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The Trident Adventure – Re-rewiring

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This isn’t a review of the Trident Helix. Well, sort of. It is an account of slipping into a comfortable long-term routine and then getting surprised by a new awakening.

The question I am now wondering about; Does rewiring ever finish?

As a long-term Aneroser, my Super O’s have fallen into a reliable pattern. A satisfying pattern for sure. My sessions almost always result in multiple O’s. They follow a pattern of build-up, a Super O, a couple of minutes rest, then another O. They very in intensity, ranging from mild to intense full-body events. The O’s last from about a minute to several minutes each. A session can last for as long as I have energy.

I’m a Helix junkie. I have them all. When the Trident version came out, I had to try that one too.

After receiving the Trident, I found an hour of private time. I expected great things. No such luck. It was a total bust. Not even a tingle. I had read in the Trident reviews that several people had similar experiences.

I had six more sessions with nary a tickle.

The next session was different. I could feel a tingle and a very definite contact point. It was much more aggressive and persistent than my Helix Syn. The contact point seemed much deeper and in a new place.

I did about five more sessions chasing that spot without getting much further than the tingle.

I then found an extended amount of time to devote to a session. I decided to really work hard at “Doing Nothing”. I wondered if I might coax out a calm-seas session. I spent about an hour relaxing. I used my best yoga breathing, chased away stray thoughts, and relaxed when muscles tensed up.

I did so well, I fell asleep.

After about an hour I woke up. My first thought was how deep my sleep was. My second thought of awareness was realizing every nerve in my body was electrified. I became disoriented and slightly nauseated. When I closed my eyes, I had an amazing technicolor light show. Every Chakra must have been running wide-open. I opened my eyes and was able to fight back the nausea. This was no Pwave. This was a full-blown energy surge.

As soon as I moved my body just a little, I blasted off into an extremely intense Super O. Every muscle was seized up and I was having trouble breathing. Just as I was gaining some control and things eased just a little, I managed two breaths and off I went again. More intense than the first. Every breath, every movement triggered an O.

One. Long. Continuous orgasm. It never really stopped. It was bordering on scary.

I was worried that I might not get control again. Breathing was becoming an issue. I worked hard to will it to stop without luck. Every time I could manage a breath, I launched into another, stronger O. I finally managed to roll onto my side which usually slows things down. I was relieved when it began to work. I spent the rest of the day having aftershocks and Pwaves.

Since then, I have repeated the session at least six times, each time experiencing a continuous, very intense orgasm lasting for as long as an hour.

I am surprised at this completely new experience. I’ve been messing around with prostate stimulation for a long time. I feel like I am going through an entirely new rewiring. During a session, I also get the feeling there is more to be explored, as if there are more dimensions.

Do you have any thoughts or experiences with re-rewiring to share?


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@Xileh, great writeup of your experience! I have been on this journey for about 1.5 yrs now, and I am constantly amazed at how the rewiring continues to evolve and grow in intensity and duration. My sessions with an Aneros have made a steady progression in intensity of sensations and also the duration of them as well. But what is interesting, is the fact that my Aless sessions, which are more frequent, seem to allow progression to the next step or level of rewiring easier than with an Aneros. Although this may be due to the increased frequency of Aless sessions compared to sessions with an Aneros. I was able to learn orgasmic prostate sensations through Kegel Exercise alone, before I even owned and Aneros and that may be why I am able to duplicate or exceed the sensations Aless, without an Aneros device. I normally try and have an Aneros session 1-2 times a week, but my Aless sessions are usually daily when I lay down in bed at night. Once I lay down and take a few deep breaths the sensations start flowing and I'm only limited to how far they go by my physical and mental endurance. Some nights I will have 5-6 huge orgasmic sensation episodes in about a 20 minute timespan and I will then go sleep fully satisfied. Other nights, when I have more energy, or get to bed earlier, I will lose track of time and have rolling orgasmic sensations that start to overlap with no letup for up to 1.5 hours or so. I personally don't like to define my experiences with "labels" such as "Super-O" , so I struggle to find words to define the sensations I am able to experience, they are completely unbelievable and amazing!

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Great entries!!!! In response to the original question: I am entering my 14th year of being an Aneros user this month. Actually the date my first one came in the mail is burned into my memory; it was January 24th LOL. I was sooooo excited to get my first one, it was a Helix. I watched the calendar and counted days they told me to allow for shipping. That's why I remember when it finally arrived. What I can say here is that rewiring FOR ME was a physical bodily change that happened over the course of a few months. First my anal canal awoke, then my nipples, then my cock root and sulcus became trigger points to orgasm. Precum flow increased as did semen flow and force of ejaculation. After a few months I was bodily transformed. The mental - psychological changes started at the same time but they were more subtle and extended their evolution beyond the time frame that the physical changes occurred. My perspective on sensuality expanded, my attraction to erections and male sexual response expanded and my entire erotic mind broadened.

Lastly, there were changes in my experience of orgasmic pleasure that began with initial rewiring and are still evolving to this day.

The forum is replete with comments from guys saying that each session reveals something new; it could be a trigger, a fantasy, a sensation, or a sense of well being. It is a lifelong journey.

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At one time I thought I my rewiring was complete,but the trident series has changed everything,at least I think they are the reason that so many things have changed and keep changing for the better.The dud sessions keep getting fewer and things that I read about on the forum that I thought were not for me are now happening.I look forward to pushing the buy button on the helix trident syn,knowing it will take me to a new adventure.I have not had a HFWO and don't desire one but I have noticed my precum later in a session has a slight semen tinge,has anyone else had this?By the way it tastes very good.

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The question I am now wondering about; Does rewiring ever finish? ... During a session, I also get the feeling there is more to be explored, as if there are more dimensions. Do you have any thoughts or experiences with re-rewiring to share?

For many years I have believed the Aneros journey is an ongoing evolving process of 'rewiring'. As long as one continues to practice with their massager the neuroplasticity of the brain will continue to build upon the network of synapse connections previously established. While this process is continuing you will experience new sensations which will then constitute a new typical pattern of performance but this too will change in the future. Sensations which you encountered early on in your learning may tend to fade away and be replaced by newer sensations, so... IMHO, No the 'rewiring' is never finished, and isn't that a nice prospect to look forward to?
Good Vibes to You !

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