Just giving report of my pegging progress.
Wife been busy shopping. She got some nipple clamps for the both of us. Hers are normal clamps on a chain with some weights on. Mine are remote control and guess who hogs the remote? Couple of new dildos,one is erm..quite big ha ha She rounded off with my own set of butt plugs. ‘We’ decided early on that she doesn’t want to share toys. Especially anal toys.
She said she wanted to go a little more girth this time round. On the day she had me wear a plug for a while. Then she teased me relentlessly asking things like did I like going about my day with something in my ass,asking me if any people we see might know.I must admit that I did quite like it.It was uncomfortable in the beginning,but I grew comfortable after a while. It worked too because I was horny for half the day,and really looking forward to the evenings fun.
The plug was removed a little while before the action. We 69’ed for a while to warm things up. She sat up and diddled my nipples in between my own oral. She satisfied herself,and then it was time.
We opted for doggystyle this time facing the big mirror. I got into position,and she attached my clamps. Then she got herself ready,and inserted one of her own plugs,one that was quite bulbous but very small stem so it can’t fall out,she uses this one for cowgirl mostly. Then she got me lubed up.
She went down to 6inch length dildo,but moved up to a 5 inch girth. I couldn’t help but tell her she looked sexy as f. She edged her way in.
Between me being more relaxed and the work of the plug,i noted that things went much smoother this time,she began with gentle strokes,though they just glided this time around. She took my remote and started to play with it. The little pulses and buzzes into my nipples were surprisingly good. Each buzz reverberated to my prostate. The dildo was thicker below its glans,each time it passed my gland,big p-wave,which would re wave on the return stoke. I inwardly focused on these,letting the waves just wash over me. I conveyed what was transpiring as best I could. She said she was getting her own p-waves with the squeezing of her bum during her thrusts. I’m starting to understand submitting to pleasure and just letting it be,instead of trying to build or amplify it like i do in A-Less.
She continued to tease me with the clamps,on and off in a sporadic fashion. This eventually teased me to orgasm. Once announced,she gave me the clamps again. It was a calm seas variety,not wave like or pulse. Everywhere was warm at the same time. Pleasure shared equally over the body. Id described the orgasm as hugging or cuddling me. She kept her stroke consistent,hung her head back and let her own orgasm take her. When she came down,she took the clamps away again. My pleasure receded,but only a little. My mind was somewhat entrained to the rhythm of the stroke and this keep me in orgasms ballpark. Once she turned the clamps on,I got hugged tighter again.
She was getting more turned on,had a little 3 steak FMO of her own,I thought she must have squirted a little with each thrust,I could feel wet trickling down my perineum and scrotum.She barked that she needed harder. She ramped up her trusts until she was fucking me hard,not really really hard,but hard. I rocked forward each time her ‘balls’ hit me. Her nipples were super hard from the clamps,even more erect than they are usually during sex. Them and her breasts swaying and bouncing about,along with sight of her fucking,was building my arousal to fever pitch to match her own. I’m seriously wondering who’s enjoying pegging more. Her eyes were a little droopy,but still aggressive looking,and a twisted,almost cruel smile. She was grunting and moaning,telling me she wanted me to explode.
Thats one of her goals with pegging,she wants to see me ejaculate from pegging alone,with no penile stimulation whatsoever. I have to say though,i don’t feel like that. Maybe it’s because journey was first. Pegging second. Maybe it would be different if pegging had came first. I’ve not felt ejaculation around the corner so far.
She started in with the dirty talk,quite cuckoldy in nature,then me to stop looking at her,and to look at my self in the mirror being fed balls deep and to just admit that I loved it. There was a moment of letting go,because i just fully accepted that i did. I told her I loved her f***ing me. She asked me did I love being her bitch on the end of her cock. She really does know how to wind me up. That was enough for me,I came hard,really hard. My hips were quivering,my arms quivering,my toes curled up. She came hard too pretty soon after,she thrust in and stopped squeezing her clit vibe against her while her ass squeezed from the other side. When she was done,she withdrew and tossed the strap,laid down and demanded her turn to finish off the night,and that I’d better give it to her rough. As I gentleman,I answered the call lol.One of the best nights of my sexual career hands down.
So,a question for those with more experience of anal toys/sex. How do we get to anal induced ejaculation!? Bigger dildos,longer,super girth? I’ve had few HFWO during the journey,albeit I saw them as mistakes more than anything. She has conveyed she was slightly disappointed i didn’t ejaculate. She loves the prostate orgasms,but HFWO is just something she needs to see sometimes too.
Damn guys,you gotta give pegging a try,it’s freaking fantastic!!
That's one of her goals with pegging, she wants to see me ejaculate from pegging alone, with no penile stimulation whatsoever.
So, a question for those with more experience of anal toys/sex. How do we get to anal induced ejaculation!? ... She has conveyed she was slightly disappointed i didn’t ejaculate. She loves the prostate orgasms, but HFWO is just something she needs to see sometimes too.
The two of you might want to take The 30 Day Anal Orgasm Test. It's very likely you'll have lots of p-spot orgasms on the way to the ejaculatory orgasm.
Good Vibes to You!
@rumel thanks. Had a quick scan of it,we will check it out in more detail later
@helghast, you and your wife are a great match! The experience you describe is usually something we see on porn videos. You truly have something special; thanks for sharing.
PS, a copy of this should be inserted in the newly established 'Couple's Corner' section as this will get lost in general discussion over time.
@ggringo haha it’s no big deal,just a normal couple.
Tried to jot it all down while it’s still fresh in my head lol
Between journey and pegging,I have to say,I’m feeling somewhat liberated nowadays. I wish I’d have found or had the guts for all this stuff years ago.
@helghast, thanks for your open report. First I thought, there would be nothing to answer, but reconsidering your wife's wish to
see me ejaculate from pegging alone
I find this idea misleading. Remembering some recently cited words about ejaculations made me wish your wife were better informed about what an ejaculation means to your health and energetic ressources. And that it seems quite selfish to want you cum for her enjoyment.
Obviously we have to take in account, that we men aren't alone with our focus on an ejaculation as the one and only profound evidence, that the man has had his orgasm. Your wife's wish tells us the opposite and many posters here already reported, their girl friend wouldn't allow them longer periods of semen retention.
I instead can even remember own ejaculations without in any way satisfying orgasms, when a few decades ago I mechanically masturbated regularly to get rid from - don't know exactly - thoughts, feelings, needs or wantings, only to cope with my daily work.
After all I'd wish you'd talk this through and that you both understand that making you ejaculate should not be your ultimate goal of your pegging sessions, because it could destroy too much of your own recent development as a male towards that wonderful multi-orgasmic man you have become.
Only my 2 cts here, perhaps it makes sense for you. Bet wishes and take care!
see me ejaculate from pegging alone
Perhaps she's disappointed her efforts did not push you over the edge of satisfaction?
This sounds like a goal to reach for if not just to experience a new milestone. Maybe, it's a bit like someone trying to achieve an HFWO to feel the thrill but not wanting it to become an every day affair.
@sowithoutaneros I’m maybe not as good as explaining things as you.
I'd wish you'd talk this through and that you both understand that making you ejaculate should not be your ultimate goal of your pegging sessions
It was in conversation that she said she’d like to see it. No,it’s not the ultimate goal at all,just something she’d get off on seeing now and again. She loves my non-ejaculatory prostate orgasms,loves being involved too.
We just want a mixed bag of things is all ha ha.
And that it seems quite selfish to want you cum for her enjoyment
Well to be fair to her,she never really denied me anything sexually. Not frequency,nor when i came begging for anal or to see her squirt. So I gotta give too haha.
I shouldn’t worry yet. I think it’ll be hard. I honestly haven’t felt ejaculation around the corner at any point during pegging. Maybe it’s rewiring,or maybe focus on the gland. I don’t know.
Only my 2 cts here, perhaps it makes sense for you
You always make sense,and I think you’d struggle to find a member who wouldn’t value your counsel.
@ggringo She just had a check box of things to see and do is all. Like when people start out and they gotta work through all the positions and place etc.
She get her wish at some point in the future ha ha
The dildo was thicker below its glans,each time it passed my gland,big p-wave,which would re wave on the return stoke.
That's what I was going to suggest but then I went back and saw that you had already mentioned it. When it comes to ejaculation from prostate stimulation, I feel like it's mostly a mechanical process in my experience (I can do it easily with the small end of the pure wand) and you want to get the speed bump effect on both the instroke and outstroke. So I'd say bulbous head will help, for example if it's a penis shape with an exaggerated corona you'd want to flip it for doggy so the ridge can be used for best effect. Shorter toy with longer strokes would be my call, 6 inches should do it so I guess you just need to practice a little more or play with penetration angles. You'll get this !
Keep up the good work!
Another way you can impress her and check off a box is by learning to squirt. Also if you two are enjoying the femdom vibe (and it sounds like you are!), try post ejaculatory torture. After ejaculation (from sex/hanjob/blowjob), she can scoop up a handful of your primo man soup and slather it on your cock, continuing to masturbate you until it is unbearable. This is the basis of male squirting for me and many others, actually. Other fun post ejaculatory torture includes tickling, ball fondling, and humiliation. All is good for very intense orgasms of a different nature.
Hehe that's the whole point, pretty sure you could train with different toys, where one model would be more likely to cause an ejaculation than the other. For example the bulb on the Tantus Acute we talked about before might not be aggressive enough (too smooth at the transition) while something more "grabby" would probably do it. Like the Tantus P-Spot for example (don't own that one, just using as a quick example), just picture how it hits on the outstroke and you'll see what I mean. So you'd decide what you're shooting for (pun intended) this night and get the toy for the particular job. Again, just my experience.
@divine_o male squirting you say? I must insist you elaborate.
Don’t know if I could take the torture ha ha.
Think she might like it though!
@zentai I have a different brand of the Tantus P,I’ll give it a go. Cheers for the advice.
Post ejaculation torture is highly orgasmic for me. It just requires a paradigm shift, to accept intense feelings as being pleasurable feelings. The natural reaction is to scream stop. See if you can get past that and get into the sensations.
Post ejaculation torture is highly orgasmic for me.
I think we will head down that route. I personally am enjoying the intro to femdom. It’s because she isn’t faking it for fantasy,she’s dead serious about it and grows more dominant week by week. Man I wish we had moved our asses years ago!!
I better watch my back,this week it’ll be wearing knickers to work,next week it’ll be chastity and god knows what else hahahaha.
Said it before,I find all this stuff feels rather liberating!
I think it is so cool that you are both embracing your new roles, and all that goes with them.
god knows what else? I know what else (though I have no pretentions of being a deity). In no order:
-public humiliation
-anal fisting
-sadism and masochism
-needle play
-bdsm clubs
-seeing a dominatrix together
and so on and so forth... let us know when she takes you on walks to the park on a leash.
Jk but not really. Who knows what you will find yourself into. As long as you are both into it, the sky is the limit. I am sure you look on kink sites and bdsm sites, but if you don’t already, I highly recommend seeing what the realm of possible is. Maybe you’re a furry cuck who likes wearing pacifiers and crying on mommy’s chest while she gets fucked by a big mean bear...? Sounds weird, but whatever you end up being into (in the realm of consensual), that’s what will make you happiest.
@divine_o Your a hoot ha ha ha
Yea some of that list is of interest. A few other things too. I’ll just have to see where I end up,but I’m going into it with an open mind,life’s too short for worrying ha ha.
Funny you mention Dominatrix. A while back there was a tv series called billions. The DA’s wife was a Dom,Wendy I think she was called. The guy also seen another dominatrix with permission. It came back to me,the wife said one time watching that she thought she’d like that job. She said “I think I’d be quite good at that” hahahaha She said not for having sex,for the other things they do. I might have let the genie out the bottle here ha ha ha.
I might have let the genie out the bottle here
Indeed you may have, it has often been noted that the Aneros journey can be a life altering experience, I hope you continue to bask in the magic of your evolving relationship with your wife.
Good Vibes to You!
@rumel The scary part is i’m not sure I’d be able to get her back in ha ha ha
The scary part is i’m not sure I’d be able to get her back in
You might as well just let go of that fear because you can not un-ring that bell. What you can do is discuss your boundaries with your wife and only proceed with mutual consent, love and respect.
Good Vibes to You!
She said “I think I’d be quite good at that” hahahaha She said not for having sex,for the other things they do. I might have let the genie out the bottle here ha ha ha.
It is uncommon for Doms to have sex with clients, as far as I know. You probably know this, but usually they have hard limits that don't go further than handjobs (i.e. no BJs and no female penetration), if even, but they are more than happy to fist you. I had a brief (and intense) relationship with a dom and she told me all about her job. It is quite interesting, and completely compatible with a non-jealous relationship. The dom I knew was an "assistant" to another dom to learn the ropes (literally), before doing it professionally. I imagine that is the best way to get into it, or just to do it as a "hobby". Plus she attended tons of workshops and retreats for that stuff. It involves a pretty big financial investment (dungeon rental, quality equipment) as well as a learning curve (proper consent, how to vet subs, how to safely practice certain things that put people in dangerous situations such as suffocation and shibari etc.).
It is uncommon for Doms to have sex with clients, as far as I know. You probably know this, but usually they have hard limits that don't go further than handjobs (i.e. no BJs and no female penetration), if even, but they are more than happy to fist you.
Yes,i/we did have an idea that was the case. It’s was a tongue in cheek remark really. She has no intention of becoming a professional Dom.
Femdom in our relationship is definitely on the cards though. She’s been reading up and researching,I hear an odd giggle from behind her laptop screen.
She is introducing it slow from novice level and we will build on it as we go. It’s a lot of fun. Quite refreshing actually.