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The dilemma

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One of the reasons I bought Aneros was coz I'd read somewhere that prostate cancer was one of the biggest killers for men, especially starting from around 40 and then the percentage goes up to around 100% around 90(is this true???)!! if you're fortunate enough to reach that age.

I'm still not really sure if the Aneros actually prevents prostate cancer or just reduces the chance?either way a win-win situation.

After my positive experiences I really feel compelled to spread the Aneros Gospel to the world.

One person I'd really like to let in on 'the secret' is my father, but it's such a taboo, I really can't speak about anything sexual with my family.

It's maybe also the way the Aneros is marketed(male g-spot). See, I'd like to get round this by giving a medical device that increases prostate health, but even that is dodgy.

It's amazing that something that would probably improve the relationship between my parents and give my father all these health benifits I can't seem to do coz by doing it I'm more or less telling my parents what I'm into.....some 'don't ask don't tell homo-erotic dildo'- thing

My father is also at an age that he's increasingly at risk and it's really weighing on me that I possibly can't save my fathers life coz I'm too ashamed to implicate myself 🙁


Tips? a way around this dilemma?

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High Island Health LLC is the parent company & manufacturer of the Aneros® brand of prostate massagers. This patented device was originally and is currently offered for sale as the Pro-State® line of massagers on the High Island Health website. The HIH website is primarily oriented toward the health aspects and benefits of prostate massage in accord with eastern medicine for prostate related issues. A forum for users to discuss practice with these devices also exists on that website, I encourage you to check out and introduce your father to that site to learn more about the health benefits. Also there is an ongoing Columbia Medical School study using the Pro-State massagers for treating symptoms related to prostatitis and BPH. He can read testimonials from users regarding their health related experiences utilizing these massagers.

The Aneros® website, by contrast, is oriented toward the sensual pleasure aspects of prostate massage. If you were to introduce your Dad to the HIH site, I think he would eventually find his way over here to the Aneros site and learn about the fun aspects.

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Thanks Rumel!

That's what I need. A PS X(=Helix?) then I can perhaps give it as an innocent medical device. The only problem now is finding an outlet in Europe that sells them as medical device as I don't have a credit card, sexshops abound....

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This is my 4th attempt to post this due to log in problems.

I know your dilemma only too well Helixer.
Last year my neighbour told me he had a prostate examination and all was well.
He said his son was having problems with his prostate.
I said an old school friend had problems as well but he had got some help.
I sent my neighbour the High Island Health web address the next day.
I have heard nothing since.

Late last year my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
That was a shock to the system.
I can only think that the time difference between me finding out about the Aneros and his diagnosis was too small to make any difference.
Can any of the Aneros products help with an existing condition ?

The only thing I can do is inform my brother, brother in law and my friends
about HIH.
Not so easy as the Homo erotic dildo mindset is bound to raise its ugly head.

If I have a dud session I console myself with the thought that it has done my prostate some good. This is its prime function, right.
Who am I kidding. LOL

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Hmm, this is certainly a tough situation. Id say maybe bring it up and ask if they have heard of it or something. If they respond poorly Id suggest waiting a bit. Talk about how its not a sex toy, but how it was designed to treat prostate problems. Id say that first.

Ive talked about it some with my family. It gets easier the more you do it.

Good luck!

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