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the spiritual world that pours in your brain? aneros

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once your temporal lobe

Law is open, it's really all

the spiritual world that pours

in your brain "

Dr. Melvin Morse, a professor at the University of Washington, is one of the best-known pediatricians in the United States because of his many television appearances and especially his work on experiments at the frontiers of death. With Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Raymond Moody, he became the best specialist world through his first book The Children in the Light ago over fifteen years. Since then, Dr. Morse, who still works in pediatrics and emergencies in Seattle, has just published the results of its fifteen years of research in a book truly revolutionary Divine Connection gave for the first time a scientific explanation at all phenomena previously considered as supernatural or as hallucinations. So we wanted to go a step further and question him in 2005 to see if he had new information on the right temporal lobe that did not have time to add in this book. Surprises ahead:

Question: Dr. Morse, many people say that God is definitely dead in the late twentieth century. What do you think?

Dr. Melvin Morse: False. I would say he is reborn from its ashes ten years since all scientists agree now to say that indeed our right temporal lobe is "wired" to allow us to interact with "another reality" or with God as you want. That is the most important discovery in the late XXesiècle. There are still a hundred years, the very concept of the existence of God was given as a simple philosophical idea, like a cartoon character. Either people believed in God, or they did not believe it. However, now we know that this area is responsible for much of our definition of God, and undoubtedly why the human idea of God has never disappeared from our heads over millions of years ...

However, the fact locate God in the human brain is the same as being good at mathematics or languages. But suddenly, it is no longer a simple thought but a zone that can be studied in the laboratory and above all, above all, be reproduced ad infinitum.

In this field, the major discovery of the twenty-first century is that of Colm Kelleher (National Institute of Discovery Science) which was the first to show that our DNA is not only amended by a spiritual vision benefits but also, later, of ongoing. A passage in the "light" changes the transponder of your DNA! The transponder are tiny bits of genetic code that were previously regarded as irrelevant. Dr. Kelleher has shown that even small percentages of these transponder to entire genomes may reflect a spiritual encounter!

Q: So what is the role of right temporal lobe?

Dr. Morse: Before going further, if you do not believe in God, then you must still explain why 15% of our brain is dedicated to give us the feeling of God ... There are two explanations:

1) This area is there for us to die in a kind of psychedelic nirvana. But medicine has long been known that Nature does nothing by chance, whether in our bodies or in the jungle. If 15% of the brain is dedicated to the idea of God, there is good reason.

2) Assuming nonetheless that this area is useless. Well it is still with benefits for humanity. We know that the mere fact of believing in God is generally very positive not only for society in general but also for every man in particular: without it, no Notre Dame, no paintings of Fra Angelico at the Louvre No Florence, Kyoto, or Saint Peter's Square in Rome ...

That this area is dedicated to God or not, in any case, the mere idea to think about the Beyond inspire men in either sense or in the wrong. In the latter case, it is history that is written directly.

To return to the right temporal lobe, we can approach its four functions:

a) it connects to a database of memories (past and future) stored outside the human brain

b) it allows us to experience "the mystical experience of God" and especially to be with him, is with our deceased relatives or with the Angels.

c) it facilitates our instinctive decisions and thoughts better known under the terms of intuition or 6th sense.

d) the comments of the brain scan of Catholic and Buddhist monks have shown that this part of the brain was more active when they were immersed in a deep prayer or meditation.

Q: On a purely practical terms, this is how?

Dr. Morse: For unexplained things such as sudden healings. These healings, on the class into two groups:

1) The spiritual experiences are clearly associated with miraculous cures for serious diseases such as cancer. All medical cases amply discussed in our journals say that the basis there are always a spiritual experience of the patient.

2) We now know that request increases lifespan. Or it can heal more quickly. The study Bird of the University of California at San Francisco showed that if the group of patients for whom people prayed for the blind has not had fewer deaths or lived longer than the control group, in But they had less post-operative complications and have recovered much faster. Other studies on the effects of prayer provide similar statistical results.

Q. : It is still rather vague for ordinary mortals and reserved for rare miraculous Lourdes. Can you give another example, a kind of absolute proof and inexplicable, even in 2005, that the right temporal lobe functions as you say?

Dr. Morse: Yes, and this time it will really tell you. It is the disease Alzenheimer.

Here's the most extraordinary thing: the brains of patients totally demented, confused or suffering from the worst Alzenheimer go back to work perfectly ... at death's door. And the patients have these experiences! I asked a nurse who works with elderly and it confirmed to me that even the most critical patients, those who no longer person, found their minds at the time of death, or have experiences at the frontiers of death they can tell when the last two or three years they were no longer able to speak or even remember their own name.

Think: when they were no longer able to recognize anyone, suddenly, they recognize everyone around them, talk with them and only a few moments before dying! No doctor understands how a brain destroyed by the Alzenheimer is capable of such a thing just before dying.

Q: Indeed. How do you explain such a difference in receipt of your arguments between the American press and the French press?

Dr. Morse: The best questions I have asked by French journalists, not by the Americans. The French talk, and do not require absolute scientific evidence, like you. Not the Americans. The American public wants to hear from wondrous stories of children waking up in paradise. However, the French journalist ask myself the same questions that people I resuscitated, "How do we know that is true," what is the scientific evidence ", etc ... Prior to believe they want to understand with a clear, rational. The French do not want fairy tales and they are right. After all, Descartes is French.
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Hello Plantation,

Thank you for posting a sample of the writings of Dr. Melvin Morse. I find it to be fascinating reading material, even if a bit off topic for this forum. I bookmarked them and will read more another time. For those of you that are interested, just do an Internet search for "Dr. Melvin Morse".

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Plantation....this is awesome stuff!!

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Q. : It is still rather vague for ordinary mortals and reserved for rare miraculous Lourdes. Can you give another example, a kind of absolute proof and inexplicable, even in 2005, that the right temporal lobe functions as you say?

Dr. Morse: Yes, and this time it will really tell you. It is the disease Alzenheimer.

Here's the most extraordinary thing: the brains of patients totally demented, confused or suffering from the worst Alzenheimer go back to work perfectly ... at death's door. And the patients have these experiences! I asked a nurse who works with elderly and it confirmed to me that even the most critical patients, those who no longer person, found their minds at the time of death, or have experiences at the frontiers of death they can tell when the last two or three years they were no longer able to speak or even remember their own name.

Think: when they were no longer able to recognize anyone, suddenly, they recognize everyone around them, talk with them and only a few moments before dying! No doctor understands how a brain destroyed by the Alzenheimer is capable of such a thing just before dying.

My dad recovered from Alzheimer for three days before he passed away. I flew in from overseas and was with him during his last 12 hours - He was his normal self, could joke and be sarcastic and we could reminisce over good times and old friends although physically he was very weak. Interestingly, he could see many other people in the room and kept asking who they were - there were none but somehow I felt their presence - I told him that they were his friends - my mother, a super-realist, did not agree with me and told me not to talk nonsense to which I replied why should I disagree with anything my dad had to say at that late stage in his life.

It was a wonderful gift to be able to say goodbye to him - At the funeral there where no tears, no sorrow, I somehow felt very happy for him and I was in a joyous mood to the disgust of my sister in law.

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I have nothing against the idea of religion, actually I support many aspects of religion (hope, moral compass etc), and I am open to the idea of spiritualism, but this is clearly an incredibly bias person who may be lying outright to push his religious agenda.

there is no "15%" of the brain dedicated to "god" or the idea of god. i'm assuming he's misconstruing the data that a large amount of temporal lobe epilepsy patients experience some sort of "godly" or spiritual hallucinations. the explanation for these hallucinations is that the lobe processes speech, vision, and memory, and when complications occur you may see hallucinations, which feel incredibly real to you because your lobe treats them as real memories. the fact that many of these visions are seen as spiritual or related to god is just due to how our society views spiritually as this colorful abstract, which is how we'd perceive the world if we had issues with our temporal lobe.

the sudden healing portion has essentially no scientific merit whatsoever. i don't know of any peer-reviewed, re-tested study that proves spiritual healing is possible. not that i'm not open to the idea of there being spiritual things that we can not describe or understand, but to claim there is science behind this is just wrong.

the Alzheimer anecdote i can't really speak on, but if the rest of the interview is any indication I wouldn't be surprised if these were just lies or delusions as well.

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There's another issue with the exerpt's tone

He seems to be specifically alluding to God - a monotheistic God, perhaps an Abrahamic God? One way or another, I was detecting a strong note of bias towards this.

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