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The Key to sexual stimulation freedom (ie. no risk of ejaculation and still get the cookie)

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I think that @jmay's ideas have given me a foundation of generalized whole body arousal to use as a springboard to pursue the next step. I'm using audio files now to get to this level of arousal which allows me to close my eyes and imagine anything that my mind takes me to. I can remember sexual fantasies or memories which is very powerful. Or I can concentrate on my image of my prostate and follow the sensations all over it. I've gotten the first sense of getting close to something truely awesome. it's like being in an unfamiliar room and feeling my way around to find a door. I think I've found that door and just need a little something more to open it. After a 4 hour session when I'm reaching for the door knob, I'm usually so pleasured out that I have to stop or I wouldn't be able to function. I'm having fun though picking through gay men's porn videos for audio stimulation. The quest is fun and fulfilling so I'll just keep open to new and maybe unexpected experiences. I even looked into getting a little weed to at least give me a memory of what I'm looking for even if I still have to find it on my own. I saw something called legal bud at, which is related to marijuana but is not the same. All my hippie frinds from the 70s are now respectable and claim they never smoked. But I can get a sympathetic high just from reading the word weed.

What I mean by the door is a tickling sensation near my anus when it's completely relaxed. Does anyone else get this feeling? I feel like a hollow tube down to my anus just waiting for an orgasm to invade.

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@RSilva, premature ejaculation as a chronic problem can be approached many ways. Check out Mantak Chia's MULTIORGASMIC MAN. The book teaches semen retention, and in the course of learning how to retain semen, you also learn ejaculatory control. It takes time, but the first step on a journey can begin today.

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Edging is a great way to learn stamina and ejaculation control also!

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I'm pretty aware of where my ejaculation is, and my masturbations are basically edging sessions as I don't have interest to ejaculate right away, and in all these years I've seen no progress.

I've read it (I think it's that book) but I don't think it works for me. I am anyway seeking help on this as this really affects me.

In any case this is offtopic :).

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I think I stumbled onto what you were writing about in the original message in this thread. I thought you were writing about edging but it's not quite that, is it. You wrote:

"Another way to train I think, is trying to get as close to ejaculation as you can and then stop and enjoy the orgasmic feelings, learn how to recognize them as to separate them from ejaculation feelings. You'll end up with the ability to focus only on orgasmic feelings and not ejaculation, making things a bit slower in a way, but much more solid and potent pleasure wise. Orgasm has its own rythm, you have to figure the way to "hop in" the wagon and enjoy the groove. Also, you'll feel orgasmic pleasure through your penis in that numbish state, but no ejaculation feelings."

I've mastered the slow build-up of sexual energy described elsewhere. When I was swimming in a sea of sexual energy, I tried edging, keeping the PC muscle relaxed, and contracting the anal muscle just before I would have ejaculated. The feeling of climaxing remained and was wonderful. I found that I could stay at this level of arousal,(I call it climaxing but you call it orgasmic) for as long as I wanted. I could play with it, increase or decrease the pleasure. I could go back to the point of ejaculation if I wanted, and feed more sexual energy into my body. So it's not edging per se but a particular technique of edging after the prolonged arousal and then the use of particular muscles to capture the energy of climax and ride it like a horse.

That being said, I've found the training/athlete metaphor for what we're doing here to have a limit of usefulness for me. I've flooded myself with sexual energy many times and keep learning new ways to enhance that energy. Still no orgasms. I know I have to be patient but I'm thinking that maybe I want the orgasms too much and my body/mind has its own wants and needs. l'm thinking I could use influences that my body/mind knows and responds to, namely moving pieces of music and emotional discharge. I cried through the first half of my session this morning, something that just came up while listening to music. I scanned my memories of sex and the influences on my sexuality, good and bad, since childhood. It was a liberating experience and paved the way to the special session described above. I know that I have some psychic blocks on my sexuality, fear of sex with women for instance, that I may need to process and resolve before I can proceed. I don't know for sure but what is certain? Journey indeed!

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Yes, climaxing is one thing and feels very good, But the actual orgasm is a full current that floods your whole body and can't be controlled... or maybe you have like 25% control, the rest is of that strong electric orgasmic current. It' hard to stop it, not only because you just don't want to stop at that moment, but because it's so strong. Think of opening a gate on some kind of cascade, similar to thermoelectric generators.

And yes, this also makes you suddenly find weird very familiar feelings deep inside you, sometimes they stick for some seconds, but sometimes they move past and dissolve.
When you resolve those issues, energy flows freely.
I'm a pretty happy guy, I'm ok with myself, with the world, rarely I have negative feelings, it's hard to make me mad, etc. Maybe that's key to success. A mind disciplined by spirit.
I wish you good luck in your self reconciliation!

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Thank you, Jmay, for your kind words.

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I have been working with this for a while and my success rate is improving. I have had a couple of dry supers while having sex with the wife. One with my helix in and one without. This was the goal from the start for me as it allows me to combine my two favorite sexual pastimes.

One thing I noticed is that when stroking the penis (during masturbation) is it feels like it is stimulating the prostate as much or more than than the penis itself. If I pause briefly, often I will get involuntaries which I take as a sign I am on the right track. The dry O's are pretty cool yet different from hands free ones.

If there is a downside, sometimes when the prostate is partying during intercourse I might start to lose my erection. Its like the prostate takes and over and says I don't need the penis any more. Without the refractory period tho, I can start over again in about 10 minutes rather than my usual 8-10 hours. (I am 58 and no longer a young buck).

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Forgot to add that when stroking the penis I focus on the shaft and not the tip of the penis. For me tip stimulation brings me down the ejaculation road immediately and if I don't stop the party ends quickly. When I notice my balls have pulled up close it is an indication (warning) that I need to relax and by gently pushing them down it helps identify the muscle that should be relaxed and isn't.

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Go little by little. Eventually you'll be able to focus wherever you want, for as long as you want, doing whatever you please for as long as you want.
Try, again, in small increments, to link those sensations on the tip of your penis with another part of your body. I recommend Master Mantak Chia's Multi Orgasmic Man, read it. When those feelings are generated on the tip, if they are not linked to the microcosmic orbit for example, they won't have anywhere else to go, so you'll ejaculate. You can pull that energy up the spine, eventually it will flow up the spine easier every time. When you trap energy on your genitals you start having urges to release it, hence ejaculation. You should be giving that energy a better path to travel. You should also start separating that urge to ejaculate, from orgasmic pleasure, it's very different. Why?
When you do so, it will feel less pleasurable sensations at first, because the energy moves through a bigger space. Instead of spending that energy on throwing it away, you spend it on warming up the right path, get the idea? Don't feel pleasure at first, but still be aware of both sensations and link them. When you do so, whatever you feel with your penis won't feel overwhelming, because you won't be trapping those sensations there, you'll let them flow freely elsewhere, making pleasure apparently disappear at first. What you are actually doing is teaching your body how to feel real pleasure again.

So, be aware of what the tip is feeling, but be much more aware of making that energy circulate through the rest of your body throuh that orbit.

The whole idea behind this is that sperm has your essence, it has a huge amount of energy, but you have to transform it from it's grosser denser part, which is the physical semen, to a more spiritual reality which originated it. But sperm is cold at first, otherwise your testes wouldn't be hanging,right? So it's like trying to warm them up, little by little, so they can move free, like melting some butter. You preserve your fire (penis) by not letting it burn you out, or burn itself out, but to warm slowly the Yin (passive, inactive) state of the sperm, to its more Yang (dominating, active) state, so that it can eventually go Yin again but after getting charged with Yang energy. That's what creates orgasmic currents.
Look for Mantak Chia's videos on youtube, learn the "boring" part, that work will provide slurplus rewards. Like massaging the kidneys, smiling at them, etc. All those things may seem like ineffective, but they work surprisingly well when done right, your attention and intention does much of the work**. After Yang always comes Yin right? After you work, then comes the calm resting soothing state.

After Yang, always follows Yin. Yang (active, stroking for example, creating tension), always give place to Yin (after you stop all stimulation and just feel it, your prostate will most likely start pulsing and you'll get some involuntaries). It seems that the orgasm is when sexual energy takes over your body, and that's when you surrender to the experience completely, ie. take a passive attitude. Make sure to play with those motions too and be aware of them. Appreciate the active part, then stop and contemplate the Yin, feel it expanding everywhere, let it be*. Next time you try more Yang, when you stop Yin will be bigger, let all that tension that you created with a Yang approach find rest in your prostate and it will surely start twitching.

Identify Yin stimulation (through erogenous zones for example, your prostate too), and identify Yang stimulation (forcing things, creating tension).
We as men may find Yin stimulation a little uncomfortable because we are used to force things. Women actually surrender to those feelings we find uncomfortable. Find them and learn to do the same, you sure can.

*As you start feeling Yin, you'll feel a different pleasure, but most likely as soon as you feel it you'll go all Yang again. Make sure to give those feelings time to be. You need both to create a potential difference, a positive and a negative, a place where it's more (Yang) so that when it stops, the place where it's less (Yin) can recieve that energy. Think of a battery, without that polarity it wouldn't work.

**You got a cool car. If no one is driving it (attention and intention) it just won't move. Feel the energy, pay attention to it, by being aware of it.

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Thanks JMay always your knowledge and your ability to express it is what helps make this forum interesting. I only wish I had found this site much sooner, but as is said ...better late than never. Wonderful topic and thanks for getting it started.

I am eager to learn more and will take your advice.

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I took your advice and had a truly amazing session. Hopefully I can recount it properly. I often wondered if there was another level beyond the Super O, and this may be it.

I planned to have a session with my Vice before incorporating penis stimulation to insure my prostate was fully awake and ready to party. I normally use my Helix Syn and occasionally switch over to my Vice (without vibe). So before inserting the beast right off, I did my relaxation ritual and got my prostate awake and had a dry O.

Seeing that I was already well on my way, there was no need to insert the Vice and next I introduced penile stimulation, focusing on the tip. I quickly reached the point of making the decision and embraced the "uncomfortable" option. With my back PC muscles slightly contracted, it felt like each stroke of the penis was massaging the prostate and it felt like beating on a drum on the back PC muscle.

As was suggested, I directed the energy created from my penis to my anus, and from there up my spine, back down again to the prostate, and from the prostate back to the tip of my penis. This created a positive feedback loop that began to pick up more energy from both the prostate and tip of the penis. The faster I stroked my penis, the faster the energy loop traveled. My head and back began to raise off the bed as the waves traveled up my spine.

Afraid to let up on the anus contraction for fear of ejaculating, I kept the slight contraction during this entire time resulting in an anal orgasm that was one of the biggest I have experienced in my 4 month Aneros journey.

I repeated the process several more times and had several dry O's. Whenever I paused the penis stroking, the involuntaries immediately kicked in. When the energy cycle I created reached the point where it was moving so fast, my entire pelvic area was buzzing, the Supers followed.

I learned that after arriving in the "uncomfortable" area, I could release the anal contraction and didn't need to hold that contraction. Whenever I felt like the excitement was almost too intense, and quick anal contraction made sure I stayed in the "safe zone". That muscle was overworked and a little sore the next day and served as a constant reminder of my memorable session. My Vice never got used and this was a "less" session.

I'm not sure if these were the most intense Supers I have enjoyed, but they will rank up near the top of chart. Fucking amazing they were however. I will follow up after I attempt to duplicate this (fingers crossed.) The following day I had that song in my head....."I don't want to work, I just want to bang on the drum all day."

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I'm really glad :D, and you're just starting 😉
Last night I edged soooo close (if I moved a couple of milimiters more I would have ejac.), I could actually dominate it very good and had another kind of experience. I kind of blacked out, dozed off, out of the intensity, but then I'd come back, let myself go in that relaxed state, and reached other states of consciousness. There are many kind of experiences you can go through that way. I'm glad I could help.

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Now you are raising the bar. I'm up for the challenge.

I am intrigued by my new found ability to channel the energy around in my body. I still have a way to go. I find it much easier to connect with a little MMJ. My overworked muscles need a little more time to recoup first. 😉

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Heizen, how do you direct the energy flow? Just by thinking about it? I've also noticed how stroking my penis the way you describe after getting the energy flowing, actually massages the top of my prostate, along with the aneros and the p-tab, thus messaging it from 3 directions. And I get the same electricity you describe. But I haven't tried to direct it the way you did. It just sits there. Did this happen when you smoked weed or not? If having done this with weed, were you able to duplicate it later without weed?

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I have done it both ways, however I seem to get a better connection with a little MMJ. I kind of will it to move (or give my subconscious a command.) It is subtle at first but as I stroke more it seems more energy is created. By including the prostate as a destination, it creates additional energy too.

I am still at the begining if this journey and not really qualified to provide instructions which is why I am searching out mentors in this area. Of course we can all continue to learn from each others experiences, which makes this forum so great.

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MMJ definitely helps.

@euphemistic and other fellow anerosians

I think this may be crucial, though I haven't looked any further into it.
I think it's mentioned in many different sources, but when I said that about contracting the back portion of the PC muscles, may well be a way to open the Sacrum.
I don't know if any of the terminology is correct, but we have a vestigial tail, which is the tailbone. When the tailbone is pulled (maybe millimetrically) towards the front, it opens that first part that allows energy to flow up the spine. I've noticed that when there's a lot of energy that hasn't rised up, when opening the sacrum, you get an intense tingling feeling on the tailbone. It has to be done with internal muscles, though.

I remember too that after nights of great success, I did feel the sacrum and cranium working differently. Kind of like naturally opening up. Maybe there's a time in the month where energy flows better through those channels.

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@jmay I have noticed that recently, I have had zero success with aneros. I also think it may be a time of the month thing too. Who knows, maybe us men have 'periods' so to speak, aswell. 😉 well I guess we would call them windows instead:)

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@JMay & @MMO_RPGlol,

See the thread Male cycles? for a related discussion. Unfortunately all the hyper-links are now outdated and/or non-functional, but there was a consensus that some form of male hormonal cycling is really occurring, hence periods where lackluster Anerosessions are likely.
Good Vibes to You !

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Wow this is actually pretty crazy. The peak of my aneros activity was coincidentally on August 21... The most recent full moon... It was basically from a week before to a week after it that I was having very successful sessions.

Looks like I'm gonna be cumming a lot around the 19th 😉

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Jmay, can you actually feel the sacrum moving? Or do you infer that it does by the results?

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Looking back at my post history, I published my post "holy freaking buildup", was about me narrowly missing a super-o, on the 21'st. The full moon...
within that week, another person I was talking to said he "came harder than cyethra on a sybian".

All of this correlates to the exact period around the full moon. granted, its not much data... But its my best bet as of now. I am going to keep track of this all now!:)

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Have you ever hit your tailbone hard? Falling down wooden stairs for example while using socks, or any kind of accident where you hit your tailbone very hard?

It hurts A LOT!! just look at this poor devil /watch?v=yvKvYpZU6Ug (youtube link) he can't breathe and can't stop screaming.
It's an extremely sensitive area so any slight changes can be felt easily.

I've read that it's the tailbone that is pulled towards the front to open a channel for energy to go through. The movement I make it feels as if I'm pulling the sacrum to the front (and not to the back).

The difference I feel is that when I know I haven't made the energy go up the spine for a while, when I pull the tailbone towards the front, it feels very different, like when you vibrate a part of your body with a massager (minus the vibration, though sometimes it can vibrate a little on its own), it could be your feet for example, it tickles, it feels a little uncomfortable. That's similar to the sensation it creates. But right now that I'm not working with energy consciously for example, I get the feeling but it's much less.


Thanks!! I know quite a bit of astrology, it makes sense now hahaha. It could be the Moon. Maybe there's a gathering of energy, and then a release through the super o.

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@JMay i cant even look at that link. After seeing my cousin break his tailbone while snowbparding, i am cringing just thinking about it.

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There used to be a thread (or maybe it was a 'Special Interest group' on the forum called The Full Moon Club.I wonder whatever happened to that!

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How does one go about learning to feel and control energy? And if you can feel it, is it easy to control?

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The books "the multiorgasmic male", and "taoist secretes for cultivating male sexual energy", by Mantak Chia are both amazing introductions to energies. Almost all of my progress with gaining control of my energies is due to those books. I, and @Jmay highly recommend them.

They are also online for free if you just want to browse through them, but I bought mine to support the author 🙂

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Oh, and you don't 'control' it exactly. Its more like lovingly persuading it to move by focusing on an area. You don't MOVE the energy. You ASK it to move. Guide it basically.

But it can definitely take a bit of work to get the hang of it. Opening up the meridians can be very challenging if you don't have experience with it. It is all extremely important for having full body orgasms, and well worth the trouble! 🙂

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Such interesting things I keep learning about on this forum and on the internet! Lately I have been looking into things and terms such as Toaism, Qigong, energy, yin, yang, merideans, microcosmic orbit, etc. keep showing up. I'm learning so much about things that western society doesn't generally teach. Anyways, I hope to learn soon how to circulate energy. And thanks for the tip, I'll try asking it to move and guiding it.

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You can feel the energy by itself or its effects. It makes sudden changes in your body, such as a mini head rush, heat on certain areas, tingling sensation, etc.

Rub your hands until you create a little bit of heat and separate them, feel them in the air. You will probably feel a ticklish sensation. Without trying to feel it, without trying to force it, just maintain that position and quiet your mind. The feeling can either be intensified or diminished. The more you practice, more sensitive you become to that energy.

It's not that you control it, like MMO_RPGlol says, or that it becomes easier to control, it's just that at first you lose track of energy more frequently because you don't know how to feel it.
You guide that energy with your attention. Whatever you put your attention on gets more real in your world. Chi follows the mind.

Think of a slow computer. What happens when you give it lots of commands? It gets even slower and eventually freezes, right?
When you practice energy work, at least in my case, I started becoming much more patient once I got it. It happened with many things, I started waiting for things to happen (after setting an initial intention of course), for example, whenever the computer slows down and doesn't respond, now I wait instead of trying to do something to fix it quickly. And I see other people, when their phones or whatever they are using gets a little slow, they get all desperate...
You have to give yourself and your body time to do their thing, just like a slow computer.

Now, eventually it's as though you conquer Chi (I don't think you conquer it though, but it seems that way), it gathers quicker and more for example, by doing it the right way, but you never force it anywhere.

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