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The Nipples are con...
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The Nipples are connected to....

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I usually get primed by an hour or more of aless or aneros alone, letting my hands in on the tingling action. Finally, I reach to my nipples to diddle, and they are ready.

The left nip seems directly wired to a the left side of my ball sack, which starts twitching with each diddle. And the right, to the right. These spots of my groin had not been part of the previous waves of pleasure. The nips bring them into action.

What are your nipples connected to?

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They're connected to wherever I focus my mind and relax.

Like you, my right nipple gives me more pleasurable sensations on the right side of my body and the left nipple does the same for the left side. So far, only you and I (to my knowledge) report this which makes me wonder if we have limited this result by admitting and thinking in this mode.

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My nipples are connected to my prostate, perenium, anus, and cockhead. All I have to
do is gently flick them back and forth and everything responds accordingly! Precum oozes and pleasure grows in intensity to the point of dry Os!

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Mine are definitely left/right oriented but as to what they are connected to is anyone's guess. Whatever it is I LOVE it!!!

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I'm the same way, left side, right side. Some times it's ribs some times it's sack and even had it tingle my upper thighs

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@WallyBanger, a very good question! That is why I so enjoy diddling my nipples at night in bed. I love how they become erect in anticipation of nights of uninterrupted pleasure. They are are connected to my ball sack, perineum, and my cock! 😉

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Belly button to anus.

Sensation usually starts in my prostate. The longer I play the wider (longer?) it spreads.


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My left nipple is wired to my cowper's gland. as soon as I start diddling my nipple pre-cum starts to flow.

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Mine are wired to the entire groin area, especially my perineum and anal/tail bone area. Sometimes when my wife does my nipples, it sends a huge urge for anal stimulation. I get a deep hunger for anal play. Not just tactile teasing....i get a hunger for penetration and sometimes I want more than one finger.....i want 3 or four of her fingers. When she milks my cock with her tight lady-place and pulls on my nipps......absolutely bliss!

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Mine are connected to my prostate and my anus (so far). These different parts of my body form a kind of triangle.
if I stimulate, mentally or physically, one of the vertices of the triangle then the two others vertices are also stimulated.

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Posted by: @chestinut

My left nipple is wired to my cowper's gland. as soon as I start diddling my nipple pre-cum starts to flow.

You are very lucky.  My left nipple definitely makes my prostate buzz, but nothing gets my Cowper’s gland to work!  I don’t produce precum, wish I did!  

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When I started, my nipples where less sensitive than my elbows and I never produced precum, now both my nipples are hardwired to my prostate, and I leak a little, not a ton but it feels really good and I find it very erotic. One day it might just happen!


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My nipples don't seem to be tied to anything specific but produce a full body pleasure. They also quickly trigger pre-cum. I diddled for probably 15 seconds in the shower this morning and "drip,drip,drip!" Of course writing this will probably provoke the pre.

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It's fun seeing my old post back in circulation. Since then, I've happily advanced to the condition reported by @mewanttools, "the entire groin area".

Another recent discovery, one finger going clockwise, the other counter-clockwise, results in another level of magic. Always, with the left finger on the right nip, and the right finger on the left. I trade off between the fuck you finger and the pointer finger.

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