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The Key to sexual stimulation freedom (ie. no risk of ejaculation and still get the cookie)

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Ok, so for the past couple of weeks I have gained the ability to have whole body super o's with penile stimulation.I just read part of a PDF by B Mayfield that helped me a lot in putting these ideas in words, so thanks!. There's a part where it says that during the orgasm phase, two separate phases happen emission and ejaculation. During ejaculation the bladder sphincter closes shut, and that's the key.

Guys who already do kegels are far more apt to learn that guys who don't. But guys who do kegels AND pay very close attention to what they're feeling will be able to discern a key difference. Experienced aneros users will be able to get this quickly because of strong anal and PC muscles, maybe not right away but you've got 80% of the job done.

Pay close attention to PC muscles, you have to know them (it?) like the palm of your hand, you have to be able to move it as good and precise as your tongue, because as long as you don't shut your bladder sphincter, you won't ejaculate. It's not a binary kind of muscle (on or off, contracted or relaxed, 1 or 0), it can actually move many different ways, varying pressure on different areas.

I've found out that there are certain ways to contract PC muscles along with the anus, that creates a LOT of pleasure without shutting the bladder sphincter. It is so much pleasure that it may feel very weird and uncomfortable at first. GET USED TO IT, LEARN HOW TO RECOGNIZE IT AND SPEND TIME WITH IT, no matter how uncomfortable. You actually know this kind of pleasure but naturally avoid it, without noticing. With traditional masturbation, as soon as you feel a little bit of this "uncomfortable" pleasure, you naturally shut your bladder sphincter, leading to ejaculation after a while, you just went "the wrong way".
What you actually have to do is get used to that uncomfortable but pleasurable feeling, spend as much time as you can with it (probably just 1 or 2 seconds at first), and when you just can't hold it any longer (too ticklish, too weird feeling, too uncomfortable) instead of falling into shutting your bladder sphincter (which is what you will naturally tend to do), you shut your anal sphincter and every muscle close to the anus that helps you mimic a "sucking motion". If done right, you won't feel the urge to shut your bladder sphincter and pleasure/warmth/ticklish sensation/however you feel it, will travel up through your spine and to your head. You will also feel electric non pleasurable currents on other parts of your body, just pay attention to it, these are your erogenous zones waking up and getting ready for action. You will feel blood moving everywhere in your body, creating heat on various areas. Those electric currents and hot spots are not pleasurable, but they're a very good sign that you are doing things right. Keep going! You are doing great! 🙂

After doing this a couple of times, your body will be turned on, blood and pleasurable currents will be flowing everywhere, your temperature will rise and you'll be able to pleasure yourself through erogenous zones (inner thighs for example), do it even more times and eventually your penis will get hard. Then, my friend, is when you can use it all you want and not ejaculate. You will be able to feel with it as much as you want, and you will feel a very "clean" pleasure, with no risk of ejaculation as long as you don't shut your bladder sphincter for too long, which means that you will have to go back to the "uncomfortable" pleasure and feed it to your body again, only that now up to this point, it won't feel uncomfortable anymore, it will feel extremely sexy and arousing. So then you just keep going back and forth as many times as you want, sucking energy up your spine, like you do with a straw. Keep doing it and eventually currents of orgasmic pleasure will flood your body and will lead to whole body orgasms, which believe me, to this day I haven't found a limit for it. It can keep going, getting more and more intense.

I'll try to describe how to get the "uncomfortable" pleasure. First, it's the back area of the PC muscles that you should contract the most, along with your anus, while the front part of PC muscles must be kept relaxed (or else you won't get the uncomfortableness). If done right, you'll feel as though you are pushing your prostate down... as though a bag of sand was halfway falling down a table (the table being the contracted portion of PC muscles). Think of Dali's melting clocks. After you are able to recognize the way to get to that sensation and recreate it every time you want, you should start exploring other ways to move your PC muscles without shutting down your bladder sphincter. I can create a kind of V shaped contraction (along the perineum) which doesn't shut the bladder sphincter. The idea is always to find new ways to tease your prostate in that way, always finding new ways to create uncomfortable pleasure. The more uncomfortable pleasure you create, the more pleasure can flow up your spine, to your brain and to your whole body. Relax in such a way that it fills up with blood, contract slightly only on the sides, contract slightly only on the back, even contract slightly on the front, but that's when you dominate this technique, you can actually kind of strech your prostate, twist it a little bit. All of these various movements, done with PC muscles, will help create uncomfortable pleasure as long as the bladder sphincter isn't closed.

Do all this without the aneros first, learn how to use your PC muscles to stimulate your prostate and feel it hands free. Once you master this, do it with the aneros in and it will do all its magic every time.
By the way, after your body is turned on and your penis just got hard, it's extremely arousing to lay down on the bed with your tummy down and lift your butt up slightly in the air while creating more "uncomfortable" pleasure, which by that time, as I said, won't be uncomforatble but very pleasurable.

The more you practice you'll be able to reduce the "forbidden contracting zone" on your PC muscles to a much smaller area. At first it will be like 50/50, ie. the back portion of your PC muscles and the front portion.

As a rule of thumb, if it feels good immediately, you've shut down your bladder sphincter. Stop as soon as you realise this, you don't want to feed that way, or else you'll either have to wait a lot and stop all stimulation, or keep going and ejaculate fast.

1) Lay on the bed with your legs slightly spread. You can also be in a semi sitting position... actually I've found that the position women adopt to have babies is the best (with your feet on the bed)
2) Start exploring your PC muscles, look for the uncomfortable pleasure zone.
3) Build uncomfortable pleasure until you can't hold it any longer
4) when '3)' happens, this pleasure will force you to go either way. To your penis by shutting your bladder sphincter, or up your body by contracting anal and back of PC muscles.
5) Keep doing this, you're actually feeding your whole body and getting it ready for pleasure, it will be turned on after a while.
6) Your penis will get hard, and it will feel a very "clean" pleasure, with no ejaculation urge.
7) Remember to feed uncomfortable pleasure to your body once in a while, the whole body orgasm is reached mainly by this kind of pleasure, but the penis is to this like what salt is to food, it just makes it so much better... but you don't normally just eat salt alone.
8) Eventually you will be able to go nuts and don't ejaculate even while contracting the bladder sphincter. This is when your body is working at 100% and in a multi orgasmic state.
9) After you decide you are done, repeat whenever you feel like it.

Remember that this incredible machine, your body, must be turned on first, it's a slow build up, but totally worth it.

Opinions? comments? experiences? feedback? 🙂


Edit to add a very important piece of information:

In a nutshell:
Start with your penis soft, don't make it erect, eventually it will do it by itself, when that happens, maintain that relaxed state. After a while you'll be able to play.

You are opening a new pathway for orgasmic pleasure to flow, so that you can orgasm inwards up your spine, to your brain and through your whole body.
·When your nervous system is charged up, it's on, it can process this powerful orgasmic energy, so when you stimulate your penis, when orgasm comes, instead of being expelled outwards, it travels inwards.
·When your nervous system isn't charged up, as in traditional masturbation, your nervous system can't process or recieve orgasmic energy, instead it releases it through the penis via ejaculation.

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@JMay,Thank you so much for this thread!
I am about far enough into the Aneros journey that I can follow what you are trying to get us to do and I very much look forward to giving this some practice.
I have decided to print it out so that I can study it more closely at my leisure and will have it available for reference.
I'm also looking forward to the results lol!

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Fascinating. I gave it a try. I see what you mean. VERY INTERESTING.

Here is how I interpreted this. I discovered that when I apply penis stimulation I can feel a clamping of a muscle that feels "higher up in my pelvis" and makes my penis throb. I am not sure that is the bladder sphincter, which might be involuntary and on ejaculation only.

But regardless it is VERY POWERFUL if you relax that clamping, and don't let it happen. I agree that it gives the pelvis a confused signal which feels weird. But if you persist the pelvis redirects its contraction efforts, like you say, lower into the prostate and anus, which, just like you say, gives a beautiful pure pleasure. Keep on going and those lower muscles start to quiver, etc, and will go into a soft blissful orgasm state.

I am looking forward to becoming more adept at this and hope i can apply significant penis stimulation while doing MMO.

JMay, pending what others say about this, I think you have made a brilliant discovery. In all my readings about MMO, which have been extensive, I have never seen this simple trick described.


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I can't wait to try this. Now I just need to do kegals more often!

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You're welcome!

Just remember that you have to pay close attention to what's happening first, which means that the only thing that you can force is your PC and anal muscles. When someone pays attention, he doesn't talk, ie. don't force things 😉


After a while, your body gets used to the movements that got you into "multiple orgasm state", and that sucking motion up your spine happens naturally, and every time it feels more defined, like a strong current of "something" that naturally flows up.
I remember a technique here where you're supposed to contract about 60% with the aneros in so that after a while the involuntaries start happening. I think it's related to what I'm describing here.

Also I think that when one is using Aneros, and things start getting good and you lose it because you start forcing things, you're actually shutting down your bladder sphincter, which cuts all the flow.

edit: By the way darwin, and everyone else, if you can't find that "uncomfortable" pleasure, start with a full sustained PC contraction, it will activate the "wrong way" and create more tension, which should be released by contracting back of PC muscles and anus and flow up your spine.

Strech before you start! It helps a lot, strech your legs, your spine (practice moving it like a snake), your neck, etc. It gets blood flowing more easily. Also go to the bathroom before.
As I said, at first you have to do this things consciously, but after a while it goes on its own. Just pay attention.
By the way, don't feel discouraged if you can't find the uncomfortable pleasure, sometimes it's harder but it gets easier to find with practice. Pay attention, sometimes you aren't contracting your anus at all for whatever reason for example.

Good luck!

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what is the "back pc muscle" , you mean the tail bone or around the penis.

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I'd love to hear how it goes, your opinions, your own insights, etc.


The ones closer to the butt, while keeping the ones closer to the penis relaxed.

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Hmm.. I have problems understanding the goal of the method. Is the goal to have a traditional orgasm but without actually ejaculating?
And to practice the muscle involved in keeping the bladder spinchter open we might have to bring ourselves to the point where we almost ejaculate to pinpoint the muscle? Or?

Great thread btw.. I love new tips 🙂

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so in a nutshell, masturbate while holding a contraction on the lower pc muscle while keeping the front upper pc muscle open/uncontracted?? If you feel your bladder shut, then stop and repeat until that uncomfortable feeling comes?

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Yes but not quite. It's a build up, first your body must be ready, then your penis will get hard, not the other way round. If you do it the other way round, you must've started by shutting down your bladder sphincter, erection gets energy from that uncomfortable pleasure.
When your penis starts getting hard, don't go crazy right away, you can feel it a little bit, and fall back, then feel it a little more and fall back. The key is to never trap these pleasurable feelings on the penis but keep them flowing in your whole body. Eventually your body will be so turned on that it will be very hard to trap your energy in your penis, which leads to ejaculation.

Think of your body like inflating a new balloon. At first it's harder to fill it with air, but eventually it loosens up.
Ah and also, you have to create that sucking motion, this uncomfortable pleasure must go somewhere, if it has nowhere else to go but your penis, it will force itself there, leading to a very familiar kind of pleasure and erection right away.

Think of it this way... is it uncomfortable to have an erection? It's a release, instead of releasing through erection, you release it up your spine.


The goal of this method is firstly to have fun, if you're not having fun it won't work (so don't try to achieve something specifical, just uncomfortable pleasure and then pull it up your spine. Your body will know what to do next)
Secondly, the goal is to turn your body on, to get blood flowing everywhere, so that your whole body is able to recieve pleasure, not just your penis. If your penis works as your only pleasure reciever you'll inevitably ejaculate. If pleasure has more space to move, it can create orgasmic waves of pleasure that amplify with more stimulation.
Stimulation must be controlled at first, eventually pleasure takes over and your body goes crazy without ejaculating.

Don't start with your penis hard. Start playing with your PC muscles, create uncomfortable pleasure. If that uncomfortable pleasure goes to your penis, it will make it erect, so now you know you did it wrong.

Just give it time, be patient, it's a slow build up but totally worth it.

Edit: Alex, the goal is to wake up your nervous system. When you orgasm from your penis, instead of orgasming outwards via ejaculation, all that orgasmic feeling travels up your spine, to your brain, and expand through your whole body. Imagine that, being able to masturbate all you want without the risk of ejaculating, because you won't release energy outwards but inwards.

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can you explain the sucking motion a little more? You mean like trying to pull an aneros further in you? Or like trying to suck in air or what? Thanks:)

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can you explain the sucking motion a little more? You mean like trying to pull an aneros further in you? Or like trying to suck in air or what? Thanks:)

Yes! It's like trying to pull the aneros further in, but try to do that without the aneros first, you must learn to work with your body without the aneros, but it's a good start.

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But regardless it is VERY POWERFUL if you relax that clamping, and don't let it happen. I agree that it gives the pelvis a confused signal which feels weird. But if you persist the pelvis redirects its contraction efforts, like you say, lower into the prostate and anus, which, just like you say, gives a beautiful pure pleasure. Keep on going and those lower muscles start to quiver, etc, and will go into a soft blissful orgasm state.

It is pure pleasure, yes, but what I meant by that was a pleasurable feedback from the penis. I may have expressed myself wrong.
When you masturbate as always, you have to stop stimulating your penis eventually, otherwise you'll ejaculate, right? And you know, you feel, from the beginning that after a while you will ejaculate.

Pure pleasure as I was refering to, is penile stimulation without that feeling of "If I keep doing this I will ejaculate", so there's no need to hold back. It's paradise, you can masturbate all you want and from there create orgasmic currents that flow up your spine, to your brain and expand throughout your entire body. When reaching orgasm, instead of orgasming outwards (ejaculation) you orgasm inwards, so the more penile stimulation the better. Basically you feed your entire nervous system with sexual energy. Maybe you're "opening" your nervous system, ready to recieve pleasure.

With traditional masturbation, that pleasure can't travel up your spine, instead it is released through your penis via ejaculation.

Makes sense?


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Ok.. I think I understand you now.. The painful pleasure you say you get while doing this is not painful to me though, but I still think I get where you are going with this.

What you're describing is actually a huge part of what I do before I super-o. So the electric waves you described is a supermild version of my superO. Multiply it with 20 and with a release, then you got my superO.

But with this method of yours involving penile stimulation you say that we should keep the bladder spinchter open.... But the bladder spinchter is closed unless you pee. What stops pee when ejaculating is actually closing the urinary tract. Are you suggesting that you keep the urinary tract open?

If so I recommend that you continue what you're doing with caution. I think this might prone you to a disorder called retrograde ejaculation. This means that your sperm actually travels up into your bladder instead of being ejaculated out through your penis. This might be the the effect of what you are describing... If so, this could render you infertile.

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It isn't painful, it's uncomfortable, like when you stick your head out of the car window at full speed, you tend to swallow constantly and can't breathe properly.

Those electric waves don't serve the purpose of pleasure AFAIK, but they wake up your nervous system. If you get shivers from doing this you're doing it right.

Yes, I'm suggesting keeping the urinary tract open, it's a natural mechanism in the body. When you pee, you can't ejaculate, when you ejaculate, you can't pee.

I've had retrograde ejaculations but not by this method. After a retrograde ejaculation I lose erection even if nothing comes out, then I go to the bathroom and sperm can be seen in urine. It has happened to me a couple of times, making it an extremely rare event, but as I said, not using this method, haven't found sperm in my urine afterwards. I'll be cautious anyway thanks. 🙂

Your orgasm isn't lost through your penis, it doesn't leave your body, It travels up your spine, to the brain and expands to the whole body, and you can be stroking/humping/thrusting as much as you want and sustain an orgasmic state. Try to unlearn what you believe.

If you combine this and aneros, you'll blow up your mind.

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@Alex_xxx dude where do you get your information? I don't mean to be rude or call you out, but retrograde ejac is a.) really common. b.)not a disorder and c.) Not dangerous. The only reason it can cause 'male infertility' is because the sperm isn't entering your partner. Having a normal ejac would offset that. Not trying to be rude, but you seem to state a lot of unfounded premises as facts...

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@Jmay do you think you could use this technique with a partner??

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I've done it a couple of times but it's harder to control because penile stimulation is more intense, so it's easier to "lose it" halfway through, but like any skill, you can practice and eventually master it. My recommendation is that you first master it on your own. Penetrating someone in this state is pure bliss.

By the way, it seems that having the way clear (no feces or urine) is a must. After a bowel movement blood can flow more freely.

And, I just recently found out that doing a full contraction of PC muscles first "wakes up" the ejaculation way, but afterwards you do a full relaxation and then you should start playing with PC muscles without shutting the urinary tract. It's easier to find the uncomfortableness.

I'd love to know how it goes.


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While i think JMay's insight is very valuable, I am still not sure he is correct in his anatomy.

I do not think what he is recommending we relax is the "bladder sphincter." There are two urinary sphincters, as described here:

The internal sphincter is part of the bladder, shuts tight during ejaculation and is not under voluntary control. This is the muscle that sometimes causes trouble with men who have urination issues, and is removed, for example, by a TURP procedure.

The external sphincter is closed except when you decide to pee. It is under your control.

I think that JMay's insight is correct, but I just don't think he has the right muscle.

Here is a page about the male pelvic floor muscles:

I wonder if maybe the "upper muscle" JMay is referring to, and telling us to keep relaxed, is this:

And the ones that we use for MMO is the PC muscle. Here is a female anatomy picture which shows both muscles. You can see how we'd feel the Bulbo as "upper" and the PC as "lower":

In any case, the muscle to relax is the one that makes your cock and cock head throb.


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@Alex_xxx dude where do you get your information? I don't mean to be rude or call you out, but retrograde ejac is a.) really common. b.)not a disorder and c.) Not dangerous. The only reason it can cause 'male infertility' is because the sperm isn't entering your partner. Having a normal ejac would offset that. Not trying to be rude, but you seem to state a lot of unfounded premises as facts...

Hmm.. well, Ph.d. jeyendran wrote that it was.

I do however agree that you're still fertile as long as you can change between the methods.

Where did you get your information that it can't be dangerous?

What things do I state to be fact? Are you referring to my far out theory thread where you lacked proof of experiences beeing recorded in DNA? Well there is no proof, it's a theory, thats all:)

Well it's not a fact that you can move energy around your body either, but ALOT of people here believe that we can.

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please do not derail this thread with a flame war!


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@Darwin, I totally agree. If he has a problem with my posts he can PM me.

Now that thats said, I did it.. The orgasm was great. I actually noticed that I deferred the physical stimulation/feelings down to the back PC muscle from the penis. And the orgasm was twice as good... But I did ejaculate some when I finally had an orgasm. But now I have this burning/tingling sensation from my pelvis and down to my penis. It helps to pee slowly though. I guess that is sperm in the urin @JMay?

Thanks for the tip/method! I'll be doing it again even though it stings a bit afterwards... 🙂 that says alot!

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i have a method where i try to pee on the exhale, which relaxes those muscles. than on the inhale imagine thrusting your penis without actually moving, just creating tension. i`ll try locating these "back pc muscles"

also trying to imagine relaxing your rectum and anal muscles while slowly stiming penis

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While i think JMay's insight is very valuable, I am still not sure he is correct in his anatomy.

I do not think what he is recommending we relax is the "bladder sphincter." There are two urinary sphincters, as described here:

The internal sphincter is part of the bladder, shuts tight during ejaculation and is not under voluntary control. This is the muscle that sometimes causes trouble with men who have urination issues, and is removed, for example, by a TURP procedure.

The external sphincter is closed except when you decide to pee. It is under your control.

I think that JMay's insight is correct, but I just don't think he has the right muscle.

Here is a page about the male pelvic floor muscles:

I wonder if maybe the "upper muscle" JMay is referring to, and telling us to keep relaxed, is this:

And the ones that we use for MMO is the PC muscle. Here is a female anatomy picture which shows both muscles. You can see how we'd feel the Bulbo as "upper" and the PC as "lower":

In any case, the muscle to relax is the one that makes your cock and cock head throb.


Thanks! It's always better to know what's really going on, you can perfect techniques that way 🙂
I'm not a doctor hahaha, but what I'm trying to describe here still works for me 😉

Sorry, I just saw it... YES! That makes sense! Bulbospongiosus muscle, that's the one to keep relaxed... I think... it feels like it. 🙂

In males it contributes to erection, ejaculation, and the feelings of orgasm

So basically, start by holding back erection and feelings of orgasm, but still tease your prostate...
I think the uncomfortable feeling is holding back feelings of orgasm, you're used to feel that right away, and when you don't it creates tension which must go somewhere else... "suck" it up your spine.

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@Darwin, I totally agree. If he has a problem with my posts he can PM me.

Now that thats said, I did it.. The orgasm was great. I actually noticed that I deferred the physical stimulation/feelings down to the back PC muscle from the penis. And the orgasm was twice as good... But I did ejaculate some when I finally had an orgasm. But now I have this burning/tingling sensation from my pelvis and down to my penis. It helps to pee slowly though. I guess that is sperm in the urin @JMay?

Thanks for the tip/method! I'll be doing it again even though it stings a bit afterwards... 🙂 that says alot!

You did it wrong, but you're getting there, you have to relax the bulbospongicious muscle even more. Before I could finally understand this method and perfect it after a lot of trial and error I ended up with a burning sensation sometimes, but no retrograde ejaculation whatsoever.
When I had retrograde ejac. I could see the urine was very different from normal urine in the water before flushing it.
Once you perfect it, no burning sensation.

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Last night in bed, I used this technique to start a -less session. No masturbation, just relaxation. All I can say at the moment is "Wow!"

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I think we can take retrograde ejaculation out of this discussion. The muscle we are talking about does not relate to it, nor can you induce retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation is caused by a failure or the absence of the internal urinary sphincter, which we have no control over. Men who have a TURP procedure have that sphincter removed to improve urine flow and as a result have permanent RE. They are usually well past child rearing age.

The method we are talking about here is about male multiple orgasm (MMO), and therefore about non-ejaculatory orgasm. No ejaculation reflex and no refractory period.


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@jmay, I tried this method a few times yesterday. Let me preface this with the fact that I have always used the do nothing approach but have tried muscle contractions now and again. I have a pretty good feel for the muscles we are talking about and can contract the back pc muscle seperatly from the front one. So holding a contraction on the back pc muscle and anal contraction i started getting nothing but pleasureable feelings just like a normal less session, lots of precum leaking, eventually a couple of large involuntary contractions. I did get a hard on at one point and played around with it, but wasnt really sure what else to do from there. Eventually the feelings were lost and never did get any uncomfortable feelings. Any suggestions? I did notice when I had a hard on that it was more difficult to tell if I was still holding the contraction and if it was just the back and not both the front and back pc muscles.

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You've certainly started something off here for me, with the "relax the BC, contract the PC" idea.

In shower today I did this in conjunction with some nipple stim, alternating between penis and nipples for a few minutes. At no point did I feel near the point of no return, but there were ripples of pleasure spreading out through my body.

Much later on, having only recently been for a pee, I was driving and without thinking did the same contraction. I had the "uncomfortable" feeling similar to wanting to pee, but it was subtly different and on the edge of pleasure/discomfort, even possibly nausea.

More experimentation needed! 😉

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if someone would write a dumbed down version, that would be great. am i just contracting the anal muscle and behind(towards tailbone)- not the perineum . Then those muscles both stims the prostate and forces it up the spine?

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