Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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The journey begins with a question.

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Here's how i arrived! I have been playing around with my prostate for the past 8 or so years. I first had a knockoff Aneros for a few years which i would use very infrequently. It didn't provide much stimulation but chances are it was user error. I threw it away and haven't messed around with my prostate in years. I recently bought a Nexus Revo Stealth and was able to get some pleasurable feelings. That said, it feels like a very big toy when it's inserted. It's not painful but it still feels a bit too big for me. Also, while the rotating head was able to make me feel p-waves for the first time, it felt too robotic of an experience and distracting..

So i bought a Helix Syn Trident. I gave it a try and it is much smaller and more comfortable than the revo but i really dont feel anything at all. Unless I really contract my PC muscles then i can feel it a bit. My question is about the size. While the Revo felt too big, it also feels like something is contacting my prostate even with the rotating feature turned off and I was still able to feel slight p-waves with minimal muscle movement.

Granted, the session today was just getting acquainted with the toy but it has me wondering if it could possible be too small? Should I be a bit more patient?

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Granted, the session today was just getting acquainted with the toy but it has me wondering if it could possible be too small?

IMHO, NO it is not too small. If size really mattered then it would be impossible for men to have Anerosless orgasms and all the reports about men having A-less orgasms would be false because there is no physical object creating the perceptions. The truth is that initially, our perceptual awareness is usually not finely attuned to our own body's functions. As such we ignore or fail to appreciate the subtle sensations our bodies do generate in response to the presence of an Aneros or other device unless that device is so macro stimulating that it's presence can not be ignored. This often leads to the false belief that 'bigger is better'. There are numerous testimonials about the effectiveness of the smallest of the Aneros models (Peridise, which isn't really a prostate stimulator at all) generating orgasms. The truth is that you develop the ability to generate orgasms when your body and mind are synergistically cooperating and the presence or lack of an Aneros is immaterial.

Veteran Aneros guru @B Mayfield labeled these devices 'Tantric Training Wheels' as they indeed are. Once you have sufficiently developed your mind-body connection the training wheels are no longer necessary to ride your orgasmic cycle.

Should I be a bit more patient?

The simple answer is YES, but it's a bit more complicated as your mind constitutes more than 90% of the process. Please see @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight. It might also help you to read @neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire". Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you.. I think it’s just the sheer size difference of the Revo that gives the impression of feeling more pleasure/pressure on the prostate. I just wanted to make sure. I fully understand that prostate pleasure also depends heavily on your state of mind.

One thing I noticed is that I definitely had What seems to be called “butt buzz” after the session and slight tingly pleasurable feelings in the groin area an hour after the session. They were very slight but noticeable.

I will post progress as my journey evolves.

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Had a session today. Started out trying breathing exercises and relaxing. Tried clearing my head for about 30 mins or so and while it was relaxing, nothing much in the way of p-waves. I decided to end that part of the session as i started to get a little bored and didn't want to force anything or become frustrated.

While i had the toy still inserted, i decided to watch a little bit or porn and try some different positions. I typically lay on my back with a pillow to raise my butt off of the bed. I definitely felt some pleasure when rhythmically gyrating my hips and doing PC contractions. I probably could have had a hands free 'Super-T' with a soft penis but i'd have to work at it for a bit and it wasn't exactly what i was trying to accomplish. So at least at this point, I 'think' it hits my prostate ok or at least with a little bit of work on my part it does.

I'll try another session next week and focus more on relaxation, breathing and mediation. It's hard for me to separate my penis and orgasms. I think that's going to be one of my biggest hurdles, at least in the short term.

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Part of training your body is showing your prostate that this thing is there. Rumel and many others have many posts about doing subtle contractions across a few muscle groups that can make your body aware of the presence of this new foreign object and wake your prostate. The challenge, for me over many years, was to not let the sensations directly caused by manual anal/rectal/perineum/etc contractions to be the focus. VERY hard lesson for me to learn. I also had a pretty bad problem where I had a hard time preventing an anal/rectal clench when the manual subtle contractions got to a certain point. I'd involuntarily clench hard and blow any progress away. I quit trying. A decade later I tried again, and found it wasn't a thing anymore. I can't explain it.

Yes, keep all stimulation away from the penis. For me, at first, any incidental contact with my dick would severely distract me. I'm way past that now. If you want porn, watch something not penile related, like female masturbation, lesbian, or gay anal orgasm with the focus on the bottom. Maybe, try just audio, no visual. I admit, some visual stimulation does help me, but I do not constantly watch. I blink on it for a bit, then close my eyes or tab out and passively focus on the sensations and listen to the arousing sounds. Might want to also investigate binaural beats. It gives your brain something to focus on other than your dick and over concentration on any manual contractions you are doing. A good one works in tempo with any subtle manual stimulation you may be doing and in tempo with your natural body rhythms. I know, sounds crazy that sound can drive physiological responses. It works! For me, the binaural beats eventually took over and I didn't have to work so hard on manual subtle contractions. I actually had to focus on not focusing on manual contractions. Binaural guided me to my first whatever it was, some may say super. Now, I don't need binaural. I still use it from time to time to change it up. It can be done! I did it! It took me many many years. With all that said, nothing is a silver bullet or guarantee. Everyone is different and will take a different path to bliss.

Regarding size, many experts here may disagree with me. I still consider myself a nub. However, I found the larger toys helped greatly in showing me where things are and how to make my body respond and how muscles, I didn't know exist, respond. Aneroless has happened only a couple times for me. I can't even really say they were truly aneroless, because some would say it was an echo effect, and they are probably right. I dunno. Still felt good though! 😛 My point is, smaller toys might not be enough, given how much retraining your body and mind requires. It's quite foreign to most peeps who grew up jacking off at any opportunity.

My favorite toys are progasm first, peridise second. Weird right? Largest and smallest! I personally think, for beginners, a larger size helps to inform and train your prostate what to do with this thing. The bad side of that is you lose mobility and more frequently run into to poop issues. On the other hand, many of my first experiences with peridise was little more than "that's nice". On the other other hand, once you got it figured out, the smaller one provides a lot of movement and really good feels.

Anyway, good riding and I wish you the best of luck in your aneros journey!

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Thank you.. Can you point me in the direction of some good binaural beats the worked for you? I'll certainly give it a try. Thank you!

I briefly tried my Revo Stealth again and honestly, I just think it's took big for me. There's certainly no mistake when it's inserted but my ass is a little sore afterwards and it just always feels like to much. I also can't change positions with it inserted comfortably.

I'll continue with the Helix Syn Trident for a while and see where it gets me. I'll focus on relaxing, breathing and trying to let things take me where they may. I'll also try binaural beats. Recommendations are appreciated! 🙂 Thanks again.

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Hi @Janeros and welcome to the forum!

As I see it, @rumel and @aneros_user49031 already have given you best advice.

Perhaps(!)* one little trick might help you further to initiate better results when using your "tiny" Helix, you still can't really "feel":

Try to do some Kegels to move your Helix, but activate your muscles only at the lowest level you can do it.

As an example let your arm hang loose and only start a minimal effort to move it upwards. Before your biceps can lift your arm, you should already stop the action. Now focus on your biceps and do it again. Try to do less and less and even less until you only can feel a little tension in your biceps but your arm wouldn't move at all.

Then copy this method to activate your pc muscle as subtle as possible. This helps your prostate mind, yes, there must be such a thing, to learn how to use your abdominal muscles.

Now your patience is demanded. Try to do some most subtle muscle contraction, then wait, wait for some buzzing, some new feelings, anything, the more subtle the better. Don't already value the new feelings, only welcome them and tell your prostate, yes, you can have a mind talk with it, you would like to learn more, feel more, learn to know more.

At last let go, let your prostate take over, tell your prostate to take over command and to give you good feelings up to bliss.

Your most difficult challenge finally is to forget anything anyone here has described as his unique experience, all the bliss other guys have written about. It won't be comparable with anything a man, who has rubbed one out for years, all the time focusing alone on his one and only best friend, ever has felt, why any expectations will distract and unsaddle you.

Have a wonderful journey and an enjoyable ride with your Helix, best wishes!

(*see signature)

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Well damn. I suppose i had a little bit of a breakthrough. Nothing earth shattering but definitely in the realm of 'hmmmmmm'. My mind was relatively clear and i tried using my PC muscles gently and holding slightest contractions. Wouldn't you know it? I started to have an involuntary tug of war between my butthole and PC muscles. It didnt really feel like much but i just kinda went with it. I noticed I was holding my breath a bit and became too aware and the involuntaries stopped. I had porn playing with the sound turned of and would just watch a little bit and them let my mind wander a bit and noticed my PC muscles tensed up slightly and felt what i guess would be light p-wave. Again, nothing earth shattering but a certainly a pleasant feeling, however slight. I felt my brain go into 'need to masturbate mode and knew it was time to end the session. It was encouraging, however slight the results were.

Now on to one negative that i experienced. I was beginning to feel a slight discomfort with the perineum tab. Closer to the end of my session, it was noticeable enough to be a distraction. It brought back memories of the Aneros knockoff i owned years back. To be honest, i'm not even sure it's sitting in the right spot. I probed around there with my finger and couldn't necessarily find any spot that felt good when lightly pressed on or stimulated. Also, at no point was I contracting my PC muscles hard enough to cause excessive pressure between the p-tab and my taint. I realize that the syn models are softer in this regard but I can still feel mine and can see this becoming a distraction. Is there any way to remedy this on the Helix Syn Trident? Advice?

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Can you point me in the direction of some good binaural beats the worked for you?

You may want to check out the threads -> The Aneros Audio Experiment & The Erotic Audio Challenge for some binaural beat suggestions, may I also suggest you take a look at the music selection list in the Muse Music - Aneros Aural Accompaniment group for additional ideas.

Now on to one negative that i experienced. I was beginning to feel a slight discomfort with the perineum tab. Is there any way to remedy this on the Helix Syn Trident? Advice?

The simplest solution is to use a folded up piece of toilet tissue to create additional padding for the P-tab. As you become more experienced and toned up with increased muscle stamina, I think you'll find your perineum will become enured to the P-tab pressure. That perineal pressure may never be enjoyably pleasurable in itself but at some point you may start to feel a kind of secure feeling when it fully engages you in your sessions, kind of like a reassuring hug of support.

Congratulations on tuning into those subtle sensations that your body does generate. Those are the building blocks to the orgasmic house you are constructing, nurture them well and a glorious mansion of pleasure may emerge when you least expect it.
Good Vibes to You !

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Had another session today and wont have a chance to explore again for at least a few days. Today's session was enjoyable and a bit of a surprise. I watched a little porn, relaxed and was able to get those VERY subtle p-waves as in my previous session. Enjoyed those feelings as best I could and at around the 30 min mark, i started to get a little bored but also was getting more aroused by porn and got a half erection. I decided to go with it and managed to have a very strong ejaculation orgasm by contacting my PC muscles and massaging/tugging my balls lightly. I have to admit, it felt pretty awesome.

I gave myself a little break and decided to have another go at it. I figured since I already ejaculated, my mind would be more clear and less focused on my penis. Very light contractions started some involuntaries, muscle twitches and like my last session, some VERY subtle p-waves. I concentrated on those again and enjoyed them, no matter how slight they felt. Ended the session and enjoyed the ride however subtle it was.

I'd like to get to the point where i could stop using porn as training wheels, as it were. It was most effective with the sound off but I'd still like to eliminate it from my Aneros sessions. I guess I watch a bit too much porn and this seems like a great way to curb my appetite.

I still havent tried the binaural beats. That's next on the list.

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Sounds like you are off to a good start.

Instead of porn, I have found that still photos give me a nice arousal nudge during my sessions, without undue distractions.
Try and

For audio try youtube biaurals, or hypno-arousal also on youtube (so many types hard to know what works best for you).
ShibbySays has a nice varity of tracks that are popular here.

All above are free and no registration required.

Maybe best for us Aneros-ians, you can purchase from Aneros; [h=2]HypnAerosession[/h] Put together by some of the Aneros Guru's. Gentle suggestions/hypnosis combined with biurals, background sex sounds and subliminal suggestions.
Many here find this a very effective arousal aid.

Relax, play, go with every buzz, tickle, throb and try to not chase them away.

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Hi @Janeros, only my two cents here, mind my signature.

Had another session today and won't have a chance to explore again for at least a few days.

The best I have done for my awesome progress has been, to take some timeouts now and then.

a bit of a surprise

... might be an understatement concerning your reward.

I started to get a little bored

That's always been the best time for me to end any session or even to start a few days of timeout.

got a half erection.

I only focus on the buzzing in my prostate and on the blissful vibes in my whole body. The best way to the realm of real bliss for me has been to take no account of my penis and especially of my erection. It doesn't count whether he's hard or flaccid. In my sessions he sometimes becomes aching hard, then again goes fully flaccid, nevertheless often leaking quite a lot of precum.

I figured since I already ejaculated, my mind would be more clear and less focused on my penis.

Ruined orgasms make my favorite technique to release some pressure but keep my arousal high.

I guess I watch a bit too much porn and this seems like a great way to curb my appetite.

Porn I often use to initiate some arousal, but then I switch off the screen and envision my own porn fantasies along with some caressing of my nipples or whatever. And then my prostate takes over and my session becomes great.

I still havent tried the binaural beats. That's next on the list.

If you like to give a little femdom talk a try, as @p38 mentioned, Shibby has some good stuff to offer (a lot for free). Giving in to her hypnotic orders helped me a lot with learning to let go and finally let my prostate take over command.

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Your report makes me believe you're on your path.

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Had a short relaxing session today. While relaxing and doing the 'do nothing' approach, I was able to enjoy some subtle waves and that was about it. I also noticed a pleasurable feeling coming from behind my balls when LIGHTLY pulling on them. If I pull too hard or long it feels a bit unpleasant. It's a very similar feeling as if i were to contract my PC muscles with the Helix inserted while aroused. Or maybe even like the feeling right before you ejaculate but not quite at the PONR. It feels really good but more in a traditional orgasm way! I could probably ejaculate (traditionally) every time i do this if i was really aroused but it'd take a while.

What makes tugging on my balls feel so good? Is that somehow making the Helix contact my p-spot more directly?

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The experts here have said just about everything I can think of. I learned from them slowly over years. It really does sound like you are making good progress. Remember, it's a journey you embark on with your body and there is no exact template for success. But from what you say, you are doing better than was I after many years of frustration. With that said, I think the post about ruined orgasm might have slipped by. There is a way to let cum out without triggering the full hormonal cascade and the libido draining that happens with a traditional orgasm. It "lowers the pressure". It does take work and is totally opposed to our desire to quickly cum. I've managed ruined orgasms a handful of times. Cum comes out in a steady stream, no pulsing or spurting, or intense contractions. It feels really good and will be messy. But in the end, it's incredibly frustrating. Done right, one is still horny as fuck but the pressure is less. Makes no sense unless you've managed to do it.

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Practice makes perfect and sometimes less is more. I play guitar and will struggle over a new piece of
music for hours sometimes. If I get away from it and the guitar for a couple days a lot of times I find
it's a lot easier when I come back to it. It's like the wiring just needed to settle in.

I was reading an article about binaural beats. This concept was discovered back in the mid-1800's and
WILL affect your brain.

Not wanting to burst anyone's bubble but... The tracks on YouTube are made by who? What's their
experience with the science? Who was it tested on to make sure it does what the poster says it
does? I'm sure a lot of these are just snake oil. I have a Schumann Resonance track I listen to to
relax and that's about it.

What gets me going? Female orgasm audio. After I've had a session I can play one of these and almost have another


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