopped, my prostate ramped up in intensity and had orgasms, too! It felt very similar to the penile orgasms in intensity, but came from deeper inside, behind my testicles. This went on until near midnight. I was completely relaxed, not straining at all, and the orgasms kept coming.

I was worried things wouldn't stop. I didn't want to stay up all night doing this, and I wasn't sure how to shut it off. But then, after about 90 minutes, things started to calm down a bit, and relax. Worried that it would start up again if I left it that way, I finished off with a traditional orgasm, but it was anything but traditional. It was harder to get to, in a good way, requiring more intensity for the build-up than I'm used to. Again, this was too cool. I probably had to masturbate to double the intensity of normal to achieve a final orgasm and ejaculation. Best of all, I think I had the best orgasm of my life, better than what I had experienced the previous 90 minutes. I'm sure I ejaculated more than normal, but I didn't really measure it. It was awesome, and calmed things down right away. It was the most satisfying finish to an evening ever.

I am still excited to feel what an anal orgasm feels like, and of course a Super-O, and maybe a nipple orgasm that I've heard described. But if I never feel anything more than I felt last night, I will be 100% satisfied with my purchase.

Even today, I'm satisfied and have no need for the Aneros like I had the previous week after being blue-balled after each session. I think I will concentrate on doing my CPPS stretching and internal work; that's what's best, and I promised myself I would alternate the two of them to make sure my condition gets better, not worse.

So there you have it. My first dry orgasms and first penile orgasms, all without the Aneros! The Aneros has awoken my prostate, and already taught me what those muscles feel like. I can't believe it. Best $50 I ever spent. Long car rides will never be boring again. My wife loves to drive, so I'll just "relax" for now on...

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