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Things I have learned on my journey so far (or the " I am full of crap" post)

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So, I've been at this thing for a number of years now and thought it would be good, if only for me to make sense of everything I've experienced with this piece of amazing plastic, to write a post about that.

I am by no means at the level of sexual fulfillment that I wish to be at but this is a good place to take stock. It's been a bit of a frustrating roller coaster ride, I've even found myself getting very angry at times. Often I have shouted at my computer screen when reading some posts on this forum. I have tried a whole sexshop worth of different lubes and in fact I still have quite a collection of half used bottles and tubes scattered around my home. All in the pursuit of the holy grail of orgasm, the mighty SUPER-O! I have had some great feelings and sensations. I've found myself grinning like the Cheshire Cat for the rest of the day after a session. So it can't be all bad.

What follows is a mini guide/some pointers of the things I have learned so far that make for me an enjoyable session. But as my GP keeps telling me "we're all different" so these might not help you one bit.


  • This whole aneros playtime thing is going to take quite a while so is best to schedule a time when nobody you live with is in and won't be back for HOURS! It's a pain in the bum when you get interrupted during a session and having a quickie is something I just can't seem to pull off. Plus the idea of having to clock watch because you only have limited time frame doesn't make me relaxed at all. Turn you phone and computer off and wait till the mail man etc has been.
  • Get clean. Even after evacuating my bowels I still find I need to douche to get that clean fresh feeling.Being the scatological equivalent to Little Jack Horner is not my idea of fun. Best to do this an hour in advance of your special aneros time. Don't buy a douche which is black in color as you need to make sure it's really clean before you use it and a dark color will hide the sight of mold and mildew.
  • Don't buy vast industrial amounts of lube just because you've heard great things about it. I have done this thinking it was a bargain and a time saver. But have reacted badly to some lubes I have bought. Some have left me with a sore stinging ass and one organic brand had me doubling over with stomach and sphincter cramp. Even for a masochist such as I that was not a fun time.
  • I highly recommend Tiger Balm...only joking!

  • Listening to music can really help by distracting you from your inner 10 year old that keeps saying "are we there yet? A we there yet?" Cliff Richard, Mendelssohn, hypnotic trance, etc...take your pick.
  • Breathing! I can't live without it. Are you doing it correctly or as we all do in the modern age by breathing with your chest instead of your diaphragm? Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly and breath deeply. What's going up and down? If you're a chest breather then you might not be getting relaxed enough during your session. A helpful video
  • Learn to relax. Getting a number of relaxation and guided meditation tracks really helped me arrive at my "special place". You don't have to spend any money on these, youtube, spotify, etc will provide. It all goes back to the breathing thang but with a little hypnosis thrown in for good measure. This was something that I did without my helix in and after a lot of practice had a positive impact on my sessions.
  • This Aneros malarkey really is a barometer for your emotional and physical state. If I'm having a dud session it probably because I'm tired, mildly unwell, or have things to be stressed out about. Lack of progress with this prostate massager has made me have dud sessions too.
  • The whole thing is the whole thing. I've found that the process of playtime from taking my clothes off, having a douche, to chilling out afterwards is all to be enjoyed. It's my little fun friday ritual.
  • Do da Dr Kegel thing. Always good to practice your contractions at the bus stop.
  • Don't get hung up on the sweet candle of a carrot called a superO dangling before you. It's not your goal. Your goal is to have a good time.
  • Well, that isn't everything I know about using these Aneros toys. No doubt you've heard a lot of it before on this forum but these are the things that still resonate with me.
    I'm full of crap, I know, but I won't be by 11am on Friday

    😉 😀

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    The times a when you shouted at the screen, what sort of things set you off? Did you verbally shout at the screen? Rude words?

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    It's far too rude to say...

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    As frustrated as I have got, I have never shouted profanities at posts on these forums. I have however been hurt by the comments, so you could say you and I have had the same pain at the hands of those that post such comments.

    I want to be happy for them. Really. But it stays with you, that pain, it's like the greatest sense of loss, puzzlement, Frustration and absolute rage in one emotion.

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    We are dealing with here is something that starts off so subtle and delicate when you first get things going that you can't have any strong negative emotions. It's like listening out for a whisper at a death metal concert. Impossible. You need calm and silence.

    One guy on here is so attuned to his body, or so he claims, that he can feel the blood flowing in and out of his ear lobes. I think that's where the meditation/mindfulness stuff might be useful.

    Maybe taking a break to put some distance between yourself and the toy might give you a chance to come back at it with a fresh perspective.

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    @theplaything nice summary. I do everything you mention but the douche. I do make sure to "evacuate" completely before starting. I don't swear at my computer either I'm just jealous of some guys' experiences. I've had a few of my own too of course. That being said I'm beginning to lose expectation of experiencing a super O. I know that's supposed to be a good thing but it makes me sad for some reason. Nevertheless I still ride and have my calm seas orgasms sometimes if I spend long enough and the moon is full LOL.

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    @euphemistic I used to be a very angry person. I still am to some degree but I've calmed down a lot.

    Every single sex agony column I've read about sexual performance anxiety and failure to orgasm have advised to stop being so goal orientated and just to enjoy giving and receiving pleasure. I also have a friend who says she likes full body orgasms because they're the ones that creep up on you straight out of left field.

    I spent months, maybe longer, on the mornings before sessions saying to myself "today will be the day I have the superO" really psyching myself up and each time I did that I didn't feel a thing, not even the slightest tingle. You can't force these things at all.

    I keep harping on about the meditation/mindfulness thing but you really do have to be present in the moment and fully aware of how your body feels to even notice the slightest whiff of a p-wave. All part of the "rewiring process"?

    Maybe I am full of crap coz I sound like someone from a stupid hippy sex cult.

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    I keep harping on about the meditation/mindfulness thing but you really do have to be present in the moment and fully aware of how your body feels to even notice the slightest whiff of a p-wave. All part of the "rewiring process"?

    I fully agree that mindfulness is the key to achieving great orgasms with the Aneros. During a session I try to empty my mind of everything except the sensations - even the slightest ones - which I am feeling. Focussing on the first tingle and willing it to amplify and spread can lead to an overwhelming experience. Never underestimate the power of the mind in both enhancing, and sometimes blocking, your pleasure.

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