The new Forum Desig...
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The new Forum Design . . .

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Hey ALL!

I really like the new look of the forum!

So much easier to navigate and to read the posts . . .

Way to go Aneros Guys and Gals!


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I agree with Laser, looks good. It will certainly be good news to the guys who have mentioned over the last year how the white on black writing was difficult for them. I noticed the "WIKI" above and linked to it, is that going to be some kind of chat area or something? It also looks as though I should remember to log out when I leave. I have not been good about that.

It is nice to have this available to us.

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It will certainly be good news to the guys who have mentioned over the last year how the white on black writing was difficult for them

Guilty as charged 🙂

Not so much difficulty though, just hate white-on-black text.

The new home page is stunning however, and I love the overall 'feel' of the new design. Well done Aneros.

Old Wolf

B Mayfield
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To Buster and all,

The design and feature changes that you see here today, reflect an outstanding effort that started over 18 months ago. In addition to the forum, there has been a complete redesign of the entire site! Be sure to check it out. Virtually every page has been changed and many new pages have been added as well. (love the spinning 3-D Progasm!).

With respect to the Wiki (coming soon), this is not a chat area, but an expansion of the Glossary that was started by Darwin some months ago. This will offer a more interactive way of researching the meaning of many of the terms used in the forum. Much like, you will be able to find not only the definitions of a word and specific terms, but also locate corresponding material, such as links to posts in the see these words used in context.

Regarding chat, there have been some ongoing discussions about implementing a feature that would allow for a scheduled and moderated version of it, one which would give newer users the opportunity to interact directly with the more advanced users.

Oh, and by the way, we have SPELL CHECK IN THE FORUM!.

There is also a separate forum for the they can be easily found in one place.

Look to the Products page and you'll be able to find the specifications on each Aneros model and user comments about them as well.

All and all lots of great stuff.

Congratulations to HIH and cheers to you Dr. Funk.

BF Mayfield

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Aneros Support,

The New Web site looks very good, I really like the fact the POLLS now have their own Forum. The new Wiki feature may be very useful for us Newbies, I hope to see it up and running soon.

Obviously there is some fine tuning to be done, especially regarding the SPAM filtering algorithms, but overall, I LIKE IT! 😆

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Thumbs up on the new look. Good job.

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especially regarding the SPAM filtering algorithms


Happy Thanksgiving to all US members and viewers.

Old Wolf

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The spam is irritating, but I am sure that they are working on it.

I do have a question though, I think the spell check in the forum is a great idea! I just dont seem to see it. What am I missing here?

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Hi Everyone,

I don't know what is going on since I can not read any text. This may have been addressed already, but since I can't see the white text, I'm at a complete loss as to what to do. Maybe others have reported this ???

Could someone please email me to what is going on, and what I can do to fix this ?



B Mayfield
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The spam is irritating, but I am sure that they are working on it.

I do have a question though, I think the spell check in the forum is a great idea! I just dont seem to see it. What am I missing here?


Just try generating a response in the forum, then intentionally misspell a word. As soon as you do, you should see a red line appear underneath that word. Right click on it and the Spell Check menu should appear.

BF Mayfield

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Hi Brian,

That is good to know that I am not missing an icon or something. I just tried to misspell a word and it did not work for me. I know that what you are referring to has worked in the past when I was using Firefox. I am in IE right now and it does not work. I am on a pretty old platform (Windows 2000) so maybe that has something to do with it.

Take it easy out there.

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Hi Folks,

This appears to be related to me using FIREFOX. Internet Explorer works just fine .... so I can work around this if I can't get a Firefox fix. I'm also using XP Professional.

Thanks to those who PMed me.


B Mayfield
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To All,

In Firefox, go to Preferences.

In preferences go to Content

In Content go to Colors

The following box should be checked:

Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above

I had the same problem several weeks ago when I was helping them de-bug the site.

I'm on a Mac, so I made my assessments with the Mac browser (Safari) and Firefox. In general (outside of this one problem) Firefox works best with Macs with the site at this time.

BF Mayfield

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I am using a PC with Windows XP-SP2 and FireFox and ALL is well with the compatibility!

Later, Hlaser

B Mayfield
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Hi Brian,

That is good to know that I am not missing an icon or something. I just tried to misspell a word and it did not work for me. I know that what you are referring to has worked in the past when I was using Firefox. I am in IE right now and it does not work. I am on a pretty old platform (Windows 2000) so maybe that has something to do with it.

Take it easy out there.

I just tried Internet Explorer myself (an ancient version...) and was also unable to access the Spell Check. I would suggest going to Firefox. As Hlaser has said it seems to work very well for viewing this site on a PC as well.

IF you are having problems viewing text however, make sure that you have the Preferences set correctly as below:

Go to Firefox Preferences.

In preferences go to Content

In Content go to Colors

The following box should be checked:

Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above

BF Mayfield

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Great job on the new design! Although I find black on white much more easy on my eyes - especially if I'm reading a lot - I must admit to a bit of nostalgia for the old white on black format because that's where I was when a whole new world got opened to me. You have saved it for the home page, and I like that. This is definitely the best place on the net for not only Aneros discussion but also MMO in general, so your refinements and improvements have a large audience. Thanks for all the thought and work.

I appreciate the remarks about the big Progasm being too obvious when one doesn't want others to see where they are. For me it's a pleasurable erotic symbol, and I don't mind it at all. However, in the interest of privacy for others, I wouldn't object to your removing it from the discussion sites and also making the "Aneros" lettering smaller.

I'm suddenly noticing some spam posting. Is there any way you can filter?


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Hey, as long as we have a "wish list" theme going here ('tis the season) can we get a "log out" icon on the blog page? I have been real bad about logging off and I noticed that there wasn't one there.


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